ellywu2 Posted July 5, 2004 Posted July 5, 2004 Ok, i've traw;ed through 90 odd pages, and theres no answer to my question, at least i dont think so. When running Edirol Orchestral in Fruityloops, do i have to have a seperate instance of it for each instrument? because the actual VST has 16 different slots for instruments. Is there some way of being able to use one instance of it more than once? Thanks for your help!
Rellik Posted July 5, 2004 Posted July 5, 2004 Hi!, check out sfz from rgc:Audio (rgcaudio.net or .com or something). It's awesome, and free! It's multitimbral, it can do Direct from Disk streaming, it has several fidelity levels, and you can load either the whole soundfont or just the patch you're looking for. ellywu, sounds like Edirol Orchestral is multimbral (and possibly multi-out). Do you mean you want to control each instrument separately, or do you want multi-out? If you want multi-out, and Orchestral supports it, click the little down-arrow that's right near the upper-left corner (next to the Folder icon), and select "Enable Multiple Outputs" or something like that. Then whatever Mixer channel Edirol Orchestral is assigned to will be the base channel, and any multiple outs will be on the subsequent channels. If you want to use it multitimbrally, just set its input port to any number (let's call it X because I'm lazy). Now make a MIDI Out for every part you want to use in Edirol Orchestral, and have the MIDI Out's out put port be equal to X, where the channel that the MIDI Out is outputting on is equal to the recieving channel of the chosen part in Edirol Orchestral. And that's how it works!
ellywu2 Posted July 5, 2004 Posted July 5, 2004 You sir, are a genius...i shake my kipper in your general direction.
ellywu2 Posted July 5, 2004 Posted July 5, 2004 Ah...is it normal for me to lose all velocity controls in the piano roll when working through midi out?
Rellik Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 No. Do you mean the velocity window is gone? Or it just isn't receiving? If it's gone, you can try dragging it up from the bottom, and if it isn't recieiving, then that's the plugin's fault.
.:Takuyuni:. Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 okay, of course, as i know i was supposed to do from the get go. i went and found all the places to get soundfonts, and samples on my own. now that a month has gone by. thanks for the links, or at least the links to the links!!!! *sigh* anyway.... i forgizz you, ocr r my frend!! on to my newest question i wanna make my own samples, or soundfonts (not sure which i am referring to because i dont EXACTLY know the difference) and i wanna make them via mp3s or cds that i own. anyone do this on a regular basis? if so i sher cood youz a hand Edit: Btw, Beatdrop explained this to me once, but its been so long. What exactly is "clipping" and what is the cure for it, "Compression". Or from what i gather, that is one of the cures for it. And how to I recognize if my song has clipping in it (if that isn't already explained in your reply to what clipping is)
-RK- Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 .:Takuyuni:. said: okay, of course, as i know i was supposed to do from the get go. i went and found all the places to get soundfonts, and samples on my own. now that a month has gone by. thanks for the links, or at least the links to the links!!!! *sigh* anyway.... i forgizz you, ocr r my frend!! on to my newest question i wanna make my own samples, or soundfonts (not sure which i am referring to because i dont EXACTLY know the difference) and i wanna make them via mp3s or cds that i own. anyone do this on a regular basis? if so i sher cood youz a hand Edit: Btw, Beatdrop explained this to me once, but its been so long. What exactly is "clipping" and what is the cure for it, "Compression". Or from what i gather, that is one of the cures for it. And how to I recognize if my song has clipping in it (if that isn't already explained in your reply to what clipping is) I'm pretty sure that you are asking your question in the wrong thread. Your question has nothing to do with Fruity Loops.
