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OCR00693 - Final Fantasy X "Far from Home"


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Final Fantasy X 'Far from Home'

Well, I feel a tad guilty getting the first word in on another of my mixes, but I guess I'm the only one on the boards to get the reviews integrated for this one. Anyway, I have to say I'm very satisfied with this song. Which is funny, because it sat on my hard drive for three months with me not satisfied at all with it. So what do I do? Extend the drum loop a few measures and bump the synth up an octave for those measures. After listening to the "new" version, I think "hey, that worked, I think i'll release it now."

So I did.

And now it's one of the few pieces of music I've made that I listen to myself on a regular basis.

Anyway, I would recommend that you download it, but then again I'm a tad biased, aren't I? :D

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Your bias is suprisingly warranted in this situation. I like this remix too. I'm trying to think of the words to describe it, but honostly, it's difficult. I often find that it's easier to write a review of a bad remix than of a good one, simply because there's more to say. The enitre thing works well together, as one whole piece, and the synth effects are very smoothly intregrated into the main piano piece. Just download this exelent remix already!

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All in all, I felt this piece lacked a strong presence. I enjoyed the various components of the song... all of the instruments were well utilized, there was good consistancy with the original while providing variation, etc. However, I can't help but feel a little underwhelmed by the total effect the remix impressed upon me. This is not entirely the remixer's problem, I believe that the original was very lackluster as well. However, this mix did very little to draw me in and keep me interested. The end result, I felt that this was a very beautiful, well arranged piece that simply didn't hold my attention.

I certainly look forward to future remixes.

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I really hate the original for this song, its kinda plain and boring

But this is good, its has the piano feel from the original, but makes it better and the background fits in really well so its not as... bad... as the original for lack of a better expression. I'd prefer this as the FFX opening, its a great remix

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Hey Illaminus, you made the mistake of thinking that this was a Killer Instincts song too, eh?

When I first hear the piano come in, I was thinking ... what the hell is going on?!

Then I started to actually listen to the tune ... turned out that this was a great one in the making ...

IMHO, the piano was beautiful ... and once the beat kicked in ... damn! ... this song was really well done!

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  • 3 months later...

nice intro

maybe add a hair of delay to the strings

the piano sounds could sound a little more brilliant

nice addaption with the bass line

I like the synth sound in the melody line around 3:00

All in all, it was nice. I would have liked a little more diversity in it. It took us to a great place in the beging, and then when the rythem track kicked in, as you can tell, there wasn't much there. It took us to a place, but held us there far to long. Kinda like driving through Montana. When it finaly changed, I got the feeling of "thank god" rather than thats a nice change. The song did have some strong points to it though.

On a scale of 1-5, I give it a 3.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I thought the remix was extremely quality...I mean, the original song is kinda sparse and repetitive, even though I personally like it. The only thing I would say even approaching negative is that the piano solo should have kept going until after the octave jump, and this is only a personal opinion. I just know that, being a jazz trombone player, I would probably salivate at the octave jump to really go crazy with a solo...

But overall, it was a really quality mix...Nice job....

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Personally, not one of your best, but I must say this is one of my favs from the FF section. I really like the tempo of the whole song and it is almost 'epic' (if thats the right word) but whatever the word is, it is an overall wonderful remix.

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  • 1 month later...

Of the three FFX remixes on the site, I'd have to say this is my favourite. I actually found myself humming along to this one after a while, and I thought it was a good idea to change the melody slightly from the original in the game (with the length of some of the notes I mean, because the notes played are still the same). The whole thing flows well and everything seems to fit together, and I've listened to this one quite a few times already. I like. :D

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I´m really do love an enjoyable piano remix, so my grade gets a little affected, so here goes:


OK, it gets much affected but it is great song, if only Tidus or someone brought a synth with them, this one could be it in the game. It´s so unfair, they can fit 267 weapons and a blitzball in their pockets, but not a synth?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

What I love about this is that you don't have to know anything about FFX to love this remix. I downloaded it a long time ago without knowing anything about the FFs and I fell in love with the remix instantly. There is something cleansing about it. Any non-gamer who has listend to this has told me how beautiful it is. I love the improvisation with the piano. Definitely makes my day! Good work, Orkybash!

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^That's true. And you wouldnt believe how I actually got into Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. It was the music, then I listend to all the remixed versions of the best Chrono T and CC tunes.

Then I played both of them. Completed Trigger, AWESOME game. And currently playing Cross (very good also, but I think Trigger is better so far)

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