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Dervishes are the most useful of the expansion professions in my opinion. They can easily replace a Warrior as a tank in many situations. They're decent at dealing out damage if the player knows what he's doing as well. They're also pretty damn good runners too.

Dervishes are the most useful of the expansion professions in my opinion. They can easily replace a Warrior as a tank in many situations. They're decent at dealing out damage if the player knows what he's doing as well. They're also pretty damn good runners too.

A/D & D/A are by far the best of the runners in this day and age. Dervishes do fit many roles, but they only problem is that they must specialize heavily in the role but are subject to being stripped of their vital enchantments which allow them to replace something like a warrior. I personally enjoy them more as a secondary class so I can play with scythes.


I would think the satisfaction of getting those titles of survivor is in attaining it yourself. Unless you'd get something nice for it in Guildwars 2 through the hall of monuments, there's not much of a point in paying to get this title, at least that's how I see it.


I agree, titles that don't give you any bonus are a waste of time.

However, I did like the unlucky title track, I just wish it would give some sort of bonus like the lucky one does.


Prophecies just takes so long to level I can't stand it. If I ever want to run through it again I always make a Factions or Nightfall character then just hop on over at Lion's Arch and go from there.


i desperately need to sell some staff mods - notably a +30 wrapping, two 20% enchanting wrapping, a +5 energy head, and a +29 health head. i've also got a vamp haft for axe, two 20/19 sundering for bows, and a few zealous bowstrings and axe handles. anyone interested?

i've also got a +30 focus core and a billion inscriptions.


Was wondering why I wasn't on that list then I remembered it was cuz I'm on the European servers. If anyone on the EU servers needs a hand or something, feel free ta give me a buzz. Unseen Edge is my main. I'm currently working through the Factions campaign which I've had for a while but never got around to finishing (no Nightfall as yet).


I'm trying to decide which Guild Wars expansion I want to get, Factions or Nightfall? Which adds what? I know about heroes in Nightfall, but I've heard if you only get Nightfall you don't get alliance battles and all that from Factions.


Factions and Nightfall both contain very important skills to all classes regardless of whether you play the additional classes or not. If I had to pick one or the other, I would go with Nightfall for the hero system and Wurms. You know I'm so right.

Factions and Nightfall both contain very important skills to all classes regardless of whether you play the additional classes or not. If I had to pick one or the other, I would go with Nightfall for the hero system and Wurms. You know I'm so right.

ten friggin characters


ten friggin characters

Junundu Wurms to be more precise. Think of highly mobile siege tanks that fuck shit up. Don't think of siege tanks in a starcraft sense. Just think tanks of massive pwn.


OR you can wait to get GW:EN when it comes out at the end of August. Unlike most, I thoroughly enjoyed Factions but I still do prefer Nightfall over Factions because I'm mainly a PvE kinda guy. ABs, on the other hand, are way fun when you get a group of four friends together. (I hate PUGs in any circumstance)


I've really wanted to get into the PVP scene more and more recently, but it just hasn't caught enough of my attention. Ever since the introduction of Heroes, I can't stand pugging anymore so I avoid RA like the plague and just chill with the few RL friends in my guild in PvE.

Was wondering why I wasn't on that list then I remembered it was cuz I'm on the European servers. If anyone on the EU servers needs a hand or something, feel free ta give me a buzz. Unseen Edge is my main. I'm currently working through the Factions campaign which I've had for a while but never got around to finishing (no Nightfall as yet).

Servers really don't make a difference; you can just meet up in an international district to play with people on a different country/continent server than you.

The only time I can think of them actually do mattering is for UW/FoW, in which there's passage scrolls now so even that can be done.

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