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Hey guys long time no see. Anyway, long story short I hate Guitar Hero II for the 360 because the controller is borked right out of the box. None of the buttons work right and the green button hits orange and picks. Is this happening to anyone else or am I just an unlucky sob?


That's a different issue. Maybe, I don't know. My issue is that, as I have discovered, Guitar Hero is treating my controller as if it were a regular xbox 360 controller, and not reading it as a guitar.


Makes me sorta glad my xbox360 is in texas right now. I'd hate to buy it and it not work. That really blows, you should try to swap it for another one.


Just got it today. I love the X-plorer a lot more than the Ps2 guitars. I also like the added detail and lighting effects of this game. They really put a lot of effort into it. Also from what I heard this Guitar is compatible with Rock Band so woot! I wish this had online co-op though :/ don't think anyone near me has another guitar to play.


Yeah, I think you got a defective one - mine works just fine.

On another note, how're you guys liking the game? Seems like there're a lot of filler tracks like GH 1, but some of the songs are just great to play like the classic & hands-down the best Iron Maiden's The Trooper, and others like songs by Anthrax, Lamb of God, Rush, and Alice Cooper. There're others I enjoyed playing too, including bonus tracks, but I don't recall them all atm...lot of stuff going on here today. I only got to beat Medium mode so far so I can't say too much, although the next few days I'll probably have to take a break due to busyness and likely swollen fingers tomorrow from hitting the buttons too hard.


So I traded it in today and got a new one, and this time I can play, but none of the cheats seem to be working anymore. Specifically hyper speed. :C

I absolutely love the game. I like trying to beat Jordan on expert.

Indeed, though it and Six still make me cry a little on the inside. If I owned the game...

As for the 360 additions/changes; wow everything looks crisp and shiny. Did they omit the wavy-screen bullshit in this version? That would be just fine by me, since that mainly served to trip me out and give me a headache if I looked away suddenly.

The X-Plorer feels like it's more responsive to everything except for the whammy bar. I was playing my homeboy's yesterday and we both noticed a serious lag in it's action. Also, the tiny select button would be lame if I didn't rock the crap out and throw my axe up for star power. Finally, while attractive, the design of the controller makes it irritating somewhat when you're used to the PS2 version, where my right arm (strumming hand) can simply hang at the corner of the controller and balance it. You get used to it, though, so no biggie.

As for songs, most of the additions are cool. Possum Kingdom is fairly fun to sing along with if nothing else, Salvation and Life Wasted aren't bad for low-tier songs, Rock & Roll Hoochie Koo and The Trooper are of course freaking awesome, and the only one I hate is Dead. No, I'm not going to put the stupid fucking exclamation mark on that song, since it's an emo piece of crap.

BTW, your sig is freaky as hell, Metsubo.

/long post

The X-Plorer feels like it's more responsive to everything except for the whammy bar. I was playing my homeboy's yesterday and we both noticed a serious lag in it's action.

It could be a broken controller...see that link on the first page someone posted.



So I looked around the achievements...and so I did the Tutorial and Practice modes. I'm very impressed at the practice mode though - it's what everyone really wants at one point or another in a music game but never really gets implemented, letting you slow down the song pacing and focusing on a certain part of a song.

Also, hammer-ons and pull-offs finally work well, unlike the original, and the song patterns are built so that alternate picking is natural. I can see myself playing this game for awhile with all the achievements and getting good enough to compete with my friends, and downloadable content would be icing on the cake. I can also see myself eventually picking up an actual guitar too once I master GH2 - it really gives you the incentive to do so much with what normally turns people off from trying harder.


So yeah, you guys know the first downloadable content package is Guitar Hero 1, right? Like all the songs. That's pretty much the heat. Stupid XBox. I'm really starting to like the 360 despite myself.

As for the controller, yeah it might be a tad messed up.

Also, practice owns.


The whammy bar lags about a second on mine, and for some reason the buttons are just not as responsive as the ps2 controllers. I can't hit solos on hard or expert mode the way I should be. I actually struggled on hangar 18 on hard, and I never did that before.

for some reason the buttons are just not as responsive as the ps2 controllers. I can't hit solos on hard or expert mode the way I should be. I actually struggled on hangar 18 on hard, and I never did that before.

You guys know there's a lag callibration in the options menu right?


Very fun game. Six is badass.

My friend got this a few days ago. I can only do Medium.. Hard is well.. too hard for me haha.

Try the calibration in the options menu.

You guys know there's a lag callibration in the options menu right?

I ran the calibration twice and both times have said the setting is 0 ms. That doesnt affect the actual responsiveness and pressure required on the buttons on this controller. They are just different.


The pretzel, being an old fogey and thus somewhat behind in the times more often than he'd like to admit, purchased GH2 4 360 last night. I only played Guitar Hero for the first time a week ago, and am still a bona fide n00b, but I can at least get through some of the easier songs on hard.

Wish they had some more classic rock selections, tho.

The pretzel, being an old fogey and thus somewhat behind in the times more often than he'd like to admit, purchased GH2 4 360 last night. I only played Guitar Hero for the first time a week ago, and am still a bona fide n00b, but I can at least get through some of the easier songs on hard.

Wish they had some more classic rock selections, tho.

Better than me. I've played and own all the Guitar hero games and still play on medium (hard is a little too hard for me).

I picked this up for the 360 today and my whammy bar is all jacked up. It's basically unresponsive and a little laggy, i have to press it all the way in before it registers. There was a website i saw where you unscrew the back of the xplorer and tighten the 2 screws on the whammy bar or something to fix it, does anybody have the link? think it was on Digg.com a couple weeks ago.

EDIT: NVM found it on google. So after about 30 minutes of messing with the whammy sensor i think it works better. The tutorial thing says to rotate it slightly, but i just messed with it til it worked better. Taking it apart makes me want to paint it. the white is kind of blah IMO.

this is what the innards look like.


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