dsx100 Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 Here is where my unique opinion on games comes in. So sorry in advanced for those that will most likely disagree with my views. Halo: No Putting it plain and simple, this game is one of the most overrated games ever made. This game isn't anything special for a FPS. In game is way to slow paced for my tastes as well. The game just isn't challenging. The slow pace makes me laugh sometimes. The story just seems mediocre to me. The multiplayer is the highlight of the game. It is done very well but agian it isn't anything new or special. Since we are talking about the X-box version, the lack of online isn't very good for this game especially since it is on a system that heavily promotes online play. The controls are tight though for a console shooter. Good game but extremely overrated and considering the large numbers of FPSs in the industry, I am sure you can find something more worthwhile, even its sequel. Grand Theft Auto III: No This game in my opinion is also very overrated. There were many other games, including its prequels, that contained the free-roam element before this game and they pulled it off well. This game is good and fun but for a hardcore gamer like me, It isn't enough. The story is mediocre, the missions are simple and bland, and the game gets boring after a long while just exploring, jacking cars, and killing people. The game lacks depth in my opinion. The graphics for the game are just terrible. I am not usually one to complain about graphics but this game just has no excuse for having graphics this bad. The people's hands don't have fingers for the love of god. Since so many games implement the free roam aspect now-a-days that it is hard to recommend this game when there are other games have more depth to them other than running around killing people or jacking cars. Again, sorry but this is my honest opinion. The good news is that you don't need me to tell you what games to play or not. If you like it, nothings stopping you form playing it. Quote
sephfire Posted May 24, 2007 Author Posted May 24, 2007 This wraps up week one. I'll probably update the main post weekly with results. Check for that later today, I guess. ****************************************************************************** ***ROUND SEVEN*** AirForce Delta Console: Dreamcast Publisher: Konami Developer: KCE Studios Meta Score: 6.6 (16 reviews) Release: Sep 8, 1999 Powerstone 2 Console: Dreamcast Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Meta Score: (not available) Release: Aug 23, 2000 Ace Combat 4 Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Namco Developer: Namco Meta Score: 8.5 (51 reviews) Release: Nov 1, 2001 Ghost in a Shell: Stand Alone Complex Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Bandai Developer: Cavia Inc. Meta Score: 6.6 (33 reviews) Release: Nov 8, 2004 Shadow of Destiny Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Konami Developer: Konami Meta Score: 7.9 (58 reviews) Release: Mar 5, 2001 Doom 3 Console: Xbox Publisher: Activision Developer: Vicarious Visions Meta Score: 8.8 (114 reviews) Release: Apr 3, 2005 Panzer Dragoon Orta Console: Xbox Publisher: Sega Developer: Smilebit Meta Score: 9.0 (112 reviews) Release: Jan 12, 2003 Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem Console: Gamecube Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Silicon Knights Meta Score: 9.0 (115 reviews) Release: Jun 25, 2002 Viewtiful Joe Console: Gamecube, Playstation 2 Publisher: Capcom Developer: Clover Studio Meta Score: 9.2 (91 reviews) Release: Oct 7, 2003 Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Console: Nintendo DS Publisher: Konami Developer: Konami Meta Score: 9.0 (84 reviews) Release: Oct 4, 2005 ****************************************************************************** My votes: Doom 3 -- NO There are far better shooters to be played. Despite the hype, I found nothing particularly special about this game. The lighting effects and graphics were a step in the Next-Gen direction, but now that they've been dated, Doom 3 doesn't have much left to it but dumb AI and "closet monsters." Panzer Dragoon Orta -- YES May not appeal to everyone, but it's a solid rail-shooter. The subtle beauty of the world and environments gives some great atmosphere. I was a bit torn deciding whether or not this qualified as a MUST. Perhaps some of you may disagree with this vote. Eternal Darkness -- NO Okay. I've heard people calling this game great for years. I've tried getting into it on two occasions, and both times I was left wondering if I was playing the same game as the fans. The atmosphere is interesting enough, but the controls just felt clumsy. And the character animations made me shudder. I haven't seen anything in this game that deserves as much praise as it gets. Did they hide all of the good stuff in the second half? Perhaps. I couldn't stand playing it long enough to find out. Viewtiful Joe -- YES Man, I miss Clover. Classic, side-scrolling beat-em-up with goofy style and tight controls. It's basic, but it's fun. Quote
