Wanderer Posted October 29, 2004 Posted October 29, 2004 One of the most definitive video game remixes ever made. Quote
imnuttz Posted December 3, 2004 Posted December 3, 2004 Alright, I registered a username for this site just to come here and tell you how wonderful this song truly is. I've had it on repeat for hours in the two days I've had it. You are amazing and should be getting paid for this!!! Quote
Hyperion5182 Posted December 3, 2004 Posted December 3, 2004 Once again OCRemix brings out the best. I continue to find absoulte gems of songs on here. This is another of what has become a long running history of some of the best music to grace the label of MP3. Quote
Listener Posted January 11, 2005 Posted January 11, 2005 I swear I always tense up from 2:00 to 2:10. The rest o the remix of course causes me to act wierd, like holding my breathe because i dont want any sound to interfere with what im listening to. In my opinion, this IS the best remix on the forum. Quote
darkarchonisme Posted February 5, 2005 Posted February 5, 2005 This is one of m favorie classical mixes to be had here, but I have to ask something. in the segment just after 2:10,and 4:10 I can swear that I'm hearing segments of the xenogeras Yggdrasil theme, the airhsip version. even if it isn't, it still capture that same feel, of boundless hope for the future. very good work my man, We love you! Quote
redchlorine Posted April 22, 2005 Posted April 22, 2005 Wow. Just...wow. I feel like hurting myself for not getting this mix earlier. Great stuff; close to the definition of perfection, IMO. Now the only thing that I'm ticked about is that WMP has decided that it is currently vacation time, so I can't burn it. Waaa! [side note: whoop-dee-doo, my first post! After merely watching the boards, I'm going to be a part of them!] Quote
Mr. Halloween Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 It was something different. I really enjoyied it. 10/10 Quote
Antelucan Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 Now this is what I'd call Music To Save The World To™. Perfect for motivation in the midst of a bad day. Like, now I want to get away from my computer, go outside, and proclaim the goodness of the world. Alas, it is 11:53 and I would probably get arrested for disturbing the peace. I guess I will retire to bed without having put all this inspirational energy to use. Quote
LunatikPandora Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 ^^^ Exactly what I feel man. Listening to this song just brightens my day and gives me that "There's some hope left" feeling if you know what I mean. Quote
Amaranth Posted May 2, 2005 Posted May 2, 2005 Is it just me, or does everyone always seem to remember exactly where they were when they first heard a very memorable song? I can remember where I was; I'd set my Dell Digital Jukebox on shuffle to play all the OCRs while my Dad drove us up to a mountain to go white water rafting last summer. This song came on, and by the time it was thirty seconds in, I knew this was one song I should look into. We were nearing our destination at this point. The night before I had a pretty bad experience being in a fight with somebody I was close to, so I wasn't feeling too good then. The song continued, and it was a weird feeling, but right before when the definitive point of the song started (around 2:07), I stepped out of the car and saw the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, and the music just magically went along right with it. Sounds sorta corny, but I think I may've broken into tears a little bit there. All that bad emotion I had thinking about the night before just disappeared, and I felt.. amazing. That's how damn moving this ocremix is. Quote
K2Grey Posted May 3, 2005 Posted May 3, 2005 Just like everyone else I signed up for forums primarily to praise this song, which I think is the best song I have ever heard. Every time I hear this song on my playlist I immediately cease all activities other than listening, in order to fully appreciate the music. Quote
Super Metal Mario Posted May 4, 2005 Posted May 4, 2005 I love the mix i would like to hear more metal gear mixes from you. Quote
namzycad3 Posted July 9, 2005 Posted July 9, 2005 since metal gear solid and metal gear solid 2, i love almost all the songs in mgs series games, and for me its really excellent, but wallla, i never think that there is remix that far greater than the original, keep up the good work, love the song, 15 out of 10 haha. tumbs up. hope can get the mgs3 theme soon. Quote
Chronodin Posted July 20, 2005 Posted July 20, 2005 I really love this arrangement... it's a great rendition of an already awesome piece. But... Is it just me or is the melody line, well, out of tune at spots? I reviewed the different comments and didn't see anyone else talking about it, but I swear I hear something out of tune. Listen to around 2:22 and 2:25, it's only certain notes. There are a few others, but it's that voice that presents the intonation problems. If that minor flaw was fixed, it would make an already great remix even better. Quote
Myth_Archangel Posted July 22, 2005 Posted July 22, 2005 As I have stated elsehwere, I have ghosted this site for quite some time, and have extensive music knowledge. As such, I get picky as to what remixes I like, and what I don't. There are perhaps 5 tracks from OCremix that I've come to find as astounding. I know it to be especially difficult when attempting to remix more then one game's music together, and tastefully. Most that I've ever heard have wound up sounding like two updated console systems running at the same time and clashing...badly. Honestly, I think this piece was one of the best I have ever heard, and is always at the very top of my playlist. I love the echoey piano contrasting with the brass at the parts where the piece seems to 'recover'. By 'recover' I don't mean it's bad and has to compensate...I mean sonically. Where it comes off of a high crescendo and backs down to a bit more muted and softer tones. These, though, begin to build up again in their own right and ramp into some awesome interplay of vocals, piano, drums, and brass. I was especially appreciative of the cymbalwork at all the right places. To top it all off, the background organ simply fills the empty space to make this an all out, no holds barred, symphonic masterpiece. Add to that that the piece's tone in and of itself seems to be a beautiful mix of a hard beat, uplifiting orchestral, and beautifully placed vocals, this is the one piece that deserves a standing ovation. Incredible work, Jared. Very impressed. Keep it up. Quote
