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If it's Trilogy and Atmosphere, then I don't believe there's anything you can do about that due to the way it was designed, and spectrasonic hasn't fixed it yet.

However, if you search the flstudio forum, someone made a proxied file in which you rename the .dll, throw that into the folder and bada-bing bada-bang, it runs smooooth.

Even if it isn't one of the those products, I'd recommend giving it a try. It still might work.



I will however, tell you to get your browser and redirect its ass over to http://video.google.com/. There were some nice explanations of the basics up there a while back - and I can't imagine anyone woudl take them down. I'll leave you to figure out the searching. =P

Good luck!

K so I'm having an extremely annoying problem. Basically, certain VST's are introducing latency to my songs in FLStudio. In FLStudio, everything sounds fine (at low latency anyways) but whenever I render a song using one of the affected plugins, there's very noticable timing errors that totally throw everything off and essentially break the songs.

Basically, certain VST's are another 10-20 ms behind everything else in the mixdown. But it varies. If it were simply 10ms, I could probably compensate, but it appears to be different each time. The latency is also seemingly dependent on the buffer size. If my buffer size is 10ms or less in FLStudio, the timing seems just fine. But above that, and especially at 50ms or higher, the timing errors become apparent.

Unfortunately, there's no control whatsoever over FLStudio's buffer settings upon mixdown, so it's basically fucked.

Any suggestions? Please, this is killing me.

I'm pretty new to music editing, but used to encounter similiar issues when I used to do video editing. Now, this depends on the type of sound you're using and the extent of the timing issues, but you may want to try "pre-rendering" (video term, I don't know what you'd call it here) the track(s) you're having problems with. Basically, get the track how you want it to sound, put it on solo play and render it to a .wav file. Then, import the wav file back into your project and manually fix the timing to the rest of the song.

Again, this really depends on what kind of sound you're using and how easily you could edit/move the sound without ruining it :). Hope this helps.


I'm going to ask an incredibly dumb and simple question.

How do you add swing to notes? I know you can use the "swing" bar to add swing to just the step sequencer but I haven't found any way to add it to notes in the piano roll - and obviously drums in swing with a melody that isn't sounds really bad. After a lot of searching through the help files and any tutorials I could find I've found nothing about adding swing to notes particularly in the piano roll, something which I would have thought would be really easy.

Is there something really simple I'm overlooking?

I'm going to ask an incredibly dumb and simple question.

How do you add swing to notes? I know you can use the "swing" bar to add swing to just the step sequencer but I haven't found any way to add it to notes in the piano roll - and obviously drums in swing with a melody that isn't sounds really bad. After a lot of searching through the help files and any tutorials I could find I've found nothing about adding swing to notes particularly in the piano roll, something which I would have thought would be really easy.

Is there something really simple I'm overlooking?

I would like to know that too.


ctrl-select all the notes you wants in the piano roll that need the swing

alt-drag the note selection left and right. voila! snap-less movement. You can apply the alt-drag method to other things as well, like the playlist.

Of course, this'll take some careful listening. You could also use the snap measurement drop-down menu to select how much swing you want.


Thanks. Yeah, that seems to work.

But pretty much what you're saying is that I have to do it manually with each and every instrument playing and try to match? There's no way to automate the swing like you can in the step sequencer?

Thanks. Yeah, that seems to work.

But pretty much what you're saying is that I have to do it manually with each and every instrument playing and try to match? There's no way to automate the swing like you can in the step sequencer?

you can quantize it using the quantize tool in the piano roll. that's how i'd do it, really. just select ever thing and go to 'quantize...' in one of the piano roll menus. then just apply the same quant settings across the board.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, here's my problem. I'm having trouble with volume automation. I'm making a song, and in one part, I want a specific layer of instruments to fade in. So I clicked record, and then dragged the channel volume knob upwards to the part where I wanted that instrument to fade in. When I played back the section in pattern mode, it worked fine, but when I switched to song mode, the volume stayed down, causing the instrument to not come in at all. This is funny because I recorded myself moving the knob while I was in song mode.

At this point, I tried right clicking the channel volume knob and going to "Edit Events", so I could get a good look at where the volume was at. It was fine, and just as I had dragged it during recording, there should have been sound coming from the layer, but no. Then I did the same thing with the two instruments under that layer that I wanted to hear, and everything was also fine, then I checked the mixer channel that the instruments under the layer were put through, everything fine there too.

Everything sounds just fine when I play it in pattern mode though.

Here's a picture illustrating my problem:


As you can see the volume in the Events window is up about halfway, yet the very volume knob I was controlling through that window is turned completely down.

I'd be more than greatful if anyone could help me out with this. I realize that I'm probably making a very stupid mistake, or I'm overlooking something minor, but I've been trying to fix this all day, and I've had no luck.

Thanks in advance.


As far as I am aware, the Layer volume knob does absolutely nothing. Don't rely on it for anything, ever. Better method: take those instruments that are within the layer and run them both through a mixer track (using sends). Name it "Layer Auto" or something. Then just automate the fader on that mixer track. This will achieve the exact same effect.

take those instruments that are within the layer and run them both through a mixer track (using sends). Name it "Layer Auto" or something. Then just automate the fader on that mixer track. This will achieve the exact same effect.

I tried that out and your advice seems to have fixed the problem. Thanks for the help! :)


Ok, I'm a fucking idiot. For some reason, I cannot EVER seem to add a VST plugin to Fruity Loops correctly. I just got NI KOMPAKT and I can't get it to load. In fact, there are about a dozen VSTs I've tried to put in the right folder that do not load in Fruity Loops because it says it can't find it, even though the .dll is very evidently there.

What am I persistantly doing wrong? What specific folder or item is supposed to go where?

  • 3 weeks later...
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