Dhsu Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 Panzer Dragoon Orta - I don't have any problem saying this is a must. It's too beautiful to pass up, period. The gameplay is surprisingly deep, with factors such as position, weak points, dragon form, berserk meter, and glide meter all coming into play. And the level-up paths for your dragon add a lot of replay, not to mention the tons of unlockables. It even includes the original Panzer Dragoon with smoothed out graphics. What more could you ask for? Eternal Darkness - I'll admit the graphics are a bit dated now, but keep in mind this started as an N64 game. It's mostly about the atmosphere and story when it comes to this game, and it does indeed pick up later on. And did you ever try letting your sanity meter run out, sephfire? The stuff that happens when you're insane is a really big part of the game's appeal, and a lot of them will trick you for a couple seconds, even if you're expecting them. Aside from that, there are some decent puzzles and I really enjoyed the spell creation. The combat system is unique and something I would've liked to see in other survival horror games. Voice acting was dead on, among the best I've heard from a console game. I think all this outweighs its faults, so I'm going to give this one a borderline yes. Viewtiful Joe - This game just oozes style, and has a great gameplay concept to match. First one to pull off time warping the *right* way in my opinion. And the game's combo-based combat is extremely satisfying...you can really feel the impact of every punch. Excellent game all around, and easy yes. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - Perfect sequel to Aria of Sorrow (another must-play). The soul system is as great and fun and addicting as it was in the first game. Graphics are beautiful, often rivaling SotN's. Showing the castle map was a great use of the second screen, and eliminated a lot of pausing and unpausing to see where you were and wanted to go. Stylus elements were a little clumsy and gimmicky, but enjoyable enough in my opinion. Without a question an essential part of anyone's DS library. Quote
dsx100 Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 Doom 3: No I give the "X-Box" version of Doom 3 a no. The game sucks on the X-box in my opinion. The PC version is way better. The graphics and gameplay is tons better. The PC version also has the expansion pack which fixes some of those problems of the original and adds more to the single player. I'll vote yes if PC is ever included in this list. Veiwtiful Joe: Yes This game is loads of fun and the combat it tight. The boss fights are tons of fun. This game is very cool spin on the classic 2D classic side-scroller. This game is just plain fun. Don't know how else to describe it. It is much better on the Gamecube though in my opinion. Quote
Bahamut Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 Eternal Darkness I never did get to finish the game, but I feel as if I played enough of it to weigh in my opinion (I stopped during the French cathedral in the World War 2 - 1? - era). I highly enjoyed what i played though, with the atmosphere being very well-done and game pacing at a fine rate. It isn't a perfect game by any means (i.e. the lol magic system), but it is one of those enriching experiences for one playthrough...so this is a YES. Viewtiful Joe This is one of those hardcore gamer's wetdreams, and it certainly kicked my ass...till I stopped playing due to my deluge of games (stopped at the end of the 4th chapter I think, against the Joe clone). The game is a quality game with game play mechanics that make you think out of the box and is a refreshing take on the dying 2-D action game genre - YES. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Most of the newer Castlevania games would get an instant YES from me as a Castlevania fan, but this is more for its standing on its own as an excellent 2-D action/adventure game, with the standard gameplay set by Symphony of the Night, but accessible to those new to the franchise. The only negative aspect I can recall is the craptacular stylus usage, but in this case it is forgivable. Quote
Dark Chocobo Posted May 24, 2007 Posted May 24, 2007 Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow: YES. Thought the title doesn't make much sense, this game is one of greater DS games, offering a good story with action/RPG gameplay. The many extras will keep you busy for a long time and the New Game + mode will allow for much replayability. Quote
sephfire Posted May 25, 2007 Author Posted May 25, 2007 This week's voting results are tallied and listed in the title post. I'll update the tally weekly. Quote
dsx100 Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 Just read the first page agian, and I don't remeber Marvel vs Capcom 2 for dreamcast ever being put up for discussion (or vote). Maybe I just missed, but in any case I vote Yes to the Dreamcast version Marvel vs Capcom 2. The game is almost aracde perfect in everyway. The fighting system is tight and deep, although unbalanced, and it is loads of fun to play. If there is any game that is way better on Dreamcast than any other console, it's MvC2. Quote
