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I cannot vote yes on Metroid Prime 2. I enjoyed it but never managed to finish it. That last boss was one battle too many. I can see the flaws in the game, and I can see the good parts, such as the multiplayer being added, and the original take on Metroid. However it suffered from "completitis" where you have to scan so many things, and from a way to changing difficulty curve. The level design was great, the music was good, the gameplay was just like Prime 1, but there are so many issues that don't feel tight enough.

It's amusing how you change your pattern of speech when addressed differently. Notice this wouldn't have happened if you didn't mention that "someone else must have liked the game" and said something along the lines of "we need more votes, someone please give their opinion." Unfortunately, working at such a request objectively negates any way for you to request that someone votes on the game favorably because all you can really ask from someone is their vote.

I just really think Metroid Prime 2 should be on the list. Thats why I wish someone else would vote yes for it. I however, never demanded someone vote yes or even stated "Don't bother voting if you didn't like the game". It is just wishful thinking on my part to hope someone else liked the game. I am sorry if it came out as favoritism like comment. The main reason MP 2 not making the list bothers me so much is because when people see it on the majority no list they will think its not worth their time and they will probably decide not to play it. I think anybody with a gamecube should just try out the game. If you don't like it fine.

Also you seem to miss the point about why I got a little angry. You accused me of not reading (which by the way isn't true, I read every single entry since the day I first posted) when it is actually you guilty of that. I dislike when people think they know something and they really don't. You assumed I was just rattling on about my favorite games , which was entirely wrong. You should have done your homework and read just like you stated before. You could have also worded your message differently by putting something like "The way you said this made it seem like you where picking favorites". That would have been much better than just accusing me of listing favorites.

Agian, learn to quote so people actually know who you are addressing your comment too. You confuse people when you don't quote.


Once we're done with the voting, the Majority NO list will be removed, as will the vote count. I share your concern that a list of "rejected games" might discourage people from trying them, making them look worse than they are. By the end of this, there will be nothing but the final list of Majority YES games.

Once we're done with the voting, the Majority NO list will be removed, as will the vote count. I share your concern that a list of "rejected games" might discourage people from trying them, making them look worse than they are. By the end of this, there will be nothing but the final list of Majority YES games.

Thats comforting to hear. Great idea in my opinion and I am glad you can see where I am coming from.






Masters of Gamers: The Legend of the Midnight Sun Tournament

Bethesda, MD., June 30, 2007 - Renegade Tec incorporated is pleased to announce its first "Masters of Gamers Video game tournament" scheduled for June 16, 2007 to be held at the Hyatt Regency Bethesda, located 7400 Wisconsin Ave Bethesda, Maryland, USA 20814. This video game tournament will be held from 5pm till 10pm in the Old Georgetown and Congressional rooms of the Hyatt Regency. Dealers’ set-up begins at 4pm with online registration available until early June16 and at the door registration available at the event. The website to sign up for the tournament is www.RenegadeTec.com. There will be prizes to top competitors including, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, Pre-paid copy of Halo 3, Pre-paid copy of Madden 08, Cash prizes from $200 to $500 dollars, 26'' Flat screen Plasma TV, and much more. The tournament will host such games as Madden 07, Halo 2, Street Fighter 3rd strike, Smash Brothers Melee, Soul Caliber 3, Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, Dead or Alive 4, Tekken 5, Gears of War.

Come see why the Million Dollar Video game industry is alive and well. If you think that you got what it takes to be the first Master of gamers. This the first ever contest to see if your game is really worthy to be called immaculate and whether or not it is you who is the true Master. Bring your A game if your really think your the best and walk out a king, with over $2000 dollars in prizes and over $3000 dollars in cash money, what do you have to loss. We’re bringing some of the best titles and the newest systems to the battle field to find the answer to the Legend of the Midnight Sun. For all the Madden-ites, the Melee heads, Halo soldiers, Street Fighters, Soul Caliber warriors, DDR Maniacs, Rock Stars, DOA lovers, Tekken battlers, Gears of War fanatics, bring it, talk time is over. If you are really that good, then show and prove to be a Master.

