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Maybe you can repair/rebuild that one single arrow. I've never seen how a cobalt flux is, but I bet that you could do it. I've seen a cobalt flux in use though, and they really warp and bend a lot when people use them. Especially the ones that weigh 180lbs or so(muscle or fat). You should probably consider making a base for your pads, so that they last longer (forever probably if you make one).


I haven't seen mine bend...but that's cause I'm usually on top of them. I'm ~200 lbs (a good combination of muscle and fat). I've tried to repair it by putting that glue substance that can act as a new mold for a screw, but it keeps stripping and it's really a danger to have a loose arrow on there instead of none at all. I mean, the pad still plays, but it makes it harder for me cause that's a decent distance my right foot further has to go (and being my weight, regardless of my athleticism, adds up). I daresay that cobalt fluxes have the capability of lasting forever...but I don't know if making a base for them would be good or bad (knowing my lack of dedication to such projects).


Hi everyone, I havent been on here in a while.......good to see some new faces on here : )

Anyway, I was wondering how many people on here are skilled at making stepmania stepfiles? Or, more accurately, how many people have made a good-quality stepfile before or are confident that they could make one?


Well, I finally beat Legend of Max today. So that leaves just two 10 foot songs I have yet to finish. I still had trouble with all the damn jumps, but I was able to do well enough on the rest, that I made it through.

I'm betting Fascination MaxX eternal love mix will be the next one I complete, I can come very close, but usually mess up later on when it does the slow down thingies.


Btw, Supernova 2 is now being tested(arcade). Remember, this is all in beta testing stages. This information is not from myself, but from people who actually went to the test location.

The extra stage is a little different with how it works. For your third stage, there's a red song called VOLCANO. AA that song, then you get Extra Stage which is Unreal. You can actually pick your mods. You have a oni mode style life bar(1-4 ticks) for your life. AAing this gets you One More Extra Stage(also called Encore Extra Stage now), and you play a song called NGO. This has the usual 1 non-combo/dropped freeze and you fail method.

Scoring is looking different too. It looks like it's going towards the way of Beatmania IIDX scoring. Marvelous will be in normal play instead of just Non-stop/Oni mode. Depending on your total score out of 1,000,000 will determine your score. Someone at the test location had 3 greats on a song and still AAA'd it. This is just like IIDX where you can get something other than a Flashing Great/Great and still AAA a song. So far it seems your score has to be inbetween 990,000-1,000,000 to get a AAA, and 950,000 for a AA(just like on Supernova)

Now for some songs:


Unbelievable / EMF

COME CLEAN / NM featuring Susan Z









New songs

Electrified / SySF.

Silver Platform -I Wanna get your heart- / U1 Reincarnates w/Leah

Flow (Jammin' Ragga Mix) / Scotty D. revisits U1

Raspberry <3 Heart (English Version) / jun feat. Paula Terry

Baby's Tears (SKY GIRLS Opening theme) / RIYU KOSAKA

Why Not, / Darwin

Fly Away -mix del Matador- / Shawn the horny master feat. ChiyoTia

Vem brincar / Caldelra feat. Teka Penteriche


Feelings Won't Fade (Extend Trance Mix) / SySF.

Freeway Shuffle / dj TAKA

Star Gate Heaven (Future LOVE Mix) / SySF. feat. Donna Burke

Music In The Rhythm / nc ft. Electric Touch

Trim / Kobo

Boss songs

volcano / Yasuhiro Abe

Unreal / Black Rose Garden

NGO / Keiichi Nabeshima

No beatdrop :P?

That was for the console versions right? I can't remember. Anyway, I think SN2 is supposed to have even more songs than SN1, so yeah.. remember this is just beta testing :P


Hmm. This new scoring system seems interesting. I'd definitely have a LOT more AAAs this way, seeing as many 8s, and even some 9s I have only 5 or less greats on. I always seem to get one or two greats though. I've only managed to get AAA once so far (I only count heavy and higher, anything below and I don't even consider it worthy of mentioning the score).

I can't help but feel that they are dumbing it down now though. I mean I would feel much more proud of a AAA if it was all perfects, than I would if it was like 3 greats.

Oh well, it does make sense though. I mean, we all know how much we hate getting a black flag.

Hopefully the unlock system will be BETTER this time around. It really sucked in Supernova. I wanna just play songs and unlock as I play. I don't wanna have to do stupid missions and deal with weird stuff to pass.


Yeah... I suppose now you actually have to be a decent player to even be able to play the ES.

Unless this Volcano song is only a 9 or 8 foot red which we've seen before (Maximizer, Trip Machine Survivor, and more).


The Extra Stage song is 9 feet on Expert. I'm guessing if it has challenge steps, it'll be a 10. Or, since they don't have that many songs for this beta test that it's not even really the real extra stage.

Also, if you do get a AAA like on previous DDR, it'll show "Full Perfect Combo" along with your AAA grade. So that'll probably be a way people distinguish their AAA's from another.

Hi everyone, I havent been on here in a while.......good to see some new faces on here : )

Anyway, I was wondering how many people on here are skilled at making stepmania stepfiles? Or, more accurately, how many people have made a good-quality stepfile before or are confident that they could make one?

Ive try to do one myself but then after i found dancing gorilla and ran it through and i felt that the autogen program did a better job than i did. so id figured if i want do to my own simfiles ill just run it through the autogen. if you want to see how bad i did on my own just go to bemanistyle's site and do a search for Tube Panic for DDR(SM) (or just search Tube Panic) and youll see how bad i did on my own oh just so you know its light only and a 1 footer.


got my hands on guitar freaks/drum mania gold

its kinda annoying because i have no drum controller and the GH controller is perfectly compatible but its still quite fun

and a ton harder than guitar hero

got my hands on guitar freaks/drum mania gold

its kinda annoying because i have no drum controller and the GH controller is perfectly compatible but its still quite fun

and a ton harder than guitar hero

Why is it harder than Guitar Hero? I've never played GF before.

Why is it harder than Guitar Hero? I've never played GF before.

The...crap I don't know what to call them...we'll go with stepfiles...are more difficult. Bemani definitely has a higher mean streak when it comes to making their stepfiles compared to others.


even though there are only 3 frets its harder

there are no hammer ons so you have to strum everything

and the patterns on easy in GF match up with some of the patterns on expert in GH

and you have to wail as an actual note not just to activate some star power crap


ok now im on to beatmania iidx 12th happy sky

its such a pretty game but im so bad at it

probably in a few weeks ill have every bm iidx jap home version

and getting set to get 13th in august


Last weekend I went to a tournament in North Carolina. It was a DDR/ITG2/Smash/bunch of other stuff tournament. I recorded only ITG2 though, so here are some videos if you guys are interested.

It was a pretty epic weekend.


BlueMystic won both ITG2 and DDR.

I didn't get every match, but the order pretty much goes from beginning to end of the tourney. It took so long that we had to stop Saturday night and finish Sunday, haha.

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