The Coop Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 AirForce Delta (Dreamcast)- I can remember when AeroWings came out, it sure was a pretty game... of flight practice. It looked so nice, but was boring as hell. GIMME SOME DAMN GUNS! Thankfully, AFD filled that need. Graphically, if looked very nice for its time. Lots of jets to fly, plenty of missions, some cool "boss" encounters (i.e. really gun heavy bases and ships), decent tunes, and that fun arcade-y style of gameplay. Story-wise though, it was lacking. It's story wasn't bad, it was just generic. But the rest of the game made up for this. A Borderline YES from me. Ace Combat 4 (PS2)- A good looking flight game, with some fun missions, good graphics, and plenty of planes to grab. While I find it to be below AC5, it's still worth playing. A Borderline YES. Doom 3 (XBox)- I remember how many people felt this game couldn't be done justice on Microsoft's bulky system. Yet they got proven wrong... sort of. It's got the look, sound and atmosphere of the PC original, but it was trimmed down to fit in the XBox's smaller amount of system RAM. As a result, the levels aren't as big. Also, the frame rate took a hit, so it's not as smooth as it's PC cousin (which still runs better on a Radeon 9800 Pro than the XBox). So while I love the PC version, the XBox version took a few too many hits. A NO from me. Panzer Dragoon Orta (XBox)- A fine entry to the series. Good story, great music, amazing graphics, nice artwork and character designs, and plenty of intense shooting and dodging. What looks to sadly be the final entry for this at times overlooked series, is also every bit as good as the ones before it. If this game is indeed to be the finale, it was a grand one. A definite YES to me. Quote
Raziellink Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 ***ROUND SEVEN*** AirForce Delta - Powerstone 2: Yes This game is the sequel to the ground breaking first. Though there weren't alot of stages, they were all quite fun. This game is a fucking drag to play by yourself, but get three friends on the couch next to you, and you'll have a blast. Party game quality only rivaled by Smash Brothers Melee. Ace Combat 4 - Ghost in a Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Shadow of Destiny - Doom 3 - Panzer Dragoon Orta - Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem: Yes A Resident Evil Light, this game is much more accessible then the Resident Evil games. By making the gameplay a bit more easy, and the story more compelling then a simple B-horror movie plot, this game can be enjoyed by pretty much everyone looking for a scary time. Viewtiful Joe: Yes Goddamn, when i first played this game, i didn't know what hit me. It was like somebody finally had enough balls to make a game like Double Dragon/Final Fight, but with updated graphics and gameplay. Love it. Everybody should at least TRY it once. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow: EDIT: Yes, this is one of the best damn Castlevania games out there. It makes horrible use of the touch screen ability, but the adventure itself is fantastic. Quote
Jimmy Jazz Posted May 25, 2007 Posted May 25, 2007 ***ROUND SIX*** Alien Hominid This is fun as hell. But you can play it for free on the internet. But It's still fun as hell. I'm gonna go for No for this one. I found it fun. Not everyone will. It's very simplistic. I think you should try it out, and if it appeals to you, buy it. Grand Theft Auto III Nah. Vice City and San Andreas were far superior, camera was annoying as hell, even Body Harvest was better. Daytona USA This is great to play when you're drunk. It's a simple racer with some awesome/weird cars to unlock. Some of the conditions for unlocking these cars are pretty cool, for one of them, you have to complete the race in reverse. You get a last place standing, but you unlock the car. I preffered the tracks on the Saturn Daytona games, but apart from that this is better than its predecessors. The only thing dated about this are the graphics, the racing is awesome as hell. Yes. ***ROUND 7*** Powerstone 2 This game is sooooo much fun. Unlocking everything is kind of a pain, but It's worth it. The weapons are brilliant. The characters, although there are some you will never choose, are brilliant. Whether Co-Op or verses, the gameplay is brilliant. The whole every-man-for-himself mentality is what makes this game. Even in Co-Op, the most fun you can have is by being a greedy, malicious bastard. And then, when you get 3 powerstones, you're unstoppable. It's like, BANG MOTHERFUCKER! Yes. Doom 3 I don't like the dark. And that's all you ever see in this game. Maybe I'd be able to give a better comment on this if I could SEE WHAT I WAS DOING. My friend love this game. They brag about their awesome skills. Which makes me hate it even more. And the story is fucked up. No. Quote
