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Yesterday I compiled a list of every console game I've played (that I remember) for any decent amount of time.

The list can be found here. Yeah, I've played a lot of games ;)

What I'm asking, is that if you see any glaring omissions from my list, great games I've missed out on, do tell! I'm open to all genres. Systems other than those I already own are a bit more tricky, but all suggestions are welcome.

I don't want this to turn into a favorites thread, so don't bash anyone's opinions or suggestions, or act like yours are better than everyone else's.


A shame you don't own a PS2 at least, many, many great games you have missed on both the PS2 and PSone. For Sega CD, definitely Snatcher. That's the game that made me want a Sega CD (I got the CDX to save space and it sounds cool).

SNES, I see a glaring omission of Earthbound, Tetris Attack, Kirby Superstar, Actraiser, Demon's Crest, Metal Warriors and many more I'm sure.


OK, so I'm missing out games for consoles you haven't got (Namely Dreamcast, Saturn, Megadrive, PS1 and PS2, which, with the exception of the PS2 you can pick up in fairly good condition for fairly cheap).

Final Fantasy 5 (SNES)

Afterburner 2 (Genesis)

Outrun (Genesis)

Space Harrier (Genesis)

Lunar (Sega CD)

Snatcher (Sega CD)

Lylat Wars/Star Fox 64 (N64)

Megaman Zero 3 (GBA)

Phoenix Wright 2 (The full name currently doesn't spring to mind) (NDS).

And at least get yourself a dreamcast.

EDIT - Oh, and the SNES stuff Citan mentioned. I feel like an idiot for not mentioning Earthbound.

Wait I casually skimmed through the list and went straight to point out Metroid: Zero Mission, yet I just realized you haven't yet played SUPER METROID!? Get outta town!
D'oh! Was building the list from memory, knew I forgot to add a few. Of course I've played SM. Fixed now.


Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse

Gargoyle's Quest II


Batman: Return of the Joker

Heavy Barrel

Dragon Warrior

Dragon Warrior II

Dragon Warrior III

Dragon Warrior IV

Metal Storm

Ghosts 'N Goblins

Burai Fighter


Gun Nac

Guardian Legend

Ninja Gaiden

Ninja Gaiden II

Ninja Gaiden III

Tetris (Tengen version)


Demon's Crest

Castlevania IV

Castlevania: Dracula X

R-Type III: The Third Lightning

Super R-Type

Metal Warriors


Sky Blazer


Actraiser II

Super Turrican

Super Turrican II

Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts

Ninja Warriors

Space Megaforce

Super Metroid

Sunset Riders

UN Squadron

The King of Dragons




Thunder Force II

Thunder Force III

Lightening Force (aka Thunder Force IV)

