m68030 Posted June 3, 2002 Posted June 3, 2002 Xenogears 'Broken Mirror Reflection' Wow. This one just blew me away. It's beautiful. The gapped vocals and sweeping cold pads mix with the throbbing bass line perfectly. The piano support under her voice just makes this a solid solid mix that I will sing along with (very poorly) any day. Excellent work on this one. Quote
orkybash Posted June 9, 2002 Posted June 9, 2002 This is quite possibly my favorite remix on this site. You ought to be ashamed of yourself for reading this if you haven't hit download yet. Quote
Ice Blue Posted July 22, 2002 Posted July 22, 2002 I'm no music expert. I wish I could do what these guys do. Small Two of Pieces is probably my favorite video game song ever. This is the best ReMiX on the site, hands down. Quote
Deryck Khusial Posted August 8, 2002 Posted August 8, 2002 eat your heart out celine dion. now This is the ultimate love(/dance) song. excellent midbreak Quote
TheWired Posted August 8, 2002 Posted August 8, 2002 Alexander Prievert blows OCR with a beautifull remix of an originally amazing track, it was a risky leap of faith , but this song has gotten one o the best sounds hitting OCR in a while. This is comparable to some of the best stuff here. Lets start with the utter basics : the beautifully played piano goes well along with the song, with the remixed vocals at a .1 second cut, and some fade-out and block filters on top of it, the voice sounds just perfect as it did on the orignal mix. A good outro throbbing bassline near the end, this mix takes all the essential elements of the song, adds some extra talent to it screams out "artistic values!" Alexander Prievert's Broken mirror is a must-have to all OCR fans. Quote
Sephka Posted August 14, 2002 Posted August 14, 2002 Jeez. When I read djpretzel's review I thought I'd be getting a good remix. I was totally wrong! It's not good at all; it's great! It's one of the best remixes I've heard from this site (And that's saying something). The vocalization is superb, not to mention the song itself! Absolute perfection! Beautiful! I'll be listening to this one for a while too. Damn. I never thought I'd hear something like this! I give it 11 out of 10! Quote
Ice Blue Posted August 21, 2002 Posted August 21, 2002 Jeez. When I read djpretzel's review I thought I'd be getting a good remix. I was totally wrong! It's not good at all; it's great! It's one of the best remixes I've heard from this site (And that's saying something). The vocalization is superb, not to mention the song itself! Absolute perfection! Beautiful! I'll be listening to this one for a while too.Damn. I never thought I'd hear something like this! I give it 11 out of 10! By vocalization, I assume you mean he created the voice sample. Actually that was originally in the song. I love the song... more than the original, I think. But you have to give some credit to the original singer. Joanne Hogg... or something like that. Quote
esden9 Posted September 20, 2002 Posted September 20, 2002 This song is so good and cheesy. At first I didn't like it because it was so vocal. But then I listened to it a bunch more times (on my playlist) and it just grew on me. The timing is great. The builds are subtle yet incredibly effective, I love the pause after the intro at 1:22 and subsequent build. The synth goes along perfectly with the vocals after this. The ending is awesome, with the delay on the vocals being absolutely scrumptious. Quote
PerLichtman Posted October 23, 2002 Posted October 23, 2002 As a change of pace, we have an actual remix as opposed to arrangement/cover to discuss today. Now a lot of you are probably thinking: "How good could it be? The remixer didn't have access to the original isolated tracks or samples?" That's a valid concern that is best addressed in the following manner: Prievert has so masterfully blended together together the original instrumentation with new and carefully chosen synths, filtering, gating and eq-ing in an extremely artistic and effective manner. This remix is arguably much better than the arranged original and differs significantly enough to be played directly on a playlist without complaints. It has the qualities shared by my favorite mixes: it's emotionally powerful, skillfully mixed, artisticly enticing and has an epic or timeless quality. A worthy addition to any listner's library and another entry in Per Lichtman's growing list of Must Listen picks. 5 Stars Per's OCR Star System: 5-One of my favorites. 4- I'll listen to it a fair amount but it lacks that extra "something" to be great. 3- Above average but not enough so to get much playtime in my list. 2- Average 1- Lacking Quote
Jugulator Posted October 25, 2002 Posted October 25, 2002 I agree with you guys, this is definitely the best remix I`ve downloaded from this site! It`s perfect, nothing more to say really Quote
Figo Posted October 25, 2002 Posted October 25, 2002 I just love the original song but definetl the remix is superior!! the best one here!! Quote
Gee-chan Posted October 30, 2002 Posted October 30, 2002 This is definitely a great song! It's one of my all time favorites. It's beautiful and the music/pace blends perfectly with the singer. It actually made me go and listen to the original song and while that song is nice, this one is better, in my opinion. Very lovely. Quote