sephfire Posted May 26, 2007 Author Posted May 26, 2007 Here are rounds eight and nine. Sorry I forgot to post eight yesterday. ****************************************************************************** ***ROUND EIGHT*** Alien Front Online Console: Dreamcast Publisher: Sega Developer: Sega Meta Score: (not available) Mars Matrix Console: Dreamcast Publisher: Capcom Developer: Takumi Meta Score: 7.8 (25 reviews) Tekken Tag Tournament Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Namco Developer: Namco Meta Score: 8.6 (71 reviews) Burnout 3: Takedown Console: Playstation 2, Xbox Publisher: EA Games Developer: Criterion Games Meta Score: 9.3 (70 reviews) God of War Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: SCEA Developer: SCEA Meta Score: 9.3 (120 reviews) R-Type Final Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Eidos Interactive Developer: Irem Meta Score: 8.0 (76 reviews) Capcom vs SNK 2 EO Console: Xbox Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Meta Score: 8.1 (52 reviews) MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf Console: Xbox Publisher: Microsoft Game studios Developer: Day 1 Studios Meta Score: (not available) Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Console: Gamecube Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Nintendo Meta Score: 9.5 (134 reviews) Wario Ware Inc.: Mega Party Game$ Console: Gamecube Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Nintendo Meta Score: 7.7 (60 reviews) ***ROUND NINE*** Grandia II Console: Dreamcast Publisher: Ubisoft Developer: Game Arts Meta Score: 8.8 (46 reviews) Red Dog Console: Dreamcast Publisher: Crave Developer: Argonaut Games Meta Score: 7.6 (17 reviews) Soul Calibur Console: Dreamcast Publisher: Namco Developer: Namco Meta Score: 9.6 (38 reviews) Amplitude Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: SCEA Developer: Harmonix Music Meta Score: 8.5 (90 reviews) Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Tecmo Developer: Tecmo Meta Score: 8.2 (65 reviews) Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Konami Developer: KCEJ Meta Score: 9.5 (98 reviews) Silpheed: The Lost Planet Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Working Design Developer: Treasure Meta Score: 6.2 (39 reviews) Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath Console: Xbox Publisher: EA Games Developer: Oddworld Meta Score: 8.7 (84 reviews) Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Console: Xbox Publisher: LucasArts Developer: BioWare Meta Score: 9.4 (136 reviews) Steel Batallion Console: Xbox Publisher: Capcom Developer: Capcom Meta Score: 8.4 (36 reviews) ****************************************************************************** My votes: Burnout 3: Takedown -- YES You don't have to enjoy racing games to enjoy this. The thrill of crushing your opponent's car against a wall is awesome. And the Crash mode where you intentionally wreck to see who can cause the most damage is worth buying the game by itself. My entire family sat around playing that for hours. Definite must-buy. God of War -- YES Another no-brainer. Great combat, puzzles, graphics, story, and everything inbetween. It's almost a perfect game. It makes you wonder why more games don't tap into mythology. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker -- NO It may be fun and easy on the eyes, but the irritating triforce shard hunt at the end just leaves a stain on the whole experience (some would say the same thing about the tedious ocean travel). Then again, it had one of the finest endings of any Zelda game to date. But there are better Zelda games you could be playing. Wario Ware Inc.: Mega Party Game$ -- YES The Wii sequel may outshine it with motion-detection and such, but the original was still a surprisingly fun game. Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly -- YES The finest installment in the series. Ghosts and horrific experiences are so much more intimidating when you aren't controlling an adult with a shotgun. This might just be the creepiest game I've played. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty -- YES The ending may unravel into excessive complexity, but this is still a great game. And if nothing else, Raiden makes Snake look that much cooler. If you like cinematic gaming experiences, it's hard to beat the Metal Gear Solid series. Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath -- YES Beautiful, challenging and very unique. Indeed, it is hard to go wrong with Oddworld. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic -- NO I like a lot of things about this game. It explores a completely different era in the Star Wars universe. The characters are interesting and diverse. And someone FINALLY made a Star Wars game with an original soundtrack! Finally! Beyond that, however, the pacing is pretty rough. The game just feels very, very slow. It's a good game, to be sure, but the formula could still use a bit more polish. I have high hopes for the third installment (whenever they get around to making it). Quote
Dark Chocobo Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker: YES. Though the sailing and triforce parts are boring, the rest of the game is quite a fun experiences with a good story. The cel-shaded graphics were highly questioned, but all the naysayers I know changed their minds when they played the game and experienced how fun it is. Quote
