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Magical Drop III 'Enigmatic Lunacy'

This is a nice dance track. Though the chord progression stays the same the whole time, it takes that progression and builds all sorts of stuff on top of it which kept it fresh (though that piano still started to get on my nerves near the end). Nice use of voice samples, too. All in all, it's kinda short, but it's fun.


I found the song to be a great one. I loved the game, greatly, and the music stayed true to the original format without getting too close to the original mix, and something "way out in left field".

The added voice/sound clips... Well done! Original thinking, as most songs don't even consider adding this to the songs. One song that did, before this one was the Mega Man 2 remix, Quick Flash(?). I'd like to see more remixes follow this example.

So anyway, Remixer, THANK YOU for the excellent work, and please, remix another Magical Drop 3 song!



Man, this is excellent!

It's really catchy and works perfectly with WA3's crossfade so you can listen to it again and again and again...

The voice samples are extremly co_Ol...and fits the song exactly...

Excellent work!

9/10 - because it's short!



It pleases me to no end to see a Neo-Geo remix up after the all too long dry spell. The fact that its Magical Drop 3 is even better, since the music was great and pretty much tailor made for remixing (would kill to hear the final boss music remixed). ;) I really hope to see more in the future (Samurai Shodown, KOF, Fatal Fury, Last Blade, Metal Slug, and Waku Waku 7 anyone?).

The remix is quite nice. Not the best I've heard, but a very good job nonetheless.

The comment by DJP to avoid Legend of Success Joe is wise indeed.


Forgot to mention something, if you want to hear the true voice samples when you play the game, set the region to Japanese. For some reason Data East put some annoying generic dude in for the voices in the American version instead of the ultra cool ones.

*song continues to kick ass*


Ok i been trying to post on this topic.. something was wrong with connection. Anyway:

Ok, High quality sounds, Great Arrangement, and Good/decent production value. And I also like the implemented game sounds/voices.

I thought the piano chord was a bit repeatative, but it was ok for this type of mix. Could have used more variation in the mix, but ok.

Good listen!

  • 3 months later...

You know a mix is good when it makes you want to play the game it's from. This song makes me want to go out and buy a NeoGeo and this game. Love the upbeat feel and FX involved. You can't just stay still when you listen to all that goes on in this mix. Well done, Wesley Hopper. Anyone know where I can find a rom?

  • 6 months later...

I loved Magical Drop and I loved this. Fer me, da voice samples totally made this. That and that part where ya hear da spheres flying and breaking and stuff. great stuff.

No Emperor quotes? No love fer Emperor? I weep for that flamboyant man. Hee hee.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

From a catchy tune to a pulsing finish, this remix is an excellent example of any mix made from any Magical Drop game. The slight echo and sounds of character speech and dissapearing balls was something that would attract anyone who had played the game, or even not. The pace set by the phrases just kept a hold of you througnout the whole thing. I only wish that it were longer and had much more side elements to co-star with the already great melodies. Having a breaking base would be for the best.

Final Grade: 7.5 out of 10

  • 2 years later...

I'm not feeling the vocal samples, but they don't really detract from an otherwise fun mix.

I love these piano-driven dance tracks, and this one is produced pretty well. I wish the lead synth had a slightly stronger attack, but as is, it's still decent. Great work keeping things interesting throughout, I like this one, super cheerful and energetic.

  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...

Another one of those highly energetic dance mixes that pad out the OCR library. Nothing glaringly wrong with it, and not all that much exceptional about it either. Very fun and bubblegummy, but anyone after a fulfulling or exhilirating track probably wont find it with this.

The source seems like a perfect choice for remixing and the style its done in, and I thought the game samples were used sparingly enough that they added a nice charm.

It's well-made, it's ear-pleasing, but it's also familiar territory. Not all mixes need to be historic, and this proves that. It's good despite not being great.

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00762 - Magical Drop III "Enigmatic Lunacy"

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