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Mephisto, the formula controller is something I've tried to stay away from since it looks unnecessarily complex.

At your suggestion though, I loaded it onto an effect channel and had SFZ play through that channel. I used the "basic sine LFO" since I figured that would be the one I needed for an okay vibrato. Even turning all the knobs(on the formula controller) while playing, I heard no difference at all, and I tried several different formulas also with no difference in sound.

There is probably something I'm overlooking, but like I said, I've never used this effect before, so I don't know anything about it.


Anywhere in FL where I can check the parameter list? All I see are mode, file, channel, bank, program, poly, quality, and effects. I can link my modwheel to any of those, but there isn't really much point.

Also, in the piano roll, in the tools menu, LFO is there but it's greyed out.

I just can't figure out a way to do this or how to link this at all.

I thought maybe I could load a plugin(or make something on the Dashboard) and link a knob there to my mod wheel, and then make that knob control a sine LFO on the SFZ channel. Think I could find a tutorial for how to do something like this somewhere?

Basically, I want to use SFZ because it's free. I like the Fruity player but it's either pay $35 or have it forget which soundfonts I used every time I open a project. So if I could get vibrato somehow with SFZ(since it doesnt' have an LFO knob like the Fruity player does), I'd be all set. ^^

Mephisto, the formula controller is something I've tried to stay away from since it looks unnecessarily complex.

At your suggestion though, I loaded it onto an effect channel and had SFZ play through that channel. I used the "basic sine LFO" since I figured that would be the one I needed for an okay vibrato. Even turning all the knobs(on the formula controller) while playing, I heard no difference at all, and I tried several different formulas also with no difference in sound.

There is probably something I'm overlooking, but like I said, I've never used this effect before, so I don't know anything about it.

You need to link the controller to the pitch knob (or the volume ontrol, based on how you're doing the vibrato). Basically, you need the "basic sine LFO" to control what the pitch knob does. DO NOT make it hgue or it sounds nasty. Just setting up the controller doesn't work - you need to link it else its just a CPU eater and does nothing.d

Or maybe i did it differently and i'm jsut an idiot. You decide. Have fun with this.


You need to link the controller to the pitch knob (or the volume ontrol, based on how you're doing the vibrato). Basically, you need the "basic sine LFO" to control what the pitch knob does. DO NOT make it hgue or it sounds nasty. Just setting up the controller doesn't work - you need to link it else its just a CPU eater and does nothing.d

Or maybe i did it differently and i'm jsut an idiot. You decide. Have fun with this.

Ok, what I did was open a formula controller and link the SFZ volume knob to that controller. Then, I set up a basic sine LFO and linked the C knob(the speed) to the mod wheel on my keyboard. I think I'm doing it the way you're talking about.

I figured out setting the C speed knob to 0 turns off the effect, but it looks like I'll need to use the A base knob to control volume levels for the track, right? The two move together for me, but if I only move the volume knob for the SFZ channel, then the A knob will not move the volume along with it unless I stop and restart the song.

Hm, I dunno, I guess I'll have to just keep experimenting with this until I understand it completely or at least find somethnig that works for me.

Thanks for helping me figure out how to get it somewhere close to what I was trying to do.


Okay, I am very inexperienced in both music theory and music software, so please bear with me for this noobish question:

I have the FL 3 Demo, and I can't seem to get the song length any longer than 64 beats. Is this because it's a demo, or is it supposed to only be that long, or am I missing some way to change that? Is FL only for making loops shorter than 64 beats, and not complete songs that change over the course of 64+ beats? Thanks


It sounds like you're using just that darn step sequencer (the box that contains each track with little squares next to each one) to layout your notes and rhythms. Right click on a track and select "Piano Roll" at the top of the menu. There you can make a song as long as you want and it is much better (and easier) than using just the step sequencer. :wink:

Is there an easy way to extend a beat throughout the entire piano roll?

Do you mean looping something you've written on the step sequencer on a pattern with a piano roll score? Click the little LED button on the top left of the step sequencer with the arrow pointing to the left next to it (the Repeat step sequencer button). If you want to extend the step sequencer, look for the small blue box in the top left of the step sequencer (Beats per bar for this pattern) and drag the value according to how long you want the pattern to go for. Otherwise, what Prophet said is probably the only other thing I can think of that you could possibly want.


Im trying to use Reason with Fruity loops through ReWire. I did excatly what the help file says but I can't get it to work. Maybe im doing it wrong so, could someone tell me how to do it step by step?