Zerrus McGaelic Posted February 5, 2003 Posted February 5, 2003 The first thing tha hits me as I listen to this great peice of music is the voice. The generation used is near, of not perfect. This twist and turn of a already great song from a good game is phononimal. The tune flows perfectly as the voice tips it off like a kinife through butter. Over all, (since I write semi long game reviews on my gaming board, ill make my music reviews short) this tune is a must listen to and must burn. This tip top tune ills the ears of punk rockers to classical listeners with joy and victory. If you have to download one song then this is it. Chaos's Review: 10/10 Quote
ZidaRose Posted February 5, 2003 Posted February 5, 2003 The piano, the vocalization ... I am blown away and my spelling is going down the crapper, speachless isn't spelled like that. The slight work on the voice along with ALL the other music just goes to make one awesome mix. The piano is there just enough to be heard and have the effect I feel normally only when I'M playing the thing. Beautiful is the best word I have to describe this track. Damn, gives rivally if not blowing the other beloved tracks out of the water in this area. This is the OPENING TRACK for the next CD I make! Wow ... Ok, look, if you haven't DLed this track and you like sweet, new age classical (at least that's how I'd describe this), WTF are you waiting for!?! GET IT!!!! A first time for everything ... that's all I gotta say Zidarose Edit: Does anyone know where I could get the lyrics to the song? Edit 2: Xenogears ... must resist urge to buy game... will power fading ... Quote
Bagel Fuzzynuts Posted February 6, 2003 Posted February 6, 2003 Wow, this mix was amazing! Are there any other mixes on this site that have vocals like that? *request* Not a whole lot of remixes on this site have vocals, but this one blew me away and I'm hoping for another taste! Quote
VampHunterD Posted March 4, 2003 Posted March 4, 2003 seeing so much good reviews makes me wanna listen to this thing except theres a problem i get this error after downloading *No combination of filters could be found to render the stream* sucks huh. Quote
GrayLightning Posted March 4, 2003 Posted March 4, 2003 Very, very nice. This has definitely stood up to the test of time. Everything else everyone has said is true. On the other hand I think, this is very much dependent on the excellent source material (Joanne Hogg's voice from the xenogears soundtrack). Anything with her voice is bound to be good. I still prefer the original much more, but this is still a very high quality mix. Excellent work given the difficult source material. Quote
Kylin Rouge Posted March 4, 2003 Posted March 4, 2003 This remix isn't anything that special, I don't know what you guys are talking about. I mean, when I hear a remix, I expect to hear something that totally changes the original song and makes it something amazing. Example: The 5 second Gato song was turned into a 5 minute song. Here we have an already great song being edited around. If the original was better, then how is this deemed so great? It's still good, because it must've taken the creator some effort to make the slight changes to the song, but I still say this isn't so noteworthy of praise as other songs that completely revamp SNES themes. Quote
elman Posted March 8, 2003 Posted March 8, 2003 11/10 AWESOME!!! There's a funny story behind how I first attained your remix. I was searching on Kazaa one day for the original, and found yours. Looking at the "Artist" section I said, "So Alex Prievert is her name, huh? She's a pretty good singer!" After playing it I realised this wasn't the one in Xenogears. "Hmmm... this must be the original. Why would they remix it? They should have had THIS one in the game!" Four months later I find out the real artist's name in Joanne Hogg and your version was the remix. Long story short, I thought your remix was FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRR better than the orignal. Quote
ffmusic dj Posted September 30, 2003 Posted September 30, 2003 this is such a bad peice ... but back then .. OMG ... this was the SHIZA! this situation is kinda like when Mario 64 came out, it rocked, but now it sux, what horrible graphic's! but let me tell you, it wasnt the graphic's that made Mario 64 what it is, it was just the feel of the game, the fun factor! and this song is in exactly the same situation! am amazing song! composed in such a beautiful way! man was this inspirational! I LOVED this song back then. now I look back and say .. wow did I really like this song?! and I answered my self by saying ... yes .... yes man yes! Quote
Isk Posted October 2, 2003 Posted October 2, 2003 Bumpin, the way electronica should be. I actually started liking the original more after hearing this remix. Great variation of beats, synths, and muted/obscured vocals. The girls who hear this really like it. =P Quote
Chibi-Bob Posted March 7, 2004 Posted March 7, 2004 Oh. My. God. Can you say orgasmic? I only began playing Xenogears last night, so I decided to nab me some remixes. I saw this one and was like, "Pretty title, maybe I'll download it." Thank the gods I did. I am in pure bliss. Quote
Phoenixero Posted March 16, 2004 Posted March 16, 2004 Oh my god, this song is so beautiful! Hands down this is my favorite of everything on the site. I haven't even beat Xenogears completely yet, I'm leveling up before the final boss, so I hope this awesome remix doesn't spoil the ending song for me ^^' But wow this is truely an amazing piece of work. I'd have to say that I loved it more than Jeremy Soule's Terra ReMix. It's just so epic sounding, I can't believe it's not professional. Wow. Beautiful job, Alexander!!!!!! Quote
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