Strati Posted February 4, 2008 Posted February 4, 2008 Okay, I need battle. Right now. Who's up? Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted February 5, 2008 Posted February 5, 2008 Lol mewt isn't patient for me to come bump huh For those of you that want to battle, but don't have wireless, or just don't want to go through all the trouble of breeding, ev training, looking for the right hidden power, and getting the tms you need there's an online battle program called Shoddy Battle that does a pretty good job at letting you set up your team and play it. Mewt and I tried it out an hour or two ago, and it's pretty nice. You can also use it to experiment with a team and such before investing the time into it on your actual game. Quote
The Damned Posted February 5, 2008 Author Posted February 5, 2008 It's called Shoddy for a reason guys. Did they ever fix that accuracy issues from a few months ago? Something about OHKO attacks landing every single time? Or the evasion problems? Quote
Strati Posted February 5, 2008 Posted February 5, 2008 It's called Shoddy for a reason guys.Did they ever fix that accuracy issues from a few months ago? Something about OHKO attacks landing every single time? Or the evasion problems? Well, cobalt and I had a pretty solid battle over it. It's obviously got some flaws, but all the main stuff is covered pretty well on Shoddy. I saved the battle log, I'll paste it here if anyone's interested. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted February 5, 2008 Posted February 5, 2008 Turns out not only did I forget to EV and make my Mismagius female, but my flygon wasn't Ev'd either, and I forgot a few EV's on the Togekiss. We definitely need a rematch later mewt, you can get the razor claw and stuff since we got on a server theres more rule sets open. And shoddy seemed to work fine for me, but I can't get online to play for real either. Most people play with rules banning 1HKo moves anyway, so meh. Quote
Strati Posted February 5, 2008 Posted February 5, 2008 Oh, you would have definitely won if you'd been in the right shape. Absol didn't need Razor Claw; she barely got out before fainting! There are a bunch of fucking morons on the GTS. Who the hell's going to trade a level 100 Entei for a Granbull? I swear. And just when I'm all "oh, hey, Misdreavus, sweet", I check the offers and it's Entei, Palkia, Deoxys, and a Bibarel under level 9. YOU CAN'T GET A FUCKING BIBAREL UNDER LEVEL NINE. Quote
Brushfire Posted February 5, 2008 Posted February 5, 2008 GTS entry: 1 Level 1 Bidoof. Looking for Level 100 Mew, Mewtwo, or Copy of Brawl. Quote
Gafgarion Posted February 5, 2008 Posted February 5, 2008 Is it sort of like the battle tower? I have never heard of this Shoddy Battle. Quote
The Damned Posted February 5, 2008 Author Posted February 5, 2008 Shoddy Battle is a fan-made Pokemon DP simulator. It's put together using the known (and somewhat unknown) aspects of the battle system from the DS games. It's not official in any way, but it's becoming the de facto standard for people that either don't have the games or don't wish to invest the time and/or effort into training their own team. Personally, I find the whole training thing to be part of the fun. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Sorry, if this is a defensive but I'm not too lazy to raise my own pokemon, I have an EV trained team on my game, and am still breeding stuff (granted for the super contests). I just brought shoddy up cause I'd like to be able to play with other people, something I can't do till I go back home for the summer. You have a low opinion of the program, fine. I'll make sure not to bother you by asking if you'd care to battle me using it. Quote
The Damned Posted February 6, 2008 Author Posted February 6, 2008 I just said Shoddy needed to fix a lot of things. It's still some time before the successor to NetBattle comes out, and until it does, it's what people will use. As for training versus creating, it's a personal matter. I never said it was a bad thing, just something that some people do. Due to the fact that tone is difficult to convey through simple text, you may have read some of what I wrote in a negative way. This is most certainly not the intent. Calm down. Quote
Gafgarion Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Dude, if you are going to play Pokemon, you have to raise your own. It just makes Pokemon the game it is. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Dude, if you are going to play Pokemon, you have to raise your own. It just makes Pokemon the game it is. Fail. Anyway, sorry if I got a bit defensive I'm being grumpy, and I want to play with people somehow without getting silly things like Gaf just spat out. Quote
Brushfire Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Fail. Anyway, sorry if I got a bit defensive I'm being grumpy, and I want to play with people somehow without getting silly things like Gaf just spat out. I honestly don't have huge hangups about people hacking Pokemon so long as it is a realistic hack. If it is a Spiritomb with Wonderguard that is a no go. On the other hand if someone were to craft a Pokemon, giving it realistic IVs and EVs, then by all means. Though that might take just as long as actually raising the Pokemon. Quote
