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I have fruity loops 3.4 - and all of a sudden the flp files that are used for

building loops are not in flp format - but are in a wav file format. This is in

the file folders that USED to contain cool flp files (like choir, and pads)

that came with the program -

If i go down the the file tree of data - patches - packs - pads,

and in pads now are all wav files. USED to be all flp files, and now i cant use ANY in FL.

I used to be able to open them as flp files, but no longer. THIS INCLUDES LOOPS I MADE which I used to be able to edit in FL, but now THEY TOO are wav files!

This means that when i try to use them to build loops, they cant be read or used in fruity loops. They ARE there in the folders, but stored as wav files.

HOW DO I GET THEM BACK TO FLP files so I can use them??? WHAT HAPPENED???


Little something I discovered recently: you can actually automate VST's with the Wrapper by recording it live. However, the real trick is that once you have recorded it, you can edit the automation like this:

Browser :arrow: Current Project :arrow: Main Automation

Yeah, I feel like a fool for not realizing it sooner. I hope someone finds this helpful.

Oh and Skulrusha, I'm sorry but I've been too lazy the start the FAQ-thingie. And by the looks of it, it seems I'll never get it finished anyway, so if you don't mind, I'll just drop out.

Little something I discovered recently: you can actually automate VST's with the Wrapper by recording it live. However, the real trick is that once you have recorded it, you can edit the automation like this:

Browser :arrow: Current Project :arrow: Main Automation

Yeah, I feel like a fool for not realizing it sooner. I hope someone finds this helpful.

Oh and Skulrusha, I'm sorry but I've been too lazy the start the FAQ-thingie. And by the looks of it, it seems I'll never get it finished anyway, so if you don't mind, I'll just drop out.

I love you.

(I didn't know that either until seeing your post. SWEET)


I have fruity loops 3.4 - and all of a sudden the flp files that are used for

building loops are not in flp format - but are in a wav file format. This is in

the file folders that USED to contain cool flp files (like choir, and pads)

that came with the program -

If i go down the the file tree of data - patches - packs - pads,

and in pads now are all wav files. USED to be all flp files, and now i cant use ANY in FL.

I used to be able to open them as flp files, but no longer. THIS INCLUDES LOOPS I MADE which I used to be able to edit in FL, but now THEY TOO are wav files!

This means that when i try to use them to build loops, they cant be read or used in fruity loops. They ARE there in the folders, but stored as wav files.

HOW DO I GET THEM BACK TO FLP files so I can use them??? WHAT HAPPENED???

Um.. ok, a few things. First of all, you *can* use WAV files in FL. In fact, I use exclusively WAVs for percussion and such. Second, FLP is the FL file format for your project files. It is not used for instruments and samples. A big ??? to you.


When I try to use wav files in my songs, I first tryed to put them in the step sequencer(in a sampler channel) but they would just keep looping(understandable) but then I tryed to use the piano roll, but wav files just keep looping in there too. How do I properly use wav files in FL? Vague description I know. :wink:

What do you mean by a 'good' MIDI interface? If possible, I would appreciate some examples of a high quality MIDI interface.

By "good", I mean it's not going to be cheap. One of the better ones around is the RME Hammerfall. It does MIDI and audio in, and it got a good rave in Future Music. Unfortunately, it's around US$850, so it might be out of your range. It is top-of-the-line, though. MOTU also makes some widely hailed products, so you could look for some of their things, too.

I use a Maudio/Midiman USB Midi Interface with no latency issues with. It cost me $40 and I have. I can highly recommend it.

I have a question.

When I use a MIDI channel, pitch slide doesn't work, neither does polyphony set to 1 with portamento. Is it because of my sound card or anything ?

No, FL's slide only works with FL plugins. The FL slide isn't supported by the MIDI standard (it's the way it's programmed).

Is there another way to add a pitch bend effect to a midi with FL, then ?

Yeah, you have to automate the "pitch" knob in the channel settings box. A bit of a pain, but it's the only way of doing it.

I have fruity loops 3.4 - and all of a sudden the flp files that are used for

building loops are not in flp format - but are in a wav file format. This is in

the file folders that USED to contain cool flp files (like choir, and pads)

that came with the program -

Waitaminute - Those files have always been WAV files! What are you trying to do here?

I used to be able to open them as flp files, but no longer. THIS INCLUDES LOOPS I MADE which I used to be able to edit in FL, but now THEY TOO are wav files!

I don't get that, though. Unless you mixed them down as WAV files and deleted the FLPs, the only other thing I can think of is that one of FL's piracy protection functions kicked in on its own. Are you sure they're gone for no reason? Have you tried searching for the FLP files? Have you recently installed a new version of FL over your old one? I'm stumped.

Oh and Skulrusha, I'm sorry but I've been too lazy the start the FAQ-thingie. And by the looks of it, it seems I'll never get it finished anyway, so if you don't mind, I'll just drop out.