Copy paste works pretty decent for some people. Other than that...you can kind of just make the beat short and bake a million of them onto the playlist thing.

Took me a minute but I seem to have figured out copy and paste, so that should do. I'm not quite sure what you mean by the playlist thing.

Do you mean looping something you've written on the step sequencer on a pattern with a piano roll score? Click the little LED button on the top left of the step sequencer with the arrow pointing to the left next to it (the Repeat step sequencer button). If you want to extend the step sequencer, look for the small blue box in the top left of the step sequencer (Beats per bar for this pattern) and drag the value according to how long you want the pattern to go for. Otherwise, what Prophet said is probably the only other thing I can think of that you could possibly want.

I'm having trouble finding some of this stuff, is it possible that we're looking at different versions of FL?

Anyway, I think I've got it figured out enough to actually start producing something. Thanks for the help everyone.


I'm having some weird ass rendering problems. The audio for fruity SF player channels using HQ Rendering on *certain* soundfonts, randomly, doesn't work at all. As in, after rendering, the result WAV/MP3 is just high pitched buzzing. I get the same exact high pitched buzzing when exporting certain instruments from Kompakt and Kontakt, using their default settings.

Any ideas for what could be causing the program? FL is set to export at 16bit WAV, all FL sampling is 44.1khz, and my sound card is an EMU 0404 which I believe supports 24bit wav/96khz sampling rates.

Im trying to use Reason with Fruity loops through ReWire. I did excatly what the help file says but I can't get it to work. Maybe im doing it wrong so, could someone tell me how to do it step by step?

This continues on after what the help file says.

1) You need to input note data into Reason's piano roll.

2) Then in the FL Studio step sequencer (I use the first pattern, but it's not necessary) right-click on the ReWired channel, Reason and click "Piano Roll."

3) Make one note (anywhere) as many measures as the data in Reason's piano roll is. Meaning, if an instrument/synth in Reason plays for nine measures, make the note in FL Studio nine measures. Hope that helps!

I'm not quite sure what you mean by the playlist thing.

The playlist is the big box that contains all of your patterns. You want to make new patterns when you have a section change (ex: intro, chorus, bridge), a change in an instrument/synth's rhythm or key or if you're automating something, such as volume or tempo. It's a good idea for one instrument/synth to have its own pattern. One exception would be a percussion loop. Some people have a few different percussion instruments playing in the same pattern. Good luck and have fun! :)

Im trying to use Reason with Fruity loops through ReWire. I did excatly what the help file says but I can't get it to work. Maybe im doing it wrong so, could someone tell me how to do it step by step?

This continues on after what the help file says.

1) You need to input note data into Reason's piano roll.

2) Then in the FL Studio step sequencer (I use the first pattern, but it's not necessary) right-click on the ReWired channel, Reason and click "Piano Roll."

3) Make one note (anywhere) as many measures as the data in Reason's piano roll is. Meaning, if an instrument/synth in Reason plays for nine measures, make the note in FL Studio nine measures. Hope that helps!

The hole reason im using rewire is, I cant stand Reasons Pianoroll so I cant do it in FL?

Copy paste works pretty decent for some people. Other than that...you can kind of just make the beat short and bake a million of them onto the playlist thing.

Took me a minute but I seem to have figured out copy and paste, so that should do. I'm not quite sure what you mean by the playlist thing.

THe playlist is the part where all the arranging takes place. It is the screen where you place all the patterns in, whenever you want them to play. Now, if you do a short beat and you want to extend that particular beat, just putting several in a row on the playlist has the same effect as making one really long.



Get the full version of FL, it's WELL worth it :)

The problem of imported MIDIs not playing is a really common question. First thing you should try is setting all the MIDI Outs that appear from the imported MIDI to port 1, as they default to port 0. Check your MIDI general settings; the MIDI mapper should be on port 0, I think, with the MIDI output going to port 1, so your MIDI Outs will play.

i dont think this will get read because of all the post on this subject.and i really dont have tons of time to read thru all them right now.not to be mean but i dont : :cry: i have a problem.i dont have the full version of FL and when i try to import midi files they dont play.I mean it shows it playing but none of it works.If anyone comes across this post and knows a solution to my problem it would be much appreciated.Ill take on tons of request if i can get this problem fixed!!!

You need to use a Fruity LSD - and set the port number on the MIDIs to the same port that the LSD is set to. Check the fruity website for more info - thats where I got the answer from when I was looking. http://www.fruityloops.com/ is the site. have fun with that one, kingchris.


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