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Let's see, as mentioned before, full combo doesn't mean AA. I have actually gotten a full combo and gotten a B before. My all time favorite song is "can't stop falling in love" DDRextreme. and also another favorite is "rythem and police" DDRMax. Play either of those two on heavy and you want to keep at it until you get A or better. When I graduated from light mode to standard, It was on "firefly" DDRextreme. I did that one over and over about 30 times until I got the A on it. I did not last long on standard mode because I got dared to do heavy by a friend and it didn't look all that hard, so I worked at that. I was at heavy level before I knew it. Now, heavy is all I do. Has anyone gotten a AAA before?


I play StepMania on my keyboard, but I also played with a homemade pad before it broke. I used DDRhomepad's design at first, but it sucks so hard that all the troubleshooting, maintenance, and overall bad deign left me with migraines, so I took it apart and rebuilt it using Riptide's design, which I didn't know about until later. It worked significantly better, but it wasn't long before it crapped out on me. There's several reasons for that, including bad wires and a damaged controller. I can fix it, but what with school and all, I haven't had the time to work on it. I plan on building another one with lights added to it. The DDRfreak forums has a tutorial on it.

Also, here's my Pop'n Music controller, haha. That was before it was shipped to me.


Holy crap that's awesome.

Does Pop'n Music come in english? That is, the menus, etc? The one that's brought to Magfest is completely Japanese, making it rather difficult to choose songs.

Oh yeah, Atmuh, you look funny when you play DDR. It's almost as if you're going to fall off of the pads at any moment. But you're definitely hitting the arrows right.

D:< you meanie

ok fine I'm freaking goofy I CANT HELP IT

and I remember S...ahh the days...

for those that dont know the S is the old school AAA

Holy crap that's awesome.

Does Pop'n Music come in english? That is, the menus, etc? The one that's brought to Magfest is completely Japanese, making it rather difficult to choose songs.

I'm pretty sure yes. I remember a guy playing it in fornt of me at a game convention and it didn't look like there was kanji or anything. I can't remember vividly though.

Also, cool idea for a thread Atmuh. I play DDR/SM if you didn't already know.

Played PUI once and hated it. (it was in an arcade and the soud system/ lighting gave me a headache ASIDE from the game just being a hard to play imo.)

I've beaten Max 300 about three times at my house on Ultramix (the red-headed step-child of Bemani,) so that may or may not count for some people. Haven't actually played DDR in a while until recently. Up until lately, I've been REALLY into SM. I currently have:

Step-mix 1 and 2

Bemani originals/ DDR stuff

DDR Video games mix (of course I would)

DDR anime mix/ some other assorted anime steps

Dance Anarchy 1 and 2

DWI 1,2,3 and the Greatest Hits 1 and 2.

and miscelaneous hard songs.


Do those folks due custom Pump or DDR dance floors at all? Or do you not know. I would also kill for some Bleach-ified IIDX controllors.

Played PUI once and hated it. (it was in an arcade and the soud system/ lighting gave me a headache ASIDE from the game just being a hard to play imo.)

The common misconception is that Pump is designed and choreographed around actual dancing where DDR is designed around just stepping. It just feels more natural to be facing the screen(Pump) when playin then kinda side ways(DDR).

Has no one on this board played DrumMania? That game is tight and a half.

Do those folks due custom Pump or DDR dance floors at all? Or do you not know. I would also kill for some Bleach-ified IIDX controllors.

Not that I know of.

I haven't played DrumMania, but I've played Guitar Freaks :P My friend has his own DM setup in his room though. It was pretty cool.


drummania is fun but I am bad at it D:

cant even do across the nightmare :[

and bigfoot post the video of you or whoever playing the lazy town song please

drummania is fun but I am bad at it D:

cant even do across the nightmare :[

and bigfoot post the video of you or whoever playing the lazy town song please

Haha, I have that song on my USB. I'll record myself next time.

Hey, as long as we're adding games to the genre, has anyone tried Keyboard Mania? I tried it once, but I was terrible, and it was in front of my girlfriend, no less

They had an old cabinet for in the local mall here until it was replaced by Initial D: 4th Stage. I played a couple of times but gave up due to the massive amount of suck emminating from me. On the other hand I recently broke 100 points on my e-Amusement Pass card for Beatmania IIDX Gold. That makes me ranked 180000 or so. I am much better at DrumMania. (Ranked 62221 out of 180000 or so)


*sigh* Japan- where the arcade is neither a mythical beast or a money making gimmick.

Sadly, I've never even heard of most of the games you've mentioned. I have seen drum mania before, and it looks like fun.


I played ddr a few years back and was totally addicted. My friends and I would play to the point where we'd see arrows if we closed our eyes. I'm gonna get back into it either this summer or in the fall. That's when I'll have my cobalt flux with me in college. It really is a kick ass pad. Back in my prime, I could do some nine footers. I could never do the hard ones like So Deep, but I've been able to pull off Burning Heat and Xenon a few times. On another note, I know it's not Bemani, but anyone else looking forward to the game coming out called Rock Band? It looks like it has potential.



I've played on a Cobalt Flux, and even though it's an awesome pad it is STILL not even close to and arcade pad. I don't know why, just that the arrows are a lot lower in the arcade (and theres that silly bar).

Plus the one thing I for some reason cannot transfer from the arcade to home is the difficulty (WHAT IS ARCADE ON??? I think like 6 or so is mine) and the timing. Timing is a LOT more difficult in arcade. If you're gonna play a home version though do yourself a favor and import the DDR Extreme from japan. It is by FAR the best home version ever.


You can adjust the timing window in SM and some home versions I think.

The most difficult 9 footers that I can remember beating are Exotice Ethnic and Civilizaton .87 or something like that. Those were also on Ultramix.

I did legitamitely beat Can't Stop -speed mix- at the not so local arcade though.

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