Larryboy Posted August 23, 2005 Posted August 23, 2005 This is a very solid remix. Don't see any "Oscar-quality" in it though... Quote
Nightmare_104 Posted October 4, 2005 Posted October 4, 2005 This Is 1 Of my Personal Favorites of ocremixs. who hasn't ever wanted to hear the 2 best games ever in a music file like this. i say give this man a medal Quote
BlueMage Posted November 11, 2005 Posted November 11, 2005 Prepare for gushing. omghiJaredyouaresoawesomeIloveyouwithmouth. lolkthxbye. Now, in all seriousness. This is a damn superb track. I have NO familiarity with the source material whatsoever. AND I DON'T CARE! It's that good. There are segments when the trumpets take the lead, choir backing directly, and it sounds truly inspirational. Inspirational meaning take-on-the-whole-world-and-win inspirational. Easy 7 (>85%) for you Jared, you musical fucking genius you. Quote
Sorcerer Lance Posted February 11, 2006 Posted February 11, 2006 Absolutely love the choir segments, it really makes the music sound like from some epic movie. Also, I love the sense of a story with a grim start and having it grow into a sense of rising hope and finally peace. I definately look forward for more of the same ^^ Quote
I_Love_OC_ReMixes Posted February 12, 2006 Posted February 12, 2006 it's a decent mix, no way near my favs though. It's alright, it's solid and consistent, it's got flow and isn't totally crapping random out everywhere, which is a + but it doesn't cut it for me. I prefer the original MGS2 theme to this, but it's still ok I guess. well the way I see it the only thing I actually liked was the MGS2 theme, but then again since this is a remix based off the MGS2 theme anyway then I can't say much about the rest of the remix. (considering the fact that the only part in this mix that I like was straight from the MGS2 theme itself) not to diss, I'm just saying that's all. Keep up the work though And P.S. To ALL the people saying "Yeah good tune. And I haven't even played the Game. and I DONT CARE YAY!" I can't believe this! It's METAL GEAR SOLID ffs!! You're missing out on the best of the best games.... ever. Especially MGS 1-2, cream of the crop. I suggest you play these 2 definite, and maybe try MGS3 afterwards. (MGS3 doesn't compare much to MGS1 and 2 IMO - but MGS4 looks neat. I hope it lives up to the first 2 gems) Quote
zyxomma100 Posted March 7, 2006 Posted March 7, 2006 The first time I listened to this song, I actually hated it. I was looking for the MGS2 soundtrack, and found this song at some random website. I d/led it, played it, and said that it could never compare to the original. I almost deleted it. Then, a few days later, I played it again. I still said I hated it. But I played it again. By that night I'd listened to it for at least two hours straight. My hat's off to you, Jared Hudson. 5/5, easily my favorite ReMix on the site. Quote
Blitz-Ace Posted March 21, 2006 Posted March 21, 2006 Metal Gear themes just shouldnt be messed with unless done proparly... This one got close (closer then most) yet stil failed due to the fealing of empytness you got when you listened to it... Quote
Fizziks Posted May 8, 2006 Posted May 8, 2006 Without a doubt this is one of the best remixes to have passed through my ears. It is extremely well done, and is easily one of my favourite (if not absolute favourite) remixes on this site. Jared definitely deserves some huge props for this remix. I'll be honest though, I actually have something admit in this post. One of my recent hobbies is to take clips from TV shows (specifically sci-fi shows) and re-edit them into a music video. For some time, I had been looking for a song that would be great for my next video (which will consist of clips from Stargate: Atlantis). When I heard Jared's Metal Gear May Cry (Remastered), it was like a hundred light bulbs turning on in my head. Not only was this song great for my video, it was PERFECT! So after much effort, I want to show you guys the video that I made, but first let me mention three things: 1. Jared Hudson, of course, gets full credit for the music in this video. 2. This video does contain spoilers to those who have not seen Stargate: Atlantis season 2, so heads up. 3. When you play this music video, be sure to turn up the volume and bass for full enjoyment! Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGltpA7QKVU Again, my hat goes off to you Jared. Fantastic work! And if you see this video, I hope you enjoy it! Quote
Darth Mamdouh Posted May 14, 2006 Posted May 14, 2006 OK, so where do I start ? With the breathtaking, awe-inspiring church oragan opening, crushing in its feeling of hopelessness and unescapable fate ? Or maybe the "get your act together" crescendo that ensues with the picking up of the pace, the entry of the piano voice and the beginning of the percussion line ? There's also the continuous rise and fall of morale the piece inspires, as though Jared would enjoy toying with our emotions, impressively well done... Or the "divine enlightenment" feel at 2:10 that just makes you wanna throw your optical camouflage in the gutter and take on the world with your bare hands... And who could neglect the majesty of the discovery of the MGS theme at 2:52, which absolutely floored each and every person I sat down and forced to listen to this masterpiece (whether they know MGS or not), an allegory of splendour... You guys decide, I'll just say one last thing : ladies and gents, Jared Hudson, everyone remember the name. It'll one day be up there, right between John Williams, Hans Zimmer, Danny Elfman and the whole gang... Keep up the good work and good luck with everything and everything you undertake ! Quote
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