Don't worry about it, man. This stuff happens. It wasn't like I couldn't have done it on my own, anyhow. :)

When I try to use wav files in my songs, I first tryed to put them in the step sequencer(in a sampler channel) but they would just keep looping(understandable) but then I tryed to use the piano roll, but wav files just keep looping in there too. How do I properly use wav files in FL?

Well, the step sequencer's sampler channels are really only designed for short samples like drums, however, you can get the sample to stop by getting it to cut itself under the MISC tab in the channel settings window. If you're going to use long samples, however, I recommend you use the audio tracks in the playlist (producer edition only). For things like drum loops, using fruity slicer is a good idea.

Little something I discovered recently: you can actually automate VST's with the Wrapper by recording it live. However, the real trick is that once you have recorded it, you can edit the automation like this:

Browser :arrow: Current Project :arrow: Main Automation

Easier way to do this:

Wrapper plugin menu :arrow: Last tweaked parameter :arrow: Edit events

Maybe next time I'll actually rtfm... :roll:


How do I use my Yamaha DGX-202 keyboard as a midi controller with fruity loops. I have the midi in/out cable connected. But I cant make it work. I need help quick.


When I export my song, is automation turned down. I ask because I exported a song of mine to mp3 and now when I listen for the panning, I can BARELY hear it, but in FL, I can hear it fine. So whats the problem?


Ok forget about my last post I kinda of fixed it. Now my probelm is when I load a soundfont for example, when I press the keys on my midi keyboard it dosent play except 1 key. C4. It does this with every soundfont, wave, synth you name it. How do I fix this? And how do I record what ever notes I play on my keyboard to Fruity Loops?

Little something I discovered recently: you can actually automate VST's with the Wrapper by recording it live. However, the real trick is that once you have recorded it, you can edit the automation like this:

Browser :arrow: Current Project :arrow: Main Automation

Yeah, I feel like a fool for not realizing it sooner. I hope someone finds this helpful.

Oh and Skulrusha, I'm sorry but I've been too lazy the start the FAQ-thingie. And by the looks of it, it seems I'll never get it finished anyway, so if you don't mind, I'll just drop out.

Also, you'll probably have found this out already, but if you press the button that looks like flbutton.jpg in the top-left corner of an automation track, then go to tools > LFO, you can have FL apply an automatic LFO to it.


So, I hear that you can use wav files in FL, but the problem is that I have tried putting them in the Step Sequencer and all that does is make the wav loop a thousand times until the sound becomes unberable and the previous looops are still going as the 1000th is still playing. So I tried to do the same in the piano roll, with similar results. I am trying to sample sounds off my PSR-550, but if I cant figure out how to properly use wav files in FL, I might have to export my FL project to ACID and mix it all there, WHICH I DON'T WANT To do, so help me please. Tell me how to use wav files in FL. Thanks. If it helps, I'm using version 3.5.


So I know I've had a lot of questions lately (sorry) but just one more, on a different topic. If I order the FL studio XXL edition with all the extra plugins and the Producer Edition, do I still get free lifetime updates for all future versions of FL studio. AND, with the updates, will I get the producer edition, or will I get a lower edition than the one I originaly ordered. Just dont want to waste any cash. Thanks again! :wink:


Maestro -

No idea about FL Studio XXL.

But, I know a little about wavs.

To use them the way I think you want them to, you have to use piano roll, but most importantly, activate the volume envelope under channel settings. This will make the wav play only as long as you have the piano roll note going.

Hope it helped.

So I know I've had a lot of questions lately (sorry) but just one more, on a different topic. If I order the FL studio XXL edition with all the extra plugins and the Producer Edition, do I still get free lifetime updates for all future versions of FL studio. AND, with the updates, will I get the producer edition, or will I get a lower edition than the one I originaly ordered. Just dont want to waste any cash. Thanks again! :wink:

Yes, you still get the free upgrades, yes, its still producer edition.


i need a working crack for fruity soundfont player. i had a crack that was working but now it isnt after i tried to install a different fruity loops version. please help me. im broke


It's possible to record audio in FL, although you probably won't be able to do it with that USB microphone. You need something with ASIO inputs, like some sort of soundcard interface. I don't know how your microphone works, but you might be able to record it in another program like Goldwave or Audacity. I can't really help you much more, though, since I know nothing about your microphone other than it's a USB thing.


I'm assuming that an M-Audio Radium49 will work in my questionably obtained Fruityloops 3.5.6 on my Windows 98 comp. Correct?

Sweet. Almost got a new title.

i need a working crack for fruity soundfont player. i had a crack that was working but now it isnt after i tried to install a different fruity loops version. please help me. im broke

Being 'broke' is not an excuse to steal software. Piracy is not allowed on OCR.


Another question.

Direct sound streaming buffer. I downloaded a FL file off of SectionZ and it messed up my FL, turns out it turned it way down. I don't know exactly what this does, but all I know is that it slows down and crap unless I have it around 74ms.

Can anyone explain what this does/if it will effect my music?

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