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Hmm, there's a problem with this thread: the vast majority are offering help, rather than looking for help. If that's the case, I could use some help in getting past the Nightfall mission where you have to reach the temple of the 6 gods. I haven't managed to get a good combination of damage and disruption with my h&h, as I either end up dying to Shiro Tagachi (not enough disruption), or to the mobs that make copies of themselves (can't kill fast enough).

Hmm, there's a problem with this thread: the vast majority are offering help, rather than looking for help. If that's the case, I could use some help in getting past the Nightfall mission where you have to reach the temple of the 6 gods. I haven't managed to get a good combination of damage and disruption with my h&h, as I either end up dying to Shiro Tagachi (not enough disruption), or to the mobs that make copies of themselves (can't kill fast enough).

One necromancer, Spiteful Spirit, Price of Failure, Insidious Parasite, Reckless Haste, Enfeeble, Res, X.

And something spamming the shit out of Wild Blow to knock Impossible Odds off.



Anyway, Katti is a W/W. I change around her secondary just to cap elites and buy skills for my heroes, but I do enjoy going W/E most regularly in PvP for the fire-own...just need to get another good FDS...I was still a massive noob when I owned one on my friends acct. and customized it. >.>;

I actually beat that temple of the six gods thing with almost complete H&H. My IRL friend wanted to do it with me since he was having trouble with pure H&H, but he's not exactly good at pug'ing. He doesn't manage aggro well and he likes to have control over most of the party. So we use a pseduo H&H setup where it's me, him, and his choice of heroes and henchmen that he controls. What keeps us out of trouble when we do this is that he can stay alive easier with his guys and I dont' die as long as I'm the one doing all the pulling and aggro management. So the setup was:

Me - Str Swordie

Him - Barrage Ranger

Dunkoro - Healer, no elites, standard stuff

Tahlkora - Exactly the same as Dunkoro

Olias - MM

Earth Henchie

Motivation Hench


It was pretty easy all the way through. He didn't want to bonus even though we could have easily. If the final fight is the problem, there's an easy trick. You have to the two on the right hand side so that you aggro Lich first. You pull him out of the temple, then you show him a good time. Then you run around getting favor of the gods then rip Shiro apart. Well...that's the idea anyway. He messed up the aggro and pulled Shiro (i got worried at this point, lol) so we had to kill him first, which went well due to the earth henchie. After he went down we didn't feel like running any risks and just killed Lich (who's a pushover). I didn't die the entire time while tanking everything and maintained quite a nice morale boost. ^_^

Anywho...an OCR guild is not the way to go. If nobody honestly cares except for the chance to play together, I'm going to make an alliance as an umbrella so you can join whatever guild you want within the alliance or you can bring your current guild if you lead one into it. That in mind, I don't want to be the one deciding the name for the thing, so start discussing the prospects.

Speaking of being a style-whore: damn straight! Might as well look good as you kick some ass.

Edit: Also try to have who has access to what in terms of the campaigns. I currently have access to everything and I'm certain of buying GW:EN.


Well, as for fighting the lich and shiro, it's easy enough even when you aggro them both at first. The lich goes down easily enough, but when you start taking down shiro to low health, battle scars combined with impossible odds kind of rapes you if you aren't prepared.


Haven't played too much recently in the past 4 months due to ANet nerfing solo farming and thus causing massive disinterest to play in my Guild, thus causing me to not have anyone to play with. Although some of my guildies did switch to another (and more active) guild, I still haven't played much because work and the fact that my laptop backlight is pretty much dead and I have to steal the monitor of my parents' PC to use my computer.

Anyway, here's my characters:

Axlrod Gunnarson - 20 Mo/stuff

Stella Soulcatcher - 20 R/stuff

Look Im Emo - 20 N/stuff

Freya Evangeline - 20 W/stuff

Zoe Lilas - 20 Me/stuff

The Afflicted Huan - 20 E/stuff

Belah Belladonna - 20 A/stuff

Elijah Engelhand - 20 Rt/stuff

Like Isis - 20 D/stuff

Ecco the Dolphin - 20 P/stuff


Gonna Sting You - 20 Me/W (PvP character)

Mule of Nosferatu - 20 E/something (extra storage)

Solo farming is not nerfed so much anymore. Repeatedly farming an area does not decrease drops as it used to.