Masters of Gamers: The Legend of the Midnight Sun, Hyatt Regency Bethesda, located 7400 Wisconsin Ave. Bethesda, Maryland, USA 20814 just above the Bethesda Station on Metro. For additional information visit our website at www.Renegadetec.com for details on registration, tournament details, gallery, directions, links to our sponsors and much more.






Masters of Gamers: The Legend of the Midnight Sun Tournament

Bethesda, MD., June 30, 2007 - Renegade Tec incorporated is pleased to announce its first "Masters of Gamers Video game tournament" scheduled for June 16, 2007 to be held at the Hyatt Regency Bethesda, located 7400 Wisconsin Ave Bethesda, Maryland, USA 20814. This video game tournament will be held from 5pm till 10pm in the Old Georgetown and Congressional rooms of the Hyatt Regency. Dealers’ set-up begins at 4pm with online registration available until early June16 and at the door registration available at the event. The website to sign up for the tournament is www.RenegadeTec.com. There will be prizes to top competitors including, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3, Pre-paid copy of Halo 3, Pre-paid copy of Madden 08, Cash prizes from $200 to $500 dollars, 26'' Flat screen Plasma TV, and much more. The tournament will host such games as Madden 07, Halo 2, Street Fighter 3rd strike, Smash Brothers Melee, Soul Caliber 3, Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, Dead or Alive 4, Tekken 5, Gears of War.

Come see why the Million Dollar Video game industry is alive and well. If you think that you got what it takes to be the first Master of gamers. This the first ever contest to see if your game is really worthy to be called immaculate and whether or not it is you who is the true Master. Bring your A game if your really think your the best and walk out a king, with over $2000 dollars in prizes and over $3000 dollars in cash money, what do you have to loss. We’re bringing some of the best titles and the newest systems to the battle field to find the answer to the Legend of the Midnight Sun. For all the Madden-ites, the Melee heads, Halo soldiers, Street Fighters, Soul Caliber warriors, DDR Maniacs, Rock Stars, DOA lovers, Tekken battlers, Gears of War fanatics, bring it, talk time is over. If you are really that good, then show and prove to be a Master.

Masters of Gamers: The Legend of the Midnight Sun, Hyatt Regency Bethesda, located 7400 Wisconsin Ave. Bethesda, Maryland, USA 20814 just above the Bethesda Station on Metro. For additional information visit our website at www.Renegadetec.com for details on registration, tournament details, gallery, directions, links to our sponsors and much more.

What in the bloody hell is this spam doing here?


To me, the criteria are too limiting. I am much more of a PC player than a console player, and the games that meet the goal of

Our goal here is to form a list of the finest games there are. The games every serious gamer should own.

...would include several PC games, and numerous older games. Not because these games are my favorite, but because they are/were high quality, changed the nature of video games to some degree, or otherwise pushed the envelope somehow.

With this in mind, I would nominate Fallout, TES:Oblivion, and Civilization 2 because of their quality, durability, (as in "would I recommend or play this game 10 years from now?") and overall playability. I realize that some of these games would not appeal to all, (for example, the "action gamers" wouldn't think much of Civ 2) but I would nominate them because they are, whether you like them or not, fine.

Of the games on the list, the only one that really jumps out at me is GTA: San Andreas for PS2. Its definitely not for everyone, but there was considerable playability and quality in that game. I am sure that there were other games that were noteworthy on that list, but I have not had the chance of playing all of them.


Obviously, the PC has seen some of history's finest games. This thread isn't limited to certain consoles because we think they have all of the good games. We're sticking to these 6 consoles because leaving it open to every game in existence would just be too daunting a task at this point. This thread has already taken a month.

If people are interested, there will be more of these threads. And PC games will find their place in one of them (probably the next one).


How about Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter for the PS2?

I can go on and on about how excellent this game is. The only game I played in the BoF series if the third installment on PS1, so I was expecting more of the same from Dragon Quarter. Nothing special. Turns out that this game is flat-out the most innovative RPG I've ever played. It has a lot of new elements I've never seen in an RPG before, including the ability to restart to your previous save (or the whole game even) with some of your stuff intact, thereby giving you extra storyline cut-scenes (Scenario Overlay System), the AWESOME turn-based/real-time battle system hybrid, and the D-Counter system which gets higher as you use mote of your Dragon moves...once you get to 100% you die so you REALLY have to be careful or else you'll screw up your game and be forced to restart to the beginning...think of it as a "walking time-bomb" mechanic.