The Damned Posted February 6, 2008 Author Posted February 6, 2008 I think it's a matter of convenience. Even with the automatic level adjustment for Battle Tower and WiFi battles, it's still time and effort when EV training a pokémon. Even a quick vitamin boost, the EV items, Pokérus and ideal training spots, it will still take several hours. And that assuming you've managed to get the exact pokémon you wanted in the first place from breeding or soft-resetting for who knows how long. If you want to put the effort into it, it can pay off really well. I have a few bred pokes that have 31s in multiple IVs. But if tie or patience are not on your side, then a AR and knowing the right codes is a hell of a lot quicker. And if you actually don't care for the game's story or any of the other stuff to do (Contests, Underground, pokedex completion, etc.), then something like Shoddy woud be ideal. But I just think that playing through the game and experiencing it yourself adds to it. Just a personal opinion. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 I agree very much with you damned, :3 I'm still doing stuff like underground and working on the super contests. Right now I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone with hatching a feebus for contests, and eventually have it be good for battling (as a milotic of course). I forgot how long it takes just to hatch something with the right nature to get started. >.< Quote
Gafgarion Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Fail. Anyway, sorry if I got a bit defensive I'm being grumpy, and I want to play with people somehow without getting silly things like Gaf just spat out. Oh, sorry for pointing out the main aspect of the game. Quote
Admiral_C Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Dude... you admitted a few pages a go that you use AR... Now you're trying to educate others on how to play the game right? Contradictory at the least. As for people with the lvl 9 Bibarel requests on GTS, I think its because it increases their chances of finding the pokemon they are looking for. I've noticed that when you have an active offer, you will get a broader selection returned when you do a search for a pokemon. Alternatively... they could just be jack has's. I have a few bred pokes that have 31s in multiple IVs. I didn't think that was possible (o_0) I've never seen a 31, and I've bred a lot of pokemon (x_x) Quote
Strati Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Oh, sorry for pointing out the main aspect of the game. Do me a favor and stop being a jerk about it. ANYWAY. I haven't totally lost all faith in GTS yet, I got a Chinchou for my Feebas and a French Stunky for my Chimchar! Quote
eternal Zero Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 I've never understood the tension of hacked versus trained pokemon. I have much more respect for trained lvl 100s with all the good stats involved, but as long as hacked pokemon are within the bounds of the game, then there shouldn't be a problem. What one side has in the satisfaction of breeding and raising, the other has in saved time to get straight to the fight. Different strokes, right? Right. So all of you stop your fighting over something so useless. Quote
Strati Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Got a L1 Japanese Houndour for my L1 American Houndour. It seems as though there's a lot of legit offers on the GTS for sole purposes of filling in foreign language entries. Quote
cobaltstarfire Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Oh, sorry for pointing out the main aspect of the game. The fact that you seem to have been directing that at ME, who actually has played the game to completion, doesn't use AR (like you), and is still playing the game and raising/breeding pokemon is what makes you fail. The only thing I want to use shoddy for is battling, I have no wireless connection on campus. And stop being such a waffle. Jeeze I need to get my sleep problems sorted out. *wonders off all grumpy like* Quote
The Damned Posted February 6, 2008 Author Posted February 6, 2008 Stop playing until 4 in the morning. Problem solved! As for getting multiple 31 IVs, it helps to get parents with 31s to begin with. I had a few random ones that had perfect IVs and then just bred them until I got right natures and the IVs carried down through the off-spring. The other ones weren't bred at all. I just managed to catch them in the wild without any real effort. I actually have two that I hadn't planned on using at all until I saw what they had. Quote
Admiral_C Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 @ eternal Zero. I don't like it when people battle with hacked pokemon because "to me" it ruins the spirit of the game. I mean, if I spend time and effort to breed and train an above average team, and then someone else spends a couple minutes figuring out how to use AR and does the exact same thing... that bothers me. Its not how the game is supposed to be played imo. I personally consider it cheating. Quote
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