Isn't that only for certain types of items? There is still an anti-farm code or whatever to prevent it, but I do recall certain items always have a set drop rate regardless of what you're killing.

Anyway, Dragon Festival '07 started and I'm still at work...

I'll probably hop on when I get home and do the missions/arena until I get just enough tokens for the mask. This'll be the first event ever for me...in two years of play. Granted this play was quite irregular and I used to be Prophecies only. Then it's on to finishing out Factions for the first time then Prophecies again on my main in prep for EotN. Btw...I absolutely hate getting the 10k faction for a faction. I have about 9k for Kurzick already and maybe 1.5k for Luxon, but it's so imbalanced. Nobody wants to play in the Jade Quarry where both sides have an equal chance compared to the stupid Fort Aspenwood where I daresay Luxon still has a 50/50 chance of winning if they have two leechers/leavers against a full Kurzick squad. The objectives are really in the favor of the Luxons.

Isn't that only for certain types of items? There is still an anti-farm code or whatever to prevent it, but I do recall certain items always have a set drop rate regardless of what you're killing.

No, the only other change is Loot Scaling, which is affected by the number of people in your party. Golds/Greens/Tomes/Scrolls/Dyes/Rare Crafting Materials and Gems from DoA are exempt from loot scaling. Which means if you were farming for something in particular or just in general, you will get decent drops.


Well I'll be damned, a thread on GW.

I play from time to time, on all three campaigns with some PVP tossed in there from time to time.

I'll edit up my post or post another with my toons' names as soon as I can update my ANet. Havent actually played in a few weeks so there's a couple updates for me.

Solo farming is not nerfed so much anymore. Repeatedly farming an area does not decrease drops as it used to.

True, I started doing a HM Halcyon Job farm for a while; you can easily solo all the assassins at the beginning of the quest (forget the halcyon, just go straight to the upper-north part) before you approach the Lord Senku or whatever his name is; there's at least 27 Luxon assassins, and w/ HM using a simple Rt/E VwK build and using Armor of Earth and Stoneflesh Aura (I think, i dunno) the assassins will die really fast. They drop gold luxon armors like nothing, and lockpicks come out at a fairly decent rate too; and 90% of the time there's at least one chest, so you can go for whatever is in that too if you're rich enough (which I'm not).


leveled my monk up several levels tonight, i'm at 10.5 or so now. so now i just need to do some coop missions and i'll get it high enough that i can afford getting a powerleveler the rest of the way. i'm broke, you see, from my monk getting elite armor/black dye/having to buy 35 deldrimor steel ingots. total caost me almost a hundred plat.


Add me if you want. I won't be leaving my guild since it's too awesome, even if I could join up on an OCR guild.

Characters: I'll only list primaries since I change secondaries too often.

Sister Ayano - Mo20

Raiden Astal - R20

Krysta Astal - N20

Luna Astal - W20

Xavier Astal - A20

Tobias Astal - Me20

Amber Astal - E20

Jade Astal - Rt10

Celes Astal - D20

Daedalus Astal - P20

All characters are PvE but I do some PvP now and then. I'm mainly interested in HoH when it comes to PvP though.

right. and they have such good armor for a ranged attacker, too. with good heroes, its one of the best classes.

Eh, I've seen people debate their effectiveness in PvP; most say that elementalists do their shouts better and that rangers have better spikes/dps. PvE-wise, deaths have been rare for me: all of the deaths I got as a Paragon are one when I went afk after I first made him (I don't care about the survivor title) and then all subsequent ones happened in the Domain of Fear trying to cap Stunning Strike.


I like the idea of paragons, don't get me wrong. But, I only see their superiority when there are 6+ in the same group. Let me just tell you now, it's so much fun to do a metagame dungeon run (you know what I mean, right?) with 6 paragons and 2 warriors. Standalone, they don't stand a chance, but that's the point. They're meant to be very supportive and stand in between the front and back lines. I personally like them to be used as secondaries to either rangers or elementalists. I also think this way about dervishes...although their avatar forms are just way too much fun to romp around with.

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