Oh...and how about the fact that this is the only PS2 game that has a protected save file that you CANNOT copy to another memory card?

Cel-shaded graphics were very moody. The soundtrack is composed by Mr. Sakimoto under the direction of Mr. Mistuda...obviously an excellent pair-up.

Any Dragon Quarter fans out there?

hardly, you suck up

What the hell're you talking about? He wants to go through each system on its own in a thread like this? That's a month at a time for each freaking system which would be, in my opinion, a bitch and a half. I don't even plan on contributing in them past this point it became such a chore.

Obviously, the PC has seen some of history's finest games. This thread isn't limited to certain consoles because we think they have all of the good games. We're sticking to these 6 consoles because leaving it open to every game in existence would just be too daunting a task at this point. This thread has already taken a month.

If people are interested, there will be more of these threads. And PC games will find their place in one of them (probably the next one).

I'll contribute whenever i can, but as mentioned before...it can turn into a chore...


Well I'm back and the first round of cuts has been made. Any games that still have no YES votes have been dumped into the red category. They can still be voted into the green, but since it looks like we've gotten about all the votes we're gonna get, I don't expect much.

Any games that have at least one YES vote remain purple. If you're going to vote on these, it's now or never.

On a side note, I really miss the ability to change the thread title for updates and such. Very irritating. :neutral:


Why hasen't there been more votes for RE for the GC? I'd expected to see more votes then two. And does this mean i am the ONLY one that owns Wave Race Blue Storm?

Ah man, i wish i could vote for some games of which i know are good, but don't own.

Oh...and how about the fact that this is the only PS2 game that has a protected save file that you CANNOT copy to another memory card?

Cel-shaded graphics were very moody. The soundtrack is composed by Mr. Sakimoto under the direction of Mr. Mistuda...obviously an excellent pair-up.

Any Dragon Quarter fans out there?

Yes, I really liked the game. I played it almost straight for a few days. It's amazing how much it can completely suck you in. It's got a great story, and it really makes you wonder what's going to happen next. However, I feel that the save system is pretty much broken. The fact that I can't copy my save game? Come on! What if my memory card goes bad (there is someone I know who played it, and got *really* far, with great stats, and then their memory card got damaged. Too bad! I'm *not* liking that).

The music is great. Probably my favorite for the BoF series. I wish PSFs played in Rockbox, as I prefer those to MP3s...

As for recommending the game, it's a great game. I just feel that the save system is broken almost beyond use. The game is built such that it almost forces you to restart. I really like the feature of starting the game with all the stuff from your previous save. However, I don't want to have to restart completely if I die, or any other such thing.

If I was to YES this, it would be borderline. However, I'm not sure I can give it that. It's an amazing game. I want people to experience it themselves. But, when/if I tell people to play the game, I feel like I'm sentencing them to torture (it's often how playing the game felt). However, I must also say that part of the torture feeling had to do with difficulty, and the "walking time-bomb" aspect. For me, knowing that I'm a hair's-breadth away from dieing 95% (or more) of the time is a terrible feeling.

I'll YES BoF5: Dragon Quarter, but only because I feel that the story, the atmosphere, and the interest out-weigh (barely) the flaws. Also, the fact that if I NO this, then the game has no chance at all of being on the list. It's a great game. It's worth a try. Be warned though. It takes a lot of dedication.

Tomorrow will be the last day for voting!
Blast. I've been gone for a week, and I don't think I have the time to give the current list a good look over... There's a few votes I'd like to place, but I'm not sure I'll get around to it... Maybe a one day extension? If not, no big deal. Great thread though! Glad I could be a (very small) part of it. Mouser X out.

