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You guys are so totally right. She just looks WAY too masculine. I honestly don't even know what I was thinking. I guess I'm just losing my edge. But I've made a few improvements that I think we can all agree make her look a lot more feminine:


Much better, right?

What if i just want her? In the worst possible way?

That's a problem you're going to have to work out yourself. =P

You guys are so totally right. She just looks WAY too masculine. I honestly don't even know what I was thinking. I guess I'm just losing my edge. But I've made a few improvements that I think we can all agree make her look a lot more feminine:


Much better, right?

That's a problem you're going to have to work out yourself. =P


id say that actually works well for ocad

and i wasnt sayin she looked masculine. she just looked like epicenter clean shaven and with boobs

You guys are so totally right. She just looks WAY too masculine. I honestly don't even know what I was thinking. I guess I'm just losing my edge. But I've made a few improvements that I think we can all agree make her look a lot more feminine:


Much better, right?



All you need now is an animated gif that transitions between the two and you've got pure gold.

Or at least something to scare people with...

Posted (edited)

Such clean linework hoooow?

I think it came out really nice, and am particularly impressed with the linart of the latest, barring that... face. XD

What are the dimensions of the original and what size is your brush/pen when you do lineart?

I'm not really picking up boy vibes from it either. I guess the padded shoulders might add some androgyny and her figure (more pear-like than hourglass) isn't a figure type I often see illustrated, particularly in anime styles. It's usually hourglass or way too heavy on top. I like that it's not cookie cutter or conventional though.

Edited by Otakatt
Grammar fail
Such clean linework hoooow?

I think it came out really nice, and am particularly impressed with the linart of the latest, barring that... face. XD

Thanks! Here's the full size with the normal face. =P


What are the dimensions of the original and what size is your brush/pen when you do lineart?

The final image ended up at 726x1470. I usually just start and expand or contract the canvas as needed. It's nice having that flexibility. Brush size usually depends on the picture, but I find myself using the 3 pixel round brush that comes standard with Photoshop the most—which is what I used here for the most part.

My sketches are usually pretty messy. I use a lot of smaller quick strokes to build up lines how I want them. It's far more time-consuming than using broad strokes, though. For longer lines like her legs, I use the pen tool, then erase bits of it, and go back over it by hand to give it a little more "character."

I'm not really picking up boy vibes from it either. I guess the padded shoulders might add some androgyny and her figure (more pear-like than hourglass) isn't a figure type I often see illustrated, particularly in anime styles. It's usually hourglass or way too heavy on top. I like that it's not cookie cutter or conventional though.

OCAD is far from cookie-cutter. =P

  • 1 month later...


But you know who we don't see enough of?


Seriously, I've seen maybe one good, colored drawing of specifically her, and that was the V-day one.

We need more colored 2-tan drawings.

Well, we need more colored drawings of them all, really. No pressure, Bin. :-P


Whenever I go to doodle, I usually begin with an OCR-tan or two. And since I very rarely throw any of my artwork away this means I have a stockpile of random OCR-tan drawings/sketches just lying around. The stuff that I really dig, I usually turn into one of the images previously posted in this thread, however the majority of what I draw is never actually seen by anyone else. That stops today.

I just spent the last 2-3 hours scanning, and compiling most of my OCR-tan doodles and sketches from the past couple of years. They're not colored (sorry), nor are they masterpieces by any stretch. In fact, most of them are quite sloppy, but hopefully this will be a small consolation for the lack of other tans. =P


Click for the stupidly large version.

Your sketches of 3-tan cover a much larger range of emotions than the others, I've noticed. Interesting...

Yep. I guess I always kinda considered her the emotional one. =P

She's also by far the one I draw the most—as should be evident from the image above. Honestly, she's my favorite of the bunch. I guess that shouldn't come as any surprise though. I mean, she's 100% my own design. From start to finish. Sure I designed 2 and 1, but not without taking cues from some of the other designs way back when OCR-tan's look was still being figured out.

  • 3 months later...

I seem to double-post a lot in this thread. I had the urge to pick back up one of the old OCR-tan WIPs that I had lying around and continue on with it. This is what I have so far:


Click for bigness.

I completely redid 2-tan, but I left the old one to show just how different (and improved I'd say) the new one is. I will be redoing 1 as a ranger in the green spot. The mage/wizard type will be covered by OCAD-tan in the purple area.

No Mideval OCAD tan? We can save the day too!!
The mage/wizard type will be covered by OCAD-tan in the purple area.

She'll be in there, but I've got to finish it first. =P

  • 7 months later...

It's been a while! I've been working on this off and on ever since I finished the OCAD-Tan design. Everything is still just sketches and I've still got a few more characters I'd like to add to it, but for now I figured I'd go ahead and show off what I have.


As usual, click the image for a (much) larger version.

Though she has never been drawn in normal human form...

I wasn't sure if this was you asking me to draw her as a human, or if I should just do the reploid version, so I kinda did a hybrid. Hope that's cool. =P

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