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Is man not entitled to the game he buys?

NO, says the man at Securom. It belongs to 2K.

NO, says the man at 2K. It belongs to us.

NO, says the man at Microsoft. It belongs to our license purchasers.

I rejected those answers.

Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...piracy! Where the gamer would not be censored, where the PC owner would not be bound by petty encryption, where the buyer would not be constrained by corporate greed. And with the downloading of your torrents, piracy could become your salvation.

The whole point of the game is that those ideas failed miserably. I get the analogy, but for it to be completed, this scenario has to end with you getting slapped with a lawsuit.


So, for anyone who's gotten this far...

[and for those who haven't, fear not! this shall be so vague as to be spoiler-free]

I was NOT expecting the bit with Fontaine after the whole "A SLAVE OBEYS, A MAN CHOOSES" bit.

Would you kindly agree with me?

The whole point of the game is that those ideas failed miserably. I get the analogy, but for it to be completed, this scenario has to end with you getting slapped with a lawsuit.

It's possible that it changes near the end, but the way I understand it: Rapture was working relatively fine until Fontaine and his smugglers fucked everything up.

I'm a supporter of a lot of things Ayn Rand put forth. She gave words to the ideas I had before I even encountered her books. I truly believe that excessive altruism is destroying people, but that's a discussion for a different thread and day.

So, for anyone who's gotten this far...

[and for those who haven't, fear not! this shall be so vague as to be spoiler-free]

I was NOT expecting the bit with Fontaine after the whole "A SLAVE OBEYS, A MAN CHOOSES" bit.

Would you kindly agree with me?

Dude, would you stop fucking spoilering everything on all coerners of the internet? You're going to ruin a lot of the game for a lot of people who haven't beat it. How hard is it to just make the text white, seriously?


for those unaware, there is a circus over the 2k forums:


apparently you're only entitled with a limited amount of keys to install the game, and if you don't properly uninstall the game before doing a hard drive wipe of something of the sorts, your key is lost.


So what to do? well you will be unabled to play, if you contact secuROM they will direct you to 2k, and if you contact 2k they will direct you to SecuROM in a neverending corporate circlejerk. That plus having the nice malware called secuROM installed on your pc without your knowledge. Gotta love DRM.:-)

for those unaware, there is a circus over the 2k forums:


apparently you're only entitled with a limited amount of keys to install the game, and if you don't properly uninstall the game before doing a hard drive wipe of something of the sorts, your key is lost.


So what to do? well you will be unabled to play, if you contact secuROM they will direct you to 2k, and if you contact 2k they will direct you to SecuROM in a neverending corporate circlejerk. That plus having the nice malware called secuROM installed on your pc without your knowledge. Gotta love DRM.:-)

That's why if I do pick up this game, it'll be the 360 version - I refuse to validate DRM by purchasing content with it.


Kay, just beat it.

Two things.

First, the gripe. You get a shitload of ADAM at one point, but can't use it on anything.


Second. The ending, though it was pretty good [and pretty to boot], was far shorter than I expected of this game. But then, I suppose the intro was short too, so...maybe I should've expected something shorter. However, the "ending" before the ending...for lack of a better term [think "poke/rape" if you've seen it] was pretty epic.

Overall, I'd rate the game, probly about an 8/10. While the game was GORGEOUS and pretty fun, as well as having a pretty damned solid plot, it lacks multiplayer. This game would have EPIC MP, but no, it doesn't. So...the game as a whole, I rate 8/10. The 1P "mode", I'd probly give somewhere in the area of 9.5-9.75/10.

I finished with 42/50 acheivements btw. I don't know how the hell to get into those two rooms I missed though [one in a basement barred with lattice stuff, and one apartment thinger].


I suppose the best thing to do would be to play the game twice, once while saving all the little sisters, and then the second time not saving them.

I also missed out one room in the game, in the flet theatre, when the 'artist is preparing'.

This is one of the best best fps games I have ever played, on par with Halflife and Deus Ex (only the first one, second one was rubbish!). Combining a contemporary art form with a touch of philosophy is a winner.

Second. The ending, though it was pretty good [and pretty to boot], was far shorter than I expected of this game. But then, I suppose the intro was short too, so...maybe I should've expected something shorter. However, the "ending" before the ending...for lack of a better term [think "poke/rape" if you've seen it] was pretty epic.

Overall, I'd rate the game, probly about an 8/10. While the game was GORGEOUS and pretty fun, as well as having a pretty damned solid plot, it lacks multiplayer. This game would have EPIC MP, but no, it doesn't. So...the game as a whole, I rate 8/10. The 1P "mode", I'd probly give somewhere in the area of 9.5-9.75/10.