Contra Hard Corps

Castlevania: Bloodlines

Rocket Knight Adventures


Phantasy Star II

Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom

Phantasy Star IV: End of the Millenium


Whip Rush


After Burner II

Ghouls 'N Ghosts




El Viento

Sol Deace

Streets of Rage

Streets of Rage 2

Streets of Rage 3

Red Zone

Revenge of Shinobi

Shinobi III

Shadow Dancer

Sub Terrenia

Ranger X

Elemental Master

Shining Force

Shining Force II

Shining in the Darkness

Golden Axe

Golden Axe II



Forgotten Worlds

Flashback: The Quest for Identity

Dragon's Fury

Earthworm Jim

Earthworm Jim 2

Beyond Oasis


The Adventures of Batman and Robin


Alisia Dragoon

Bio Hazard Battle

Robocop vs Terminator

Rolling Thunder 2

Rolling Thunder 3

Splatterhouse 2

Splatterhouse 3

Star Control

Steel Empire

Mega Turrican



Midnight Resistance


Vectorman 2


Mystic Defender

Super Baseball 2020

Lion King



Herzog Zwei



Master of Monsters

Desert Strike

Jungle Strike

Urban Strike


Wings of Wor

TMNT: Hyperstone Heist

Sword of Vermillion


-Sega CD-

Sonic CD


Shining Force CD

Earthworm Jim: Special Edition

Dungeon Explorer II

Lords of Thunder

Android Assault

Final Fight CD

Dark Wizard

Lunar: The Silver Star

Popful Mail

Eternal Champions: Challenge From the Dark Side

Robo Aleste

Soul Star

The Terminator

-GB & GBC-

MegaMan Xtreme

MegaMan Xtreme 2


R-Type DX

Gradius: Interstellar Assault

Castlevania Adventure

Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge

Castlevania III: Legends

Metroid II

Blaster Master: Enemy Below

Gargoyle's Quest


Sonic Advance 3

Gradius Galaxies


Iridion II

Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon

Shining Soul

Shining Soul II

Sigma Star Saga

Astro Boy

Gunstar Super Heroes

Metal Slug Advance

Metroid: Zero Mission

MegaMan Zero

MegaMan Zero 2

MegaMan Zero 3

MegaMan Zero 4

MegaMan & Bass

Pinball of the Dead

Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (it's a bit different from the SNES version)


As dumb as it may sound, I only recommend games I've actually played all the way through (or at least well into them). I don't trust reviews all that much, as they're often all over the board when you go from site to site. So I just stick to listing games I have experience with. That's why titles like the Final Fantasies, Lunar 2 (Sega CD) and such aren't listed in my post.

And speaking of which, a few more forgotten ones...


Blaster Master





Super C




-Sega CD-

Ecco the Dolphin

Ecco: The Tides of Time

Heart of the Alien (Out of This World 1+2)


AH3 Thunderstrike


Valis III



The Immortal


Soldiers of Fortune

Space Invaders '91

Toejam & Earl

Toejam & Earl 2: Panic on Funkotron

Vapor Trail

Gauntlet IV

Gain Ground

Raiden Trad

Fire Shark

Skeleton Krew

Blaster Master 2

Dune: The Battle For Arrakis

Cyborg Justice


King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood

King of Fighters EX2: Howling Blood

And if you're up for some import titles (which can be played using a Game Genie)...


Thunder Force IV

Undead Line

Alien Soldier


Super Fantasy Zone

Eliminate Down

Gley Lancer

Monster World IV

Twin Hawk (Daisenpuu)

As dumb as it may sound, I only recommend games I've actually played all the way through (or at least well into them). I don't trust reviews all that much, as they're often all over the board when you go from site to site.

My problem with review sites are that they're not honest about problems with games, or try to hide the most notable ones. That's why I'm in the process of starting one :grin: .


True. Notice none of them ever talked about the small glitches in Capcom Classics Collection 2, or the weird issue with Joust 2's title screen on the XBox version of Midway Arcade Treasures 1. Or the huge, game ending bug in Primal Rage on MAT2 (XBox version). That bothered me quite a bit since they all said how perfect or great the emulation was.

Oh, and I added a few more titles to my second list above. Remembered a few others while I was in the shower.


If you get the ecco the dolphin games you might want to try the genesus version instead, the cd versions have a new level or two that don't particularly add much, and the soundtracks are replaced by mostly ambient junk. (Nothing against ambient, but most the music in the cd versions was...bad).

That's just me though...sometimes the music can break a good game for me...

Ecco games are probably amoung my fav of all time though, they were very different and challengeing for their time, and probably still are now to a certain point, or atleast for people that don't know the ins and outs of the game.

Oh yeah, for the GBA

Golden Sun, only the first one though, the second one didn't really hold up to the original I thought....


Thanks guys for the suggestions - I may look into getting a dreamcast or ps2 to pick up some of the games I missed out on. Aside from that, you've provided lots of titles I can't wait to try.

</thread>. Seriously this time. I've sigged the list; PM me if you have any more suggestions.

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