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...or, at the very least, played it?

If you don't know, the game goes for a ridiculous amount of money on ebay. I've been watching the auctions constantly for the last six months and they never go for less than $100 (and even that is low-balling the average).

I own Suikoden and Suikoden III... and that hole in the collection is bothering to a completionist such as myself . But I'm just not sure I want to spend that kind of money.

I'm curious to see how many people have played or own the game and whether they think it's worth the coin it goes for.


I owned it and beat it - I also have an ISO of it. I'm not sure if it's worth $100, but it's an AMAZING game. IMO, way better than Suikoden I and Suikoden III. The music is godlike, the graphics are as good as sprite/poly gets for the PS1, battle system is smooth and sleek, story is amazing... etc


My friend has it as well as the strategy guide. He said it's a great game and he has pretty good taste in RPGs. I left me with the impression that he'll probably be buried with it.


My friend had it and let me borrow it once. I got pretty far into the game but never actually completed it. It had some great music, awesome storyline, and addictive game play in it. It's a shame though, my friend let someone else he knew borrow the game. That person moved away and he never saw it again.

I owned it and beat it - I also have an ISO of it. I'm not sure if it's worth $100, but it's an AMAZING game. IMO, way better than Suikoden I and Suikoden III. The music is godlike, the graphics are as good as sprite/poly gets for the PS1, battle system is smooth and sleek, story is amazing... etc

I agree with everything zircon has said here, especially the part about the music. Some of the tunes used early on in the game didn't impress me (a few annoyed me), but those were the only ones and, luckily, songs only used in certain early scenes.

I was fortunate to pick up the game in a used game store (around $20 I believe) before it became so rare and in demand. I played Suikoden I after playing Suikoden II and, because of that, Suikoden I was a pretty big letdown. It is still a decent game, plus it was nice to play the game simply for the character histories and other connections prevalent in Suikoden II. But in my opinion it doesn't even come close to Suikoden II.

If you have the money to spare, go for it. Hell, you may be able to buy low, play it, and make a small profit by selling it back. Depends on if the demand for it is still strong, I guess. But since I buy all of my games to keep, I wouldn't spend that kind of money on it.


I owned it twice.

Bought it, lent it, lost it, waited, found it in a store again for $21, have it.

It's one of my favorite games. Probably in my top 10.

Cooking minigames, friend themes, 108 colorful characters.


However, the friend who lost my game was also the one who gave me Suikoden I back in the day... before II even came out, thus getting me into the series and allowing me to purchase the game in the first place.

...and later, every other Suikoden game.


Yep, still have my original copy in near mint condition. Also have Valkyrie Profile, Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, and a lot of other valuable games in good condition. Makes me feel sorry for the people buying 'em on eBay.


Or you know.. always the ISO option..

Someone said before that Suiko 2 is better, but I think it's common knowledge that Suiko 2 is probably the best Suikoden game aside from Suikoden 5.

Suikoden 1 was okay but wasn't as groundbreaking as everyone said it was. Suikoden 3 just rode on the coattails of the franchise name I thought.

Suikoden 2 is great, but $100 for a game? That's a third of a 360 price, that's ten premium virtual console games, sixth of a PS3, etc etc.


I felt that S3 was a quality title with a few flaws.

The flaws were quite obvious, but didn't hold the game back completely.

The two big problems were:

-partner battle system (who came up with this awkward idea?)

-odd war system, but not awful

But the story and the characters were pleasantly suprising and thoroughly enjoyable.


I owned suikoden 2 for a few years before finally selling it, and it was easily the best suikoden game and soundtrack, but it's not worth $100 unless you are willing to pay that much.

The art was great, the battles were fun, and if you have that kind of money to spare, by all means go for it.

It's a shame though, my friend let someone else he knew borrow the game. That person moved away and he never saw it again.

Pretty much what happened to my Mega Man 2, 5, and 6 (along with my original Metroid cart :puppyeyes:). It was a shame, as I had 1-6 with the original boxes and booklets.


I own the original PS1 version as well as the PSP Suikoden 1+2 Compilation. Great stuff; one of my favourite RPGs of all time. The only Suikoden that came close to part 2 was 5.

And just as Oddllama said, S3 wasn't bad. Yes, the partner-battle system was very weird, but I liked the possibility to experience the story from three different viewpoints, and the fact that the level of your characters actually influenced their performance in the war battles.

Also, I really really like Thomas' sidestory.


The game is great. The franchise is still growing. I don't ever see the price ever going down. Right now if you have the extra cash i wouldn't see it being a bad idea for the future.


Yeah, I had Suikoden II.

Before my brother's friend sat on it and snapped it in half.

I hate that kid.

Anyway, so many people are talking about the music, and I have to agree. It's a real shame no remixers on this site (or any other for that matter) really take a look at it and produce some excellent tracks. I, personally, would love to see a Suikoden music project. Though, with all the Celtic and Asian collections Suikoden has already, I suppose it's not really at the top of anyone's list.

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