Ok, I finally beat it.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


Everyone needs to play Metroid Prime. Everyone who enjoyed it - and this should be the VAST majority - should play Prime 2. So many folks say it's not as good as the original. I don't object to this attitude, but it's still well above average and an excellent Gamecube game that no Metroid fan should be without. The bosses were very interesting and diverse. "Fun" weapons that usually go never get used on bosses, see a lot of use in this game. I thought the Seeker Missiles, for example, would just be a gimmick weapon to open certain colored doors, but when it helped tremendously in a boss fight (Chykka) I was pleasantly surprised. The parallel worlds give you vast territory, more than Prime 1, and the game is a bit longer and harder than Prime 1 as well - It took me 19:03 to conquer with 76% items and no FAQs, well above my 16:48 68% for my first stab at Prime 1. While the Ing don't provide the same classic story as the Space Pirates, it's an interesting game in its own right. The visors you get weren't expected, but the beams were a bit of a rehash. At first I didn't like the idea of beams having ammo, but it adds an element, especially as you get the opposite ammo as the beam you're using, adding some elements of strategy. A lot of enemies went beyond the lock on and shoot mechanism. You have sheegoth equivilents you have to shoot in the back, you have bloggs you have to wait until it's about to hit you, you have the robots you have to boost into, numerous Ing forms. There are more kinds of enemies, and if I'm not mistaken, many more bosses in Prime 2 than there was in the original. It's a nice twist on the same game engine and basic theme put forth by Prime, and makes for an excellent game. Looking at some of the other entries that made the list, I don't see a reason to deny this very solid game a spot on the list.

Ok, I finally beat it.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes


Everyone needs to play Metroid Prime. Everyone who enjoyed it - and this should be the VAST majority - should play Prime 2. So many folks say it's not as good as the original. I don't object to this attitude, but it's still well above average and an excellent Gamecube game that no Metroid fan should be without. The bosses were very interesting and diverse. "Fun" weapons that usually go never get used on bosses, see a lot of use in this game. I thought the Seeker Missiles, for example, would just be a gimmick weapon to open certain colored doors, but when it helped tremendously in a boss fight (Chykka) I was pleasantly surprised. The parallel worlds give you vast territory, more than Prime 1, and the game is a bit longer and harder than Prime 1 as well - It took me 19:03 to conquer with 76% items and no FAQs, well above my 16:48 68% for my first stab at Prime 1. While the Ing don't provide the same classic story as the Space Pirates, it's an interesting game in its own right. The visors you get weren't expected, but the beams were a bit of a rehash. At first I didn't like the idea of beams having ammo, but it adds an element, especially as you get the opposite ammo as the beam you're using, adding some elements of strategy. A lot of enemies went beyond the lock on and shoot mechanism. You have sheegoth equivilents you have to shoot in the back, you have bloggs you have to wait until it's about to hit you, you have the robots you have to boost into, numerous Ing forms. There are more kinds of enemies, and if I'm not mistaken, many more bosses in Prime 2 than there was in the original. It's a nice twist on the same game engine and basic theme put forth by Prime, and makes for an excellent game. Looking at some of the other entries that made the list, I don't see a reason to deny this very solid game a spot on the list.

I am glad someone else can see what I see in Metroid Prime 2. Yes, it isn't better than Metroid Prime 1 but it is still very good. Glad you enjoyed it. I also think I know which boss fight your talking about with the Seeker missiles.

And to Sephire, I am all for another thread. I promise you I will stay with it, if that means much. I personally like critiquing games, and I think its fun, not a chore like others feel it is. So if you do decide to do another thread, I am behind it and you will get my support.



I personally critiquing games,

Grammar lol


and I think its fun, not a chore like others feel it is. So if you do decide to do another thread, I am behind it and you will get my support.

Sephfire's got a new pet!

But seriously now. Sephfire, I honestly doubt you'll be able to continue this with the support that you're getting. Not to mention, the list of games to sift through is far too large and vast for us to know completely.

Though if you really do continue, here's my advice: Find a master list of games from a reliable source and put every single game on the voting list. The nomination system is what makes this thread so close to a favorites, because only games that stand out for people made it onto the list. I can personally say I only nominated games I personally enjoyed. Just some thoughts.

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