skulkrusha Posted July 7, 2004 Posted July 7, 2004 .:Takuyuni:. said: i wanna make my own samples, or soundfonts (not sure which i am referring to because i dont EXACTLY know the difference) and i wanna make them via mp3s or cds that i own. anyone do this on a regular basis? if so i sher cood youz a hand You want to sample from CDs or MP3s? It's not really FL related, but any wave editor can do it. You should ask that sort of question in the sample/soundfont request thread, I guess. .:Takuyuni:. said: Edit: Btw, Beatdrop explained this to me once, but its been so long. What exactly is "clipping" and what is the cure for it, "Compression". Or from what i gather, that is one of the cures for it. And how to I recognize if my song has clipping in it (if that isn't already explained in your reply to what clipping is) There's also a sticky for this subject ... In a nutshell, clipping is where the audio input signal is too loud for the output, and the sound distorts (if it's particularly bad it can wreck your speakers, too). It's called "clipping" because of the characteristic sharp truncation of the audio waveform. So, there's two ways of recognising it, either audible distortion or by looking at the waveform. Oh, and a compressor is not the clipping cure-all. It has its uses, but it can make clipping a lot worse. Read the "solution for clipping" thread, there's a bunch of handy hints in it.
.:Takuyuni:. Posted July 7, 2004 Posted July 7, 2004 Okay LordMaestro, if i were to preface my question with: "I use fruity loops....and pracitcally have nothing else except for some goodies that i found for it, can i" etc etc etc. Skul, your right. But since it is a "request" thread and i didn't wanna request something. I wanted to learn to do it myself. I didn't think of it. But yea, I'll ask in there if anyone wants to give me suggestions on the most newbie-friendly and dynamic way of making my own little "samples" (not sure if thats what you call a piece of a song that you are stealing, and use for your own ends) i guess recognizing clipping should be asked in the "solution clipping" thread too huh. once again, i didnt think about doing that because the thread title isn't exactly what im looking for. and once again, since this thread had been so good for me in the past (with FL being the only asset i have) i usually turn here. but i have the novakill synths....is there a synth thread too? (i can hear it now..."dont ask, GO LOOK! tard") because i can't seem to find out how to use the novakills at all, as an effect, or an instrument. if you have some advice, i need more help than is out there, so i'd be grateful. if you wanna just shoo me off again, thats fine too. i dont really have time to sift through threads and write posts. *sigh* is there another forum i should know about dedicated to...... ("google, noob!") im just gonna go. bad night at work, as always...i just cant seem to figure out what makes the USPS so frustrating and stressful.
Xelebes Posted July 8, 2004 Posted July 8, 2004 damienkrauss said: what the hell is a soundfont? Ok, sorry, but we have this question one too many times asked and it gets on our nerves. The frequency of the question shall provide you with sufficient help when you use the Search button on the forum. This is a very useful tool for such elementary questions, or you can use Google to look up Creative's website where you may get more information on it.
k u n g f u c h i c k e n Posted July 8, 2004 Posted July 8, 2004 damienkrauss said: what the hell is a soundfont? It's a fucking sound that someone made using an outside medium. You curse, I curse, we ALL curse.
DarkeSword Posted July 8, 2004 Posted July 8, 2004 Christ. A soundfont is a specific sample format developed by Creative Labs for use with MIDI data. A soundfont can have multiple patches available in one file, and can be velocity layered and multisampled. Now can we please the keep the discussion in here about FL? Thanks.
damienkrauss Posted July 8, 2004 Posted July 8, 2004 yeah, i know quite a bit about all the chopping and automation possibilities of fruityloops, since i have been a loyal subject to it now for about half a decade.
.:Takuyuni:. Posted July 9, 2004 Posted July 9, 2004 okay, since we wanna keep the discussion about fruity loops (assuming i haven't been trying to) why did i NOT know that i can't save my songs that use samples.... i have to register HOW MANY aspects of FL exactly??? and to totally enable this program, it costs how much? and *cuss cuss cuss cuss cuss* i lost an entire song except for one channel because my "sample importer/player" thingie was a demo version
Peng Posted July 9, 2004 Posted July 9, 2004 The links to the threads listed in the first post are not working for me. I want to get to the general "How to Use" one, but it leads me to "The topic or post you requested does not exist."