I think they rushed the game out a bit rather than making it even bigger and ambitious than it already was. No multiplayer, and the story felt like four chapters of a whole book.


Still, those "four chapters" were some damn good chapters.

I dunno, I felt the story was pretty complete. Vague and puzzle-like, but complete. Sure, some things could've been elaborated on here or there, but... BioShock's story is unusually deep as far as first-person shooters go. I wasn't disappointed, truthfully.

So apparently 2k games has said they're going to drop securROM from it at some point, hurrah for that.

I really want this game but not as much as i DON'T want securROM on my machines. :/

If you got the demo, you got securROM on you system. Sucky, huh?

I wonder what kind of expansion packs and stuff we can expect for this game.


i know, good thing i didn't get the demo then right?

my want comes from the myriad of game video reviews and the overall giga hype around the game.

Plus i love the SS series, this game is produced by some(most?) of the team that made those so i just gotta have its "spiritual successor".

As for expansions, don't really know...the sky's the limit i guess.

shit that's such a token reply :/

We have a thread on it in OT, but for those who missed it:

It's averaging a 99/100

PC Gamer (UK): 95%

PC Zone: 96/100

Eurogamer: 10/10

Gamer TV: 5/5

Game Informer: 10/10

AP Magazine: 5/5

Computers and Video Games: 9.5/10

Gamepro 5/5

1UP: 10/10

Xbox World: 94/100

Gamespy: 5/5

Console and Gameworld: 99/100

IGN: 9.7/10

GameTap: 10/10


Games Radar: 10/10

PLayboy: 4/4

Console Game World: 99/100

Team Xbox: 9.5/10

That, ladies and gentleman, is what you call a pedigree. As the reviews are coming in, it's becoming a dwindling possibility any other game takes Game of the Year.

I would just like to contribute from PCPowerPlay, Australia's premier PC gaming mag: The first 10/10 I can remember them handing out - I don't think even Half-Life 2 got that.

Also, Mr Bottle Rocket, Irrational Games made System Shock 2 with Looking Glass Studios, the folks who made the Thief series and from whom Ion Storm Austin arose (creators of Deus Ex)

Also, my girlfriend has announced she will buy it for me. My life is awesome.

wtf, why are people complaining there is no multiplayer in this game...

It's like when people complained metroid prime didn't have multiplayer wtf.

I think it's because the singleplayer isn't too lengthy and it just leaves you wanting for more.

But personally, I feel the game was rushed on a few points and guns/enemies could have been a LOT better. Including the excessive hacking. Oh, and the bug-eyed, protuding heads of characters are pretty ugly in retrospect even if the entire game looked great nontheless.

Also, the guns are some of the weakest and almost irrelevant a lot of the times compared to Plasmids which is a bad thing since the game aims for balance of the two and Plasmids are almost always limited in use because the power runs out so quickly. And while the music is great, it is often too sparsely played. And the modification is more than not just confusing or totally unnecessary or unimpressive (really fun/ingenious gun modification is still a lofty ideal for FPS games. Bioshock is no exception).

It's somewhere between an 8.5/10 type of a game for me. There was so much potential to be touched upon even when the game is still great.

I think they pretty much need to do some sort of a sequel to do the entire potential justice.


I just beat the game and while I think it was awesome it played like SHIT on my comp.

First of all since I don't have the games explorer right now (bloatware) it wouldn't run at all except in XP Sp2 compatibility mode, second off even with vsync off no matter what settings or resolution I got ~20fps.

Wtf? A 3.4ghz p4HT with an 8800gts and 2gb of DDR2-800 should perform a damn sight better than that. I have friends with half the computer mine is who don't ever dip below 25fps.

Also, Mr Bottle Rocket, Irrational Games made System Shock 2 with Looking Glass Studios, the folks who made the Thief series and from whom Ion Storm Austin arose (creators of Deus Ex)

Also, my girlfriend has announced she will buy it for me. My life is awesome.

I'm fully aware of that, however much of the original team for SS are now residing in 2kgames, inlcuding ken levine. :<


Been playing on and off for the past couple of weeks and finally finished. Pretty damn cool. The twist made me go, "oh snap!". Same thing happened when I ran into the twist in System Shock 2 actually. Got the good ending this time around but I think I'll just hop onto youtube or something to watch the other 2. Managed to avoid any bugs that people have had on the PC and I think I should uninstall it right now just in case something happens to my HDD.

This is one of the best best fps games I have ever played, on par with Halflife and Deus Ex (only the first one, second one was rubbish!).

Agreed, on all accounts. Deus Ex 2 was a huge let down for me.


The first one was awesome but had absolutely no autosaves, so when I got caught by helicopter blades on accident I screamed "SHITCOCK" anddecided I didn't want to start over from the beginning.

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