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What are your thoughts on adding integrated blogs to OCR?  

130 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your thoughts on adding integrated blogs to OCR?

    • I'm a ReMixer and I'm interested, even if it costs $$$
    • I'm a ReMixer and I'd only do it if it were free
    • I'm a visitor and I'm interested, even if it costs $$$
    • I'm a visitor and I'd only do it if it were free
    • I think it's a bad idea or am otherwise uninterested

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I'm not trying to be a jerk, but the world definitely needs LESS blogs. People tend to think that their random thoughts matter more in written form.

Because all thoughts are worthless and nobody cares about others than themselves-

(okay, honestly, we have a lotta blogs. But I'm interested and I know others are too!)

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but the world definitely needs LESS blogs. People tend to think that their random thoughts matter more in written form.

It's not so much the abundance of blogs, but the content and whether people take them seriously or not in a good or bad way. Take for example the blog/comments attacking Resident Evil 5 for the supposed "racism" within the game. While the author has posted his/her opinion/view people did leave comments on their thoughts that argued against it.

Blogs are a good thing in that people become informed; for the better or worse as it all depends on the content and mind of the readers.

I'd be for it if it was free though... Tshirt/hoodie I can see reasonable, for blogging... eh not so much considering the alternatives...


I'd be for it if it was free though... Tshirt/hoodie I can see reasonable, for blogging... eh not so much considering the alternatives...

The argument for paying is mostly remixers who can use OCR blogs as a portal to their music. Wips, remixes, originals and CD Releases can all earn from being mentioned in an OCR Remixer blog.

Personally I think OCR should implement blogs. paid or not. And I also think it's more suitable that remixers (perferably posted) will have access to blogs on OCR because they are, as I said, the ones that would gain something on using a blog on OCR instead of say.. wordpress.

ALSO, if you don't want to blog. don't pay and you don't have to :) It's not like paid ocr blogs will bring the community down and ruin it for everyone O.o (NOT that you said so, but you know)

Just my thoughts


I tend to agree with Mattias; I see MOST of the appeal being for ReMixers. I'm gonna link up the blogs with ReMixer detail pages so that, right alongside all the other info available for a mixer, you can see what they're up to. It'd be a great promotional tool for mixers who want to keep their audience informed, imo.

For non-mixers, it might not be as valuable, but those coordinating competitions, running projects, or otherwise deeply involved in the site who happen to not be mixers would probably find value.

I tend to agree with Mattias; I see MOST of the appeal being for ReMixers. I'm gonna link up the blogs with ReMixer detail pages so that, right alongside all the other info available for a mixer, you can see what they're up to. It'd be a great promotional tool for mixers who want to keep their audience informed, imo.

For non-mixers, it might not be as valuable, but those coordinating competitions, running projects, or otherwise deeply involved in the site who happen to not be mixers would probably find value.

Exactly what I meant, except I'm not as good at english as Dave ;P


I voted for "visitor/free" but after reading through the topic, I think I was a little hasty. Supporting one of my favorite sites by buying a $5 to $10 blog here is something I would do in a heartbeat.


Well, if you're paying for a blog, shouldn't you have full control over what you post in it? Having blog moderation after being charged a fee is silly. SILLY I SAY.

And the whole thing costs $50, but you'd initially consider charging $15 per person for it? You'd get your money back after 4 people joined. I mean, if there are no maintenance costs, why put it so high? Sure, $15 won't break many people, but it is certainly a deal breaker for most of the people you're asking. If you implement this, you can be sure at LEAST 20 people will do so, regardless of cost... so why not break the price down to a minimum? I don't imagine the site to be in such dire straits as to make these fees necessary. Heck, if it's only $2 or so, people may even get the wacky idea that you're giving them a deal. How can they afford NOT to?

But frankly, something like this may as well be free. If someone's willing to make a blog on your site, they seem pretty set on supporting you. A registration alone or something will dissuade random asshats (at least those with little to no comittment). Blogs are a dime a dozen, and should cost as much. There are plenty of other music sites that discuss the industry and techniques, and though this is certainly a unique site for its specificity of genre, people can certainly get their kicks elsewhere.

That said, I wouldn't want one, and I wouldn't care to read any.

I voted yes even if it costs money. Although 15$ for a blog is a bit too much (yeah it's only 15 dollars, but hell, it's a blog, it's like paying for webmail). I voted like this mostly because I would be glad to contribute to the site, and at the same time get something nifty back. The integration into the site would be cool as well, but still a bit expensive for what it costs and what it is.

Otherwise, it's a good idea that I would like to see implemented. There's a problem with too many people that might not be too meaningful for the website making blogs, and also moderating them, so it's something you should think about more carefully.

Like he said. I'd be up for it, if for no other reason just to support the site. I'd opt for a blog myself, but my real interest would lie in seeing what the ReMixers are up to and whatnot.

Anyway, overall a good idea. I think it'd be a wise investment, and I think $15 is a proper pricepoint for the reasons DJP stated.


I think it's a good idea. $15 isn't a lot of money--it's enough to keep forum goobers from registering and just posting a bunch of stupid crap that wastes webspace and slows down site performance.

I support this idea as originally presented.

Also, no offense intended to anyone here, but if you're not even making music or otherwise contributing to site or ReMixer promotion in any form or fashion, then I don't see why you'd contemplate a blog here anyway. Stick to the free blogs, if you're just in it to tell people what you ate for breakfast, or your feelings on the war in Iraq, or whatever.

I would like it noted that the I think these OCR-blogs should be used in ways that run alongside the mission of the site, which is primarily to promote music awareness and appreciation, as well as giving mixers a chance to promote themselves, their own projects, etc.