skulkrusha Posted July 10, 2004 Posted July 10, 2004 Takuyuni: I believe you're referring to the soundfont player. Sample = an audio clip. Soundfont: DarkeSword, on the previous page said: A soundfont is a specific sample format developed by Creative Labs for use with MIDI data. A soundfont can have multiple patches available in one file, and can be velocity layered and multisampled. You can buy the XXL version of FL at the moment which is the Producer edition with all the full versions of the plugins (you don't pay for what you already have, though, so if you've already got the Fruityloops edition with, say, the full version of the Soundfont Player and DX10, you wouldn't pay for those plugins and you'd only pay the upgrade price for Producer edition. Not sure if it's still on, but there was a special offer of 40% off the total price on that package). The price depends on what you already have, though. Peng: This thread has been around for years, and those threads have been purged since then. There's a "getting started" guide on the FL Studio website under "downloads".
Chris McGee Posted July 10, 2004 Posted July 10, 2004 Ok, why is it that when I click on my channels with plugins the plugins come up in the wrong window which I can't enlarge and therefore can't use my plugin?
skulkrusha Posted July 11, 2004 Posted July 11, 2004 I'll assume you're talking about external plugins ... I don't know, give me a clue. What do you mean, exactly? The wrapper has nothing in it after you've loaded a plugin? The channel properties box doesn't open the "plugin" tab? Something else?
.:Takuyuni:. Posted July 12, 2004 Posted July 12, 2004 dude, i cant thank you enough skul. i was getting really aggrivated with FL. now i suppose i'll stick with them... we'll see if i still talk like that AFTER i check the prices EDIT:Hotdamn! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. What was i even THINKING using that restricted 3.56. , 4.1 with no strings attatched is the best thing ive seen since liquid numbness (viscious lydacane)! It may seem like a no brainer, or a way too easy question to have answered. But it made a world of difference for me. And its gonna allow me to actually enjoy making music instead of having to go through the motions to prepare myself to make music. One last question. If I find the answer to it in a previous post, I'll come back and delete it. But, How come some of the instruments (DNC Kick, DNC Crash, etc.) Are colored a bright red, and I can't hear them. I already went through and double checked all the sound settings. I can hear everything except for those red ones (DNC _____, is all I have seen them as) Is this a problem with setting up the sound? EDIT2:Okay, just thought I'd mention that the DNC instruments that weren't working for me are "instruments" in the Dance pack of soundfonts. There are also packs like Choir, and Basses. But they all load into the step sequencer RED also. And I put notes into the step seq., but still can't hear anything. I remember somehow helping someone fix this. Man...I'm so outta the loop. No pun intended.
Nocturnal Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 i recently had to reinstall FL studio. the program wouldnot play wav files. All the samples using wav were red in color. No sounds were emitted. All the other plugins like osc and syn were working. Any hel would be greatly appreciated, thanks
Xelebes Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 Did you buy it? Pirated versions I hear have that problem, one of the main reasons being is that the program you actually get is a beta. So did you really buy the software?
zircon Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 Xelebes said: Did you buy it? Pirated versions I hear have that problem, one of the main reasons being is that the program you actually get is a beta. So did you really buy the software? No, it's not that it's a beta. I've never heard that one before. It is, however, that pirated versions of FL tend to be missing samples found in the demo projects. I know because it happened to me when I tried to pirate it (for the record I actually did buy the producer edition).
Xelebes Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 zircon said: Xelebes said: Did you buy it? Pirated versions I hear have that problem, one of the main reasons being is that the program you actually get is a beta. So did you really buy the software? No, it's not that it's a beta. I've never heard that one before. It is, however, that pirated versions of FL tend to be missing samples found in the demo projects. I know because it happened to me when I tried to pirate it (for the record I actually did buy the producer edition). I do realise this but I also heard the beta also suffered from this, as to discourage pirating the betas, which the pirating of betas is sadly the practice of pirating these days. They are much easier to crack with the betas than the released product.
Nocturnal Posted July 13, 2004 Posted July 13, 2004 it was working just fine before i had to reformat my computer.....
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