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No thread for this yet? I just got it today. I played the original FFV in earnest on an emulator maybe... 9 years ago, so I only vaguely remember the story. Never beat it, either. Then when the PSX remake came out, I picked that up, but load times kind of dragged down the whole experience.

Anyone have any thoughts? I noticed (so far) that there appears to be no slowdown like in FFIV Advance, which is cool. Bodes well for FFVI. :)


I thought the load times on the PSX remake were pretty bad too, but I eventually finished it. While the story could've been a little better, I really liked the class system (which was kinda reminiscent of FF3), and the soundtrack is one of my favorites in the Final Fantasy series.

I've never played the GBA remake, but I've been wanting to give it a try. The ports of Final Fantasy 1,2, and 3 were all great, so I know I'll like the port for 5. I just don't know if it'd be worth buying if I already own the PSX version, but knowing how Square-Enix likes to put a lot of time into their remakes, it would probably be worth it just for the added features and updates alone.

Bodes well for FFVI. :)

FFVI would be awesome on GBA or DS, but I'm naively hoping for a port of Chrono Trigger, or better yet, Radical Dreamers. :D

FFVI has already been remade for GBA. It will reach America in the first week of February. Well, not so much remade as ported with lower sound quality but a few extras. I think there will be a few more espers.

Wow... I really need to keep up with things.

I searched around for it and saw some screens and, like you said, it doesn't really look like a remake at all, actaully it doesn't really look much different from the SNES version. Of course, considering how great FFVI was, that's not really a bad thing. :D


I beat the game proper and mastered all the job classes available (all but 1, the Necromancer). However, the optional dungeon's encounter rate is WAY too goddamn high, the enemies are cheapasses (Behemoths that cast Meteor upon dying, for example), and most don't offer any experience, just job points. Which are useless to me right now since I mastered every job with every character except the Necromancer... which I can't even get until I finish this evil, evil optional dungeon.

That said, I was shocked how much more enjoyable the game is when the battles are faster and the translation doesn't suck. "Knights do it 2-handed" is a phrase that will forever be scorched into my memory.


I haven't seena ny slowdown yet, but I'm playing on a DS instead of a GBA, so that might make all the difference.

Great game so far, although there's nothing really new until later in the game, besides updated dialogue. Some of it is really quite funny, actually, like the kid in Tule running around the garden who says "Spinny spinny spinny whee! I'm going to throw up but it's so much fun", and the other kid in Tule who wants to be a bard and makes some song that almost sounds like a rap about the monster sealed in the canal.

i was about to bought it' date=' and my eyes slipped to FFIII, so i bought ffIII instead.[/quote']

I'm pretty "meh" to that of FFIII.I simply prefer the job system of FFV,since it doesn't give you a swift kick in the balls if you changed your job,also you have the ability to combine specific abilitys with other jobs (Mystic Knight + Two Handed + Excalibur ftw.)

Also,I've had to level up for several of the bosses playing the game regularily,which is quite the turnoff.

Also the only slowdown I experienced was that of the last boss.Which shouldn't be too surprising,Since theres so much flashing going on.(I still believe that FFIV's last boss background was pretty nifty.)

Anyway,I just have to pick up Dawn of Souls and FFVI and I'll have all of the NES-SNES era FF's on the GBA/DS.


I played this game on emulator way before FF3 DS was even a twinkle in Squeenix's eye. It's much better, Galuf rules, and yeah. That's pretty much all you need to know.

P.S. Mime ftw.

P.P.S. OMG Gilgamesh!


I think one thing to note about the difference between FF6 and FF3 is how FF3 rewards you for keeping with one job for a long time while FF6 rewards you for switching around constantly. I remember playing FF5 on an emulator years ago and mastered just a couple of classes within the first couple of hours of gameplay, but this time I'm switching around a lot and finding it a lot more enjoyable and rewarding (a monk who can do 200 damage in one round and cast white magic? A Mystic Knight with two handed? Awesomeness).


i got ff 1/2:dawn of souls(ff1 being my fave on it, ff2 is just out there), ff3 for ds(i just bought it, not really my fave, would have preferred being on the gba) and then ff4-ff12 on psx/ps2. i'm thinkin of buyin ff4/ff5 for the gba(especially since i recently got a micro) this weekend. The reason for this being is i'm tryin to beat all the "numerical" ff games this year(ff1-ff12, mystic quest doesn't count, legend doesn't count, tactics doesn't count, and ff11 doesn't cuz its online and never ending).

anyways i think i got off topic but, yeah waitin for ff6 and chrono trigger for gba advance(please not ds, keep it cool and old school!)

anyways i think i got off topic but, yeah waitin for ff6 and chrono trigger for gba advance(please not ds, keep it cool and old school!)

I personally have been enjoying FFIII, so if they were to remake Chrono Trigger in a similar way I'd be ok with it. If they were to just throw a port onto the GBA, DS, or VC instead of doing a remake I'd buy it too. It's probably my favorite RPG (and it doesn't so much have that nostalgia factor as I only played it for the first time 4-ish years ago), so no matter what they choose to do with it, if it hits market again I'm buying it.

Anyway, of the GBA FFs, I only played Dawn of Souls thus far, but eventually I'll be getting FFIV and V (and VI when it comes out). Once I beat the games I've been playing, I'm probably gonna move on to those.


What's nice about the job system is after you master jobs and choose freelancer as a job(or mimic), you get stat bonuses, certain passive skills, and you get to choose which other 2 actions you want.


Actually, Chrono Trigger for the DS wouldn't be that bad. For starters, you don't have to use the touch screen for anything. It's just there.

I could see CT keeping everything completely intact. The only real change would be switching the menu screens to the bottom, and making them touch based. Just pause the top screen where all the game action take place (maybe gray it out a bit).

The game would still be played using the same buttons and commands.

Actually, Chrono Trigger for the DS wouldn't be that bad. For starters, you don't have to use the touch screen for anything. It's just there.

I could see CT keeping everything completely intact. The only real change would be switching the menu screens to the bottom, and making them touch based. Just pause the top screen where all the game action take place (maybe gray it out a bit).

The game would still be played using the same buttons and commands.

See thats the thing. for FF3 i was very dissapointed in having a black screen while i'm in a battle. They could have put like..your stats or like...i dunno sumthin but just dont leave it blank.

Yeah you're right, no matter what, if they bring Chrono Trigger or any other FF based game either to the gba/ds/vc/whatever, i'd still get it too. I mean come on, its final fantasy/chrono trigger!

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