Bahamut Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker The blatant tedious of some parts of the game, combined with the absurd ease, makes this an easy NO as a must play. Wario Ware Inc.: Mega Party Game$ This game has hooked so many people I never expected to get hooked, especially with the repeating of minigames to beat other friends' high scores. It gets addicting with a lot of people, and it's at least worth a play, even if you might end up not liking it, so YES. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic I enjoyed this highly, and it's a solid RPG at a time when western RPGs were sorely outdated gameplay-wise. I feel this is a game worth a shot at the least, so YES. Quote
Geoffrey Taucer Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 How the fuck did pikmin get a "NO?" THat's an awesome game. Is it too late for me to vote YES on pikmin? Quote
sephfire Posted May 26, 2007 Author Posted May 26, 2007 How the fuck did pikmin get a "NO?" THat's an awesome game.Is it too late for me to vote YES on pikmin? Never. Vote added. Quote
blueblazer1224 Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 Metal Gear Solid 2: YES -If you have any interest in games driven by story then this is the game for you. This game was way ahead of its time in terms of graphics and gameplay, it was an early PS2 release and it is still one of the best PS2 games around. This game seemed like it was trying to push the envelope in every way possible, some people may not have approved of some of the methods that it went about doing this, but the result is an amazing game that will be remembered for a long time. Quote
The Coop Posted May 26, 2007 Posted May 26, 2007 sephfire- Alien Front Online has a meta score of 7.4 over 4 reviews, and MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf has a meta score of 7.9 over 59 reviews. Alien Front Online (Dreamcast)- Want you asses kicked? Here ya go. This game is kind of a weird mix of 3rd person action, strategy, and vehicle combat. The graphics are quite nice for its time... colorful, interesting ship/tank designs, nice explosions. The controls are crisp, and there are a lot of things on the stages to use to your advantage (buildings, rocks, etc.). Some fun weapons to use as well. But man... is this game tough. You're always outnumbered and out gunned, and it's up to you to figure out how to bring down the enemies in each stage. It starts out simple enough, but gets damn hard by about the mid-way point. Still, it's not a cheap hard, it's a "you're going about it the wrong way"-hard. Not for everyone, but it gets a Borderline YES from me. Mars Matrix (Dreamcast)- Another one of the few shmups to come to the US DC. Colorful CGI graphics, big weapons, a wild scoring system, and insane amounts of bullets. This game is a prime example of "bullet hell" shmups. You will be inundated by the enemy, but there are ways to make it through. There's also a firing weapon, and an "up close" weapon that does more damage (and gives more scoring) for when you're feeling gutsy. While not the top DC shmup, it's still worth playing, and worth a Borderline YES. Tekken Tag Tournament (PS2)- Meh. That's the expression I had when I played this. The graphics were nice, but the gameplay had grown tiresome by this point. The "Dial-a-combo" stuff was dull, there was virtually no growth in the series' fighting system, the tag aspect was done better by SNK's King of Fighters series and Capcom's "vs" series, and it really didn't offer up much of anything new besides the prettier graphics. Sure, they gave you all the characters up to that point, and upped the graphics over the arcade version, but the arcade version was a boring fighting game was well. This game felt like a stop over between 3 and 4... like something to remind you that the series is still around... and just came off as something that added little to the series. Kind of fun to play at first, but it gets old very quickly. NO. Burnout 3: Takedown (XBox)- This is a racing game everyone can enjoy. Intense battling, cool crashes, great sense of speed, and you actually get points for causing the other cars to crash. Add in fun modes like the one where you crash to see how many points of damage you can accumulate, and being able to steer your crash, and it's a great combination of racing, and being able to take out your frustrations on the prick that bumped you out of first. A solid YES. R-Type Final (PS2)- What may indeed very well be the last shmup to the grace the world from this series (there's a possible strategy game being made called R-Type Tactics). Nice graphics, interesting stages, slow but challenging gameplay, multiple endings, and an absolute buttload of ships to be unlocked (many of which feature unique weapon setups to be used). This game has good replayability, and never comes off as being unfair. It's a good way for the series to go out. A YES. Capcom vs SNK 2 EO (XBox)- Where the first one was good, this one was even better. More characters, more stages, more fighting modes... more of