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Greetings, I'm ZJP (better known as Zach). Been a regular visitor to OCRemix for about 6 months, and have liked it very much. I'm 17 years old, living in Oregon, and my interests include video games, and tv shows, and the job I currently have. I hope to be a positive addition to the forums, and, eventually (when I acquire the proverbial "1337 $|<|11Z") I hope to start adding remixes to the site.

Thank you for having me :)

Also, what if I don't care if Iget flamed in UnMod for being from GameFAQs? Can I still mention it, or is it like... auto-bannination?


As unfair as it is, mentioning that you're from GameFAQs will instantally brand you. Personally, I'd wait until you gain some status (and not use terms like "1337 $|<|11Z") before saying anything; but that's me.

After reading your post again...if you don't really care, don't worry about it.

And hello, Uber Goalie! Welcome, and...umm...tread lightly.


Hello to all the newbies, hope you enjoy your stay here in OCR. I am sure you have been warned but just incase beware of UnMod...it isn't exactly like the brady bunch in there. Nice to meet you though and if you have any questions go ahead and PM me. :D


Hi all,

I most likely won't post too much; I spent a couple of years on a comparatively-sized forum and got a little burned out, so now smaller forums are more of my element. Still, I've lurked around for a bit and figure I should at least have an account to give myself a voice if I need one, so here we are. Hope to get to know some of y'all as time goes by. ^_^



hey all im new here and wanted to say hello. can someone tell me what you use to remix stuff and how much it cost so i know. I also have a keyboard and play the alto sax if that helps.


Just wanted to drop by and say hello to all you new comers (and all you pros). You could say I'm a bit of a newbie meself though I've been downloading a while longer then I've been a member. I've managed to pick up a few things since I've joined. The most important thing is to ignore them flamers, they're out to get you newbies so don't give them more fuel by responding to their flames. Also, unless you have a good idea for a thread, you're better off just posting your opinions in existing threads until you get the hang of things rather then just posting any old topic. Anyways, I'm outta here, goodluck and have fun on OCR.


Hello to all of you newcomers and welcome to the world of OCR Forums. Me personally, I have been hre since 2002, but decided to sign up around 2003 *ignore the postcount, Ihave another account thats at 1000+, but I decided to use this one becuase it has an earlier joindate*.

But yes, once more, Hello! If you are daring *and its not much of a thread anymore but* I recommend venturing into the unmoderated section. The randomness among other things should entertain you!


heya guys :) New here in what you call overclocked remix. You guys have some cool music here and i thought "why not?" and make an account so i can get to know everyone here. I know this is not much of a first post, but hope it goes somewhere.



I'm a spanish guy who loves metal and video games.

I was a reader for a lot of time but, now I bought a bass and I'm thinking to do some sonic the hedgehog metal remixes with a friend. :wink:

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