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They are showing love, by not adding it to the top ten WORST game commercials.

aka if you are stupid and dont get it i was saying its not a bad commercial

Ofcourse it isn't a bad one! This one rocks because it's so damn good. The Pole Position is hilarious because it's so bad.

I always found this one funny for its blatant ripoff of Bill & Ted


Huh-huh, he said, "Stay bigger." Huh-huh-huh-huh-huh.

Personally, I laugh when I see those animated PSP ads. Although the commercials in North America got pulled, at least the Europeans kept 'em going.


Portable Nut

Daxter (a.k.a. I'd Hit That)

(a.k.a. Hellz Yeah)


Pursuit Force (a.k.a. Even the Ugly Ones)

(a.k.a. Love Bullets)

PSP Infomercial (a.k.a. Super Hot Dustball)

PSP System (a.k.a. Goose)

Tekken: Dark Resurrection (a.k.a. Roar!)

Killzone: Liberation (a.k.a. Snuck)


Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters



Portable Cheese


MLB 06 The Show (a.k.a. Horrible)

Pussy Willows:

Portable Lilypad

Goldfish: Unofficial

(a.k.a. Oh, Snap)

BUT, if you think those are bad, you should see the newer ones. (Actually, maybe you shouldn't.)

Dude, Get Your Own:

#1 - Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters

#2 - Cheat Code

#3 - Potty Humor

#4 - Movie Killer

#5 - Belt Check

#6 - Air Hair

#7 - Hotel Homies

I still <3 my PSP anyway.


I never really liked the psp adds (Namely the chipmunk ones, but some of the dustball things were stupid too.) It's like those commercials try too hard to be funny.

they are just dancing

and seriously if that doesnt get someones attention and make them wonder about what the heck this is advertising than nothing will

I believe siven7 was refering to this one:

It's a true classic, and yeah this one would definately grab someone's attention as well, though not in a good way.

After seeing those, I can't imagine why anyone would want to. Honestly, those are fucking terrible. Is Sony actually that incapable of hiring a decent studio to do their ad campaigns?

The answer- yes they are.


i watched like 4 psp ads to see what was so bad about them

they seemed fine

i actually enjoyed the loco roco one

and if you say a thing is bad solely based on the advertising campaign you are an idiot

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