Disclaimer: I am not by any means a regular to these boards.

To be honest, this sounds more like a vanity blog than anything that would be useful.

Have you considered just adding a profile field for blogs?

  • 4 weeks later...

I voted yes for it, but only if it were free... it'd be great to have something here at OCR simply because most of my future music will be based off of the projects and games here. The _only_ reason I say only if its free is cause I already pay hundreds of dollars a year on the websites I run now. I'd probably pay for one in the future if that was the only option though.


I initially was somewhat lukewarm to the idea, but as time has gone by, I've started to see some of the possibilities of a group of remixers having blogs related to OCR in an organized location.

It would be nice to have a small directory blogs so if say I wanted to know what kind of stuff Skrypnyk is up to or whatever, I could easily find click on his blog; maybe check out a WIP of his, and read back a bit to possibly get some insight. The fact that it would have to be OCR-related actually makes it more interesting to me. I'm all for reading about what people had for lunch yesterday and what they think of their coworkers, but this is more about concentrated information of how remixers get the job done, and the path they might take from first hearing a great song, to a polished remix.

I'd pay $15 for that.

In the words of Monty Python: YEAH, GET ON WITH IT!


In the words of Monty Python: YOU'RE A LOONY! :razz:

After reading OA's comment this def sounds like a good idea. IMO some people might be reserved about it bc it could possibly change the perception and function of OCR. It's not the site isn't afraid of change or making implementations in an attempt to do some cool things.


Don't do it,

1. Those insterested in getting the blog usually already have a blog on googlepages, blogspot or elsewhere, and have it linked in their forum profile.

2. Subtle popularity contests and jealously may arise when certin remixers' blogs get more attention and comments.

3. It'd add unnecessary maintenance (look to number 1) and clutter to OCR.

4. It's depressing to see no comments on blogs and unless the blog gets considerable visible attention, it'd most likely be abandoned by the author.

5. What my sig says. Adding a function to something because it'd be "cool" is not a valid reason to do it. If blogs take on a major role then the focus of OCR may shift from the music to the image of the artists, like it is on myspace and almost every other music site. We do not want or need our washing machine to do toast.

That's about it, don't want to start an argument or anything, I'm just saying all the reasons why I feel OCR blogs are a bad idea, take it or leave it.

Don't do it,

1. Those insterested in getting the blog usually already have a blog on googlepages, blogspot or elsewhere, and have it linked in their forum profile.

2. Subtle popularity contests and jealously may arise when certin remixers' blogs get more attention and comments.

3. It'd add unnecessary maintenance (look to number 1) and clutter to OCR.

4. It's depressing to see no comments on blogs and unless the blog gets considerable visible attention, it'd most likely be abandoned by the author.

5. What my sig says. Adding a function to something because it'd be "cool" is not a valid reason to do it. If blogs take on a major role then the focus of OCR may shift from the music to the image of the artists, like it is on myspace and almost every other music site. We do not want or need our washing machine to do toast.

That's about it, don't want to start an argument or anything, I'm just saying all the reasons why I feel OCR blogs are a bad idea, take it or leave it.

amen brother!!

Don't do it,

1. Those insterested in getting the blog usually already have a blog on googlepages, blogspot or elsewhere, and have it linked in their forum profile.

2. Subtle popularity contests and jealously may arise when certin remixers' blogs get more attention and comments.

3. It'd add unnecessary maintenance (look to number 1) and clutter to OCR.

4. It's depressing to see no comments on blogs and unless the blog gets considerable visible attention, it'd most likely be abandoned by the author.

5. What my sig says. Adding a function to something because it'd be "cool" is not a valid reason to do it. If blogs take on a major role then the focus of OCR may shift from the music to the image of the artists, like it is on myspace and almost every other music site. We do not want or need our washing machine to do toast.

That's about it, don't want to start an argument or anything, I'm just saying all the reasons why I feel OCR blogs are a bad idea, take it or leave it.

I do not agree. To give remixers a blace on OCR to promote their works for OCR is not a function just becaus it is "cool". This can help remixers that are fairly well known in the community to inform others what they are doing and about their original works while less-known remixers can use it for almost the same thing to get some more air-time. I know that I'm interested in reading what other remixers are working on at the moment and if they are willing to pay for the service you can also guarantee they'll write in it and that it'll be an interesting read.


Links to their personal website or to their last.fm account in their forum profile already accomplish all of that, Anso. I've heard lots of original stuff by several guys on the forums because I checked out the links in their forum profiles. The guys with blogs on their sites updated friggin never, you see an entry dated about every 3-9 months. Nobody wants to keep up a blog that barely anyone reads, even the guys who are paying $10 a month to host their site (much more expensive than a one-time fee of $15 after a year has passed). OCR blogs will be seldomly used and die out so quickly after the first couple of weeks that we will barely even remember they existed a month later. Blogs very likely will just become a useless feature or gadget on OCR. And there is so much potential for drama with the addition of blogs that on that reason alone I think we shouldn't get them.

And well, that's it, I haven't said anything new here, I just elaborated a bit more on the points I made in my previous post.


Whether or not the blogs get that much attention, the site will have gotten some additional funding, which is always good. And they may turn out more useful and popular than you think. Perhaps not for newer remixers or members, but I could see veterans getting some decent traffic.

And if not, OCR still gets some extra funding. Which is good.


I think they're a great idea, at least for remixers to have their own corner of the site. I'd pay for one if I had the money to pay for anything, but even keeping gas in the car is a trick right now.


I'm glad this was bumped, because as it happens I was thinking more about it this morning.

One of the downsides of blogs elsewhere is that they often require registration; OCR blogs would be integrated, so anyone with a forum account here could post comments. