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OverClocked ReMix Re-Theming - Dark Skin Updated: 2021-07-02


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Thanks for all the work you put into this Rama. How about a Wii theme for the OCR Forums? I don't think it'd be that hard considering the colors for the forums already look a bit Wii'ish except I'd like to see more dark grays. I seriously had to put the brightness down on my screen when I was using the default theme. Anyway a Wii theme with jelly'ish buttons like on the Wii interface would be pretty sweet!

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Made a few more image replacements (topic icons and smileys best I can), I also made a few other code clean ups, most notable:

-I changed the table background color from white to black for the FORUMs only. This means you no longer have to be running the main black theme for the forums theme to look right.

-Found and eliminated the line that was making Stylish give the error message.

Full list of changes can be found in the first post or the chang log in the style.

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Expected color but found '#8d8c92repeat-x'. Expected end of value for property but found '#8d8c92repeat-x'. Error in parsing value for property 'background'. Declaration dropped.

And yes, that's with the updated code.

Ah.. looks like the code hasn't updated on the site yet, that's why..

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Alright, that did indeed seem to fix it up. Unfortunately, you do need to have both scripts running if you don't want everything outside the forum region of the page itself, turn out white and ugly and stuff.

Fortunately, AFAIK, it doesn't matter, because it doesn't seem to slow anything down.

Any chance of removing the banner from the reply field, or maybe move it down, or something? Makes it kinda hard to read what I'm typing, when I have that in the way. :)

Either way, good work. :)

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The "New Posts/No New Posts" button suddenly went fuxx0red on my add-on. A reboot of firefox didn't solve the problem.

Does anybody else have this problem? Can someone help.

Hang on, I'll post a screen.

With Original skin:


Without Original skin:


Both have the vBulletin update but aren't working properly.

(Sorry about the serious lag: I forgot fotofuckitup doesn't like bmp.)

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Well, what I MEANT was the FORUMS looks OK as is, the rest of the site is completely unaltered. Which basically means as a legitamate forum theme it's OK. Of course it's best used with the maintheme as well.

Also: I don't quite understand your question about the banner and the reply field. Got a screen?

How's this for a screen of what I mean? Kinda hard to miss the banner now, isn't it? :P


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The "New Posts/No New Posts" button suddenly went fuxx0red on my add-on. A reboot of firefox didn't solve the problem.

Does anybody else have this problem? Can someone help.

Hang on, I'll post a screen.

With Original skin:


Without Original skin:


Both have the vBulletin update but aren't working properly.

(Sorry about the serious lag: I forgot fotofuckitup doesn't like bmp.)

Same thing happened here.

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Thanks for affirmation.

Can we get this problem adressed?

Looks like DJP made some updates, anyway THAT is fixed, but...

I have absolutely NO CLUE what's causing that. It doesn't happen for me and SHOUOLD'NT be happening at ALL.

The banner is ONLY the background image for the BODY tag and the BODY tag online. In fact stuff in the INPUT boxes are styled something completely different. Since I'm not seeing it, it's gonna be pretty hard for me to get to the bottom of, but I've added a few things that MIGHT work.

Edit: Looks like userStyles is broken right now, in the meantime manually update using this:


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Cheers man, this is sweet. No problems here. Can we expect to see the Edit, Quote, Multi-Quote and Quick Reply buttons done in the same way as the Post Reply button? That'd be cool.

Also, if anyone wants to use a different header, here's one I did quickly:


I'm gonna wait and see if DJP changes them, and maybe style them alittle more according to that, because I really do like what he did with the post / topic reply button.

userStyles are down and I'm in need for a copy of the main style for Dark OCR.


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I have absolutely NO CLUE what's causing that. It doesn't happen for me and SHOUOLD'NT be happening at ALL.

The banner is ONLY the background image for the BODY tag and the BODY tag online. In fact stuff in the INPUT boxes are styled something completely different. Since I'm not seeing it, it's gonna be pretty hard for me to get to the bottom of, but I've added a few things that MIGHT work.

Edit: Looks like userStyles is broken right now, in the meantime manually update using this:


Hmm..... Maybe if I updated all of my script thingies, it would work.

Does someone have a link for all of the newest versions for these things?

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Yup, I'm using the Advanced Editor right now and I get the same problem. The problem is with the editor and there's nothing I can do about that. My recommendation is that you just use the STANDARD Editor (not to be confused with the simple editor) as I REALLY don't see much of a difference betweent he Standard and the Advanced right now.

Oh wait, this is WYSIWYG where as the Standard Editor shows the code and you have to preview to see the changes. Well in any case, nothing I can do that I KNOW of. I'll look for a fix but in the meantime use the Standard Editor or deal.

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