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What's wrong with speed mods?

It's the same set of steps. How you see the arrows should be a preference. What's wrong with customizing how they are displayed?

If a song has a BPM such that it's hard to distinguish note lengths, is that really supposed to be part of the challenge? I think the challenge should be around timing and hitting the arrows, not in seeing WHAT to hit.

If speed mods make a song easier, you better believe I'm gonna use em.

If a song has a BPM such that it's hard to distinguish note lengths, is that really supposed to be part of the challenge? I think the challenge should be around timing and hitting the arrows, not in seeing WHAT to hit.

It's both.

If a song has a BPM such that it's hard to distinguish note lengths, is that really supposed to be part of the challenge?

Absolutely. Its the only reason why "Bag" from DDR Extreme was given a rank of 10-footer. Same thing with "Fascination Eternal Love" from Supernova; the steps arent all that hard, but the tempo changes (especially on 1.5 reverse) make the song damn near unbearable : (

It's pretty much the arcade version, AT HOME

plus Max.(period)

ok ive already have the theme for SM. so i'll have to located the song list then ill add the songs then bing bang boom ive got DDR extreme without buying any imports

I can read the MAXes on 2x, so if Max.(period) is ever on an arcade mix, it shouldn't be too hard to read.

Hmm Max 300 = 300 BPM

300 BPM x2 (or 2x)= 600 BPM

666BPM- 600BPM= 66 BPM!!

You're still 66 BPM short! YOU LOSE!

Actually, the other Maxes are faster than 300 at some parts, so I'm sure you'll be fine. You have to have an excellent reaction speed to comprehend those songs on 2x (or just have them memorized, haha.) I have enough trouble reading TLOMax on 1x. And by the way, I'm usinig a keyboard when I do this.

Hmm Max 300 = 300 BPM

300 BPM x2 (or 2x)= 600 BPM

666BPM- 600BPM= 66 BPM!!

You're still 66 BPM short! YOU LOSE!

Actually, the other Maxes are faster than 300 at some parts, so I'm sure you'll be fine. You have to have an excellent reaction speed to comprehend those songs on 2x (or just have them memorized, haha.) I have enough trouble reading TLOMax on 1x. And by the way, I'm usinig a keyboard when I do this.

LoM is 333BPM I believe, so 2x is 666 :P. I did this a long time ago, I can probably do better now because I only tried this once since we got Supernova.

This was on 2x :P Misses are from the wonderful pads provided by Betson(piece of jumk).



no... See when you go 2x you are doubling the space between the arrows making it easier to see. and in my case giving me more time to react.

I do it for most songs as well, unless I am freestyling.

Have you seen Max.(period)?

no... See when you go 2x you are doubling the space between the arrows making it easier to see. and in my case giving me more time to react.

I do it for most songs as well, unless I am freestyling.

Have you seen Max.(period)?

Yes, I have seen Max.(period). Reading the end on 1x(600bpm) isn't that hard for me.

Have you ever played the Oni Course named Trick? The last song is Max300 on .25 speed. So basically you're reading it at what a song at 75BPM on 1x looks like.

Yes, I have seen Max.(period). Reading the end on 1x(600bpm) isn't that hard for me.

Have you ever played the Oni Course named Trick? The last song is Max300 on .25 speed. So basically you're reading it at what a song at 75BPM on 1x looks like.

I freaking love that course

Kobayan is a freak though, haha. Notice the way he steps? I heard he walks around like that too.

There's also this:


While I do respect this guy's skills and realize he's a much better player than I will probably ever be, I don't like his style very much. Looks TOO goofy. That just looks more than a little uncomfortable.

*secretly snatches his play-style*


Goofy? That looks graceful and elegant to me. It's to the point that it almost seems like the song was played in slow motion and then the video was sped up after.

Kobayan is a freak though, haha. Notice the way he steps? I heard he walks around like that too.

That sounds like a stupid rumor people make up about popular players. Freak? Come on. :\


I find it difficult for anyone to look elegant when playing high bpm songs on ddr. It just limits your time to react and make more elegant step patterns. After a while it just looks like the same three patterns over and over again. Standing on your tip-toes just makes things seem that much more forced. I mean, the only person I can think of who dances like that is Michael Jackson when he moon walks, but he doesn't do that for an entire performance. His heels touch the ground eventually.

That's why I like free-styling and just winging songs over perfect-attacks.

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