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Hi,sorry for my bad english,im german...

my question:

How do i change slighlty the volume/pitch of a single tone in FL? I only could change the volume of more tones with the graph editor..but with one single tone? I hope you can understand my question,i want to make one single tone to get louder and louder for example^^ It's not possible with the graph-editor,isn't it? How can i do that? Thanks a lot!




Ok so I'm lazy as hell and I want new instruments for Fruity Loops but I don't want to go about making my own and stuff... Is there a place to download a new set of instruments? In the tutorial it says all the n00bs use the original intruments, while I am indeed a n00b, I don't want to stay a n00b, y'know what I mean? Anyhow, where do you get the stuff?


Er... so, any way to create a macro in FL? It comes with like 4, but I'd like to make my own (for a number of things, such as auto-organizing the selected samples into a layer). It would also be nice to be able to shift all the patterns down one, and leave an empty one at a certain point (for organization purposes).

Another question: is there any way to use shuffle in the piano roll? I thought this question had been answered, but I searched, and apparently it hasn't... I know about the Quantizer thing, but it's sort of a pain to use, especially compared to the simplicity of the step sequencer's shuffle. I'm thinking there's probably no way... which makes this question sort of an "I wish there were" kind of thing... :(.

Hi,sorry for my bad english,im german...

my question:

How do i change slighlty the volume/pitch of a single tone in FL? I only could change the volume of more tones with the graph editor..but with one single tone? I hope you can understand my question,i want to make one single tone to get louder and louder for example^^ It's not possible with the graph-editor,isn't it? How can i do that? Thanks a lot!



Your question was pretty clear.

Here's a picture of the piano roll window from FL's help guide.


The button in the upper left corner (#5) is what you want to make use of.

Notice how they have a long blue note at the bottom, and then a smaller blue note near the top (#9). The smaller note has a small triangle in it, which indicates it's a slide note. This means that it will take the pitch the large note will start on and start bending the pitch to where it's located for whatever duration it's set to. In this case, it will bend the pitch from G# upto C# in one beat (four little boxes).

You can make one of these notes by hitting the #5 button in the picture. It has a triangle on it.

In order to make a note get louder or softer, you can overlap the slide note with the note you already have (example, put a B slide-note right on top of a regular B note). Set the regular note's velocity to the starting volume of the note, and set the slide note's velocity to the volume you want it to fade to. The fade start at the slide note and will last for the duration of the slide note.

Hope that helps.

Check out the stickied post "Compiled Links Guide - Great for Beginners".

All of the stuff there costs money and/or no longer exists. Anybody have a personal tried and true site that they use?

...I just went through most of the relevant links, and ALL of them work. And all of them were free. And all of them were personal, tried and true sites... that's what the thread is compiled from.

...I just went through most of the relevant links, and ALL of them work. And all of them were free. And all of them were personal, tried and true sites... that's what the thread is compiled from.

Ah! I see now. I went under FL Turorials then clicked the compiled first 20 pages of the FL FAQ thread and went to the links section.... Now if you go there you'll find only pay sites. Silly me. Thanks Rellik and djcubez. Don't bash me for being stupid, now.

I have a really vexing problem! I cant figure out how to get the arpeggio(sp?) to stop. It just keeps going and going and going and I need to cut it out so please help me! THX in advance

The arpeggiator? Turn it off. Go to the instrument's info screen, and go to functions...i think...and then go to the arpeggiator info and switch it to off. or if you mean you want it to stop after a certain point, cut its time down. make it a half note instead of a whole note or something similar to that. Other than that, i cant think what you mean. If i am reading your question wrong, sorry.

Heeeeeeey, cool. I didn't know you could do that. Not that I'll probably use it, but still good to know.

I find it's useful if I want to write breaks or glitchcore, although they're not really your style, I suppose. :P It also comes in handy if I want to write a long rhythm without extending the step sequencer. However, in most cases it's much easier just to use the step sequencer.

Hey, breaks are totally my style. I've done a number of breakbeat songs, and I've got a new DDR remix in the works in that style. However, for that, I just make a drum loop with samples the regular way, export that, and then load it into the slicer and reprogram it however I want.


Ok I need to get one of the channels I have in Fruity Loops on the song I'm working on to keep going for a while and I was wondering if there was any other way to make it keep going other than just to keep punching the notes over and over again... Like repeating the same 2 note chords again and again every other beat and such? Help please!


Aha! So what your saying is make where it stops and starts up again a different channel than when it plays continuosly for a minute or so and then take that channel and tell it to repeat, but what about delaying that channels start and then telling it to repeat the same few notes?


I have a vsti that is composed of 16 channels, but when I load it into the sample slot, only the first instrument plays. If I load it into more than one sample slot, it totally bogs my system down because of the great number of channels (x16). So how do I link to the specific channels 1-16 in one sample slot instead of just the first channel?


Here's a question:

How do I control a control via MIDI Out?

Let's say I have a Fruity Free Filter (my favorite Filter =) what the heck is the Fruity Filter good for?) and I want to control the filter freq on 3 separate channels, being the BD, SD, and HH of the percussion. I currently automate each one and then copy the automation and paste it into the other two, but that's ugly, unelegant, and unefficient, as well as prone to errors.

So what I did was make a MIDI Out, and I want to use the knob on that to control all the other knobs; I may use a second knob on the MIDI Out to control the Res. How exactly do I configure the controls of the Fruity Free Filter to accept the MIDI Out? I go to "Link to Controller...", leave the MIDI Channel at 1 and change the port to 0, the port of the MIDI Out, but I don't really know what to do from there.

Anyone know?

dark_and_shadow: No. That's called piracy, something we're against here (and Image-Line has quite an interesting piracy protection feature in their program). The full version won't necessarily bump up your sound quality, either, it only allows you to save your projects (which is suprisingly more useful than it might sound). Also, on a lesser note, MP3-ish and MIDI-ish aren't terms for quality, they're file formats.


(What was the piracy protection feature you were mentioning, by the way?)

Oh, yeah, and I'm going to bump my question. Not by quoting it, but by letting people once again know it exists, so it isn't forgotten.

EDIT: Since it's on a new page, I am forced to quote:

Here's a question:

How do I control a control via MIDI Out?

Let's say I have a Fruity Free Filter (my favorite Filter =) what the heck is the Fruity Filter good for?) and I want to control the filter freq on 3 separate channels, being the BD, SD, and HH of the percussion. I currently automate each one and then copy the automation and paste it into the other two, but that's ugly, unelegant, and unefficient, as well as prone to errors.

So what I did was make a MIDI Out, and I want to use the knob on that to control all the other knobs; I may use a second knob on the MIDI Out to control the Res. How exactly do I configure the controls of the Fruity Free Filter to accept the MIDI Out? I go to "Link to Controller...", leave the MIDI Channel at 1 and change the port to 0, the port of the MIDI Out, but I don't really know what to do from there.

Anyone know?

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