everything. They also tweaked some of the balance issues from the first game. Like the prequel, this game's got nice animation, good graphics, and that trademark Capcom fighting set up that's been around for ages (easy to come to grips with). A solid YES for me. MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf (XBox)- Basically, take everything that made the first game great, touch up the graphics a little bit, give it a new story line, and add in the ability to hop in and out of the huge Mechs and hijack enemy Mechs. This game upped the sense of scale too, since you can run around with just your guy (who can be squished). The only real downside is that it clings a bit too closely to the first game, with a few additions here and there. But considering how good the first one is, that's not really that bad a thing. A solid YES. Grandia II (Dreamcast)- The DC might not have gotten that many RPGs, but this is arguably the best one. Great graphics, very nice music, a good story, a great battle system, very nice voice acting, and a touch of humor in spots. Even the translation wasn't botched, which some RPGs recently has suffered from. This RPG is done well on all sides, and the DC version has been called the best version to get in the past. It also doesn't feel drawn out at any point, which is quite a feat given how long it takes to win (40-60 hours). A quality RPG from start to finish. YES. Red Dog (Dreamcast)- Okay. I'm probably going to take shit for this, but this game is fun. The controls take a bit of getting used to, but once you grasp them, you'll have no problems blasting your way through. The buggy you control looks cool, you've got a good array of weapons and defenses to use, the wild level designs and enemies make for a good (but fair) challenge, the graphics are nice, and you get to blast everything. It's a simple game on the surface, but with a few plays, you find out there's more under its hood than meets the eye. It didn't get a wide release in the US, but if you can find it, it's worth picking up. A YES. Soul Calibur (Dreamcast)- Do I really have to explain this one? Great graphics for its time, nice tunes, easy but broad fighting system, lots of characters/stages... just get the damn thing if you don't own it already. YES. Silpheed: The Lost Planet (PS2)- I've generally been in the minority with this game. The graphics are very nice for it's time (especially the cinemas), the weapons are varied and customizable, the tunes are nice, and it improves on the Sega CD/PC original by quite a bit. The bosses are also fun, and unlike the original game, there's a lot more interaction with the backgrounds. It's not a deep shmup, but it is one worth getting. A Borderline YES. Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath (XBox)- Talk about a sleeper hit. This game was overlooked, and it truly is a crime. Great graphics, bizarre and fun weapons, an interesting story filled with entertaining characters, simple but effective gameplay, a healthy sized quest, and all sorts of little things and touches that really give this game's setting a sense of life. This really is a game not to be missed, as it's quite original. A solid YES without a doubt. By the way, have you considered putting up how many yes/no votes were cast for a given game, sephfire? Might be an interesting bit of info for games... especially ones that were just barely in the yes or no majority. Quote
sephfire Posted May 26, 2007 Author Posted May 26, 2007 By the way, have you considered putting up how many yes/no votes were cast for a given game, sephfire? Might be an interesting bit of info for games... especially ones that were just barely in the yes or no majority. Sure, why not. I'll try to add that info tonight. Quote
Broken Posted May 27, 2007 Posted May 27, 2007 Haha, the last couple of pages on this thread look like a judges decision panel. All it needs is a NO OVERRIDE! Like where you're going with this idea, btw. I'll definitely take some of your opinions into account when I next shop for games. Quote
dsx100 Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 Tekken Tag Tournament: YES! Sure there is a much better Tekken game avialable for the PS2 (Tekken 5) but I think Tekken Tag is still worth a try just because it has that classic original Tekken gameplay and the TAG team action which is something you won't get from any other Tekken game. As far as the Tekken series is concerned, either you like it or hate it. I thing it is unfair to judge this series based on personal taste. A lot of people don't like the some what slow paced, tactical, and over the top style of tekken but that doesn't mean it is bad by any means. This game is just as deep as any other good fighter like Virtua Fighter, it is just not as realistic. Believe me, this game is very deep and it takes alot of time and practice to get good at the game, and that is just to learn one character. Try learning the whole cast of 30+ characters. Tekken Tag is also arguably more deep some of its counterparts because the team you pick can greatly affect gameplay. The game is just plain fun to play with buddies as well. The characters are also very diverse and I am sure anybody can find someone they like. This game and the Tekken series as a whole is great and I think everybody, especialy fighting game fans should try it out. Burnout 3: Yes Burnout 3 has got be one of if not my favorite racers of all time. The games since of speed is amazing and I think no other street car racer can simulate that on an equal scale. The game also has tons of replay value with all the multiplayer modes they have including online play. Single player is a blast as well and will keep you busy for a while. The graphics are awsome. Pretty much the only thing I didn't like about this game was the punk rock soundtrack. This game is great and every racing fan should give it a try. Capcom vs SNK 2: EO: Borderlined Yes Much like Marvel vs Capcom 2, the Xbox version of Capcom vs SNK 2 isn't a very good port. The graphics and animation aren't as good as their arcade, DC, and PS2 counterparts. The controls don't feel as tight as well. However this game has one huge thing going for it, Online Play. How great is it to play one of the best 2D fighters ever made online. The online gives replay value much greater than that of its counterparts. For that, the Xbox version is a good game to own, however I feel you won't be getting the full arcade experience like with the other versions Legend of Zela The Wind Waker: YES! I know alot of people complain about the whole sailing and collecting Triforce chards part of the game, but I honestly think that is ridiculous. These things have been part of many other Zelda games before. The sailing is just the same as walking or riding a horse to other areas in other Zelda games, except these are islands so you must sail. You have to collect stuff in every Zelda game. Besides, the collecting Tri-force chards is such a small part of the the whole game that it is ridiculous not to recommend the game just for that tiny little segment. The reasons why this game is a must play is because it offers the immersive experience just like any other Zelda game. The gameplay is great and well done, the world is massive and allows for tons of exploration, the story is absolutely terrific, the sound is great, the music is awsome, and the graphics (despite the cartoony look) are amazing. Everybody should give this game a chance just because of all that it offers and all that it accomplishes. Also people complaining about diffculty obvisously haven't played other Zelda games. This game wasn't any easier than Ocarina of Time was and Twilight Princess was so much easier than both. This game is great and everyone should give it chance. Soul Calibur: Hell YES! Soul Calibur isn't one of the most highest rated and regarded games of all time for nothing. Soul Blade was already great in my opinion and Soul Calibur just made it a 100 times better. This game revolutionized the fighting genre, especially weapon based fighters. The 8-way run was something entirely new and innovative and it made the game extremely deep. Soul calibur is a very deep game for the same reasons Tekken is. The graphics were amzing for the time and the sound was just brilliant. This game also appealed to the hardcore and casual gamers alike. New comers and casual gamers could easily get into the game and have fun but at the same time be no match for an experienced veteran. This game is great and everybody should play it, fighting fan or not. Star Wars Kights of the Old Republic: Yes I normaly don't like RPGs at all but I loved this game anyway. I don't why but it didn't feel like I was playing a RPG. The fact that the action continued to take place during or even when I wasn't selecting commands helped out alot by making the game more action oriented, fast paced, and overall fun. The story for this game is just unbelieveable. I don't think I have ever gotten so into a video game story like I did with KotOR. The fact that it is a Star Wars game just is reason enough for me to just try out the game. Anyone who likes RPGs and Star Wars should really try out this game. Great game overall. Man I gave out alot of yes's. This was the list of games I was waiting for. Quote
R-D Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 Burnout 3 - YES It is one of the greatest racing games for the PS2. Sharp graphics, awesome modes and solid multiplayer action was what got me into becoming a fan of the series. Totally recommended for those who'd rather skip the concept of proper racing and vent a little rush hour steam by shoving the nearest vehicle into a semi. Quote
sephfire Posted May 28, 2007 Author Posted May 28, 2007 This batch makes 100 games we've covered so far. Pat yourselves on the back. ****************************************************************************** ***ROUND TEN*** Elite Beat Agents Console: Nintendo DS Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Inis Meta Score: 8.7 (48 reviews) Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Console: PSP Publisher: Konami Developer: Kojima Productions Meta Score: 8.7 (52 reviews) Super Mario Sunshine Console: Gamecube Publisher: Nintendo Developer: Nintendo Meta Score: 9.2 (102 reviews) Phantom Dust Console: Xbox Publisher: Majesco Games Developer: MS Studios Japan Meta Score: 8.3 (49 reviews) Gradius III & IV Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Konami Developer: KCET Meta Score: 5.7 (34 reviews) Final Fantasy XII Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Square Enix Developer: Square Enix Meta Score: 9.2 (73 reviews) Jak II Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: SCEA Developer: Naughty Dog Meta Score: 8.8 (103 reviews) Silent Hill 3 Console: Playstation 2 Publisher: Konami Developer: KCET Meta Score: 8.4 (90 reviews) ChuChu Rocket! Console: Dreamcast Publisher: Sega Developer: Sonic Team Meta Score: 8.5 (45 reviews) Test Drive Le Mans Console: Dreamcast Publisher: Atari Developer: Atari Meta Score: 8.8 (38 reviews) ****************************************************************************** My votes: Super Mario Sunshine -- YES It may not be Mario 64, but it 's easily a must. The resort environment is relaxing, the water-pack adds a new twist and the Bowser-Peach relationship gets four times weirder. Oh, and it's fun. Phantom Dust -- YES Very cool aesthetic and very cool card-esque gameplay to match it. I wish I'd found out about this game in its hayday. I'd actually stand a chance online now. Didn't one of the key Panzer Dragoon Orta staff members design this game? Either way, big YES. Final Fantasy XII -- YES This is one of the finest Final Fantasy games there is, and that is saying something. Absolutely gorgeous and the battle system is fantastic. Also, Square finally got some decent workers in their localization department, because the script translation and VA direction is greatly improved over past FF titles. If you like RPGs at all, this game is absolutely a must. Quote
blueblazer1224 Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 Silent Hill 3: NO -I'm a big Silent Hill fan and I think it's a good game but not a "Must-Have". Silent Hill 2 beats this game in every department except for gameplay...but nobody really plays the Silent Hill series for gameplay anyway. Some of the rooms / atmosphere in SH3 are creepy as hell though! If you're expecting an amazing plot like in SH2 you'll probably be a bit disappointed with this game. I have to admit though...SH3 did creep me out more than any of the other SH games. Note: Whoa..."Silent Hill - WhiteClaudiaRock" just started playing on ormgas.com...cool. Quote
The Coop Posted May 28, 2007 Posted May 28, 2007 Gradius III & IV (PS2)- This pack has Gradius III and Gradius IV on it. While IV is generally considered to be the weakest entry in the series, it's not a shmup. While it's not a bad shmup, it just doesn't do much that hasn't been done better in the first three games. The 3D graphics lost some of their charm and distinctiveness, and come off a bit bland looking. III however, is the reason to get this. Where the SNES version wasn't bad, it was still quite flawed. Massive amounts of slow down, removed levels, easy difficulty, and basically, a toned down port. This PS2 game has III in all it's original glory. The graphics are nice, the music is better, there's no slow down, the challenge is back up where it should be, and those tough 3D levels return. If you play the two back to back, you'll find quite a difference. A Borderline YES. Final Fantasy XII (PS2)- I'd never played a FF game before this one, but it's proven to be quite the introduction. Gorgeous graphics, very nice music, a broad reaching story that centers not on one person, but a group of people, interesting monster designs, very nice voice acting, fun side quests (hunts), and a long quest that will take you while to work through. Plus, you can go about battling the monsters in two different ways (one like a traditional turn-based RPG, or a more frantic "real time" style of fighting). It's a big, well done RPG. And hey... it's got Fran's well rendered ass too A YES without a doubt. ChuChu Rocket! (Dreamcast)- Here's a cutesy puzzle game that really grows on you the more you play it. The goal is to steer the train of mice to a rocket to escape the cat, by setting up arrows that will steer them around obstacles and such. As you progress, these levels get tougher, and require more thought to figure them out. It's got upbeat tunes, a funky graphical style, and is a lot fun. It also has great multiplayer modes, that makes the process even more fun, and gives this little game more lasting appeal. YES. Test Drive Le Mans (Dreamcast)- This racing game took a lot of people by surprise... including reviewers. Great graphics, very nice lighting and time lapse effects, fun and long tracks, cool weather effects, challenging AI that's not cheap, multiple modes (including a very cool "24hr" mode), and a feel to it that's hard to describe (the steering cars just "feels" right, especially in the first person mode). This is simply a wonderful racing game with all the right touches, and much better than the PS2 port that came after it (the PS2 version has frame rate issues). A solid YES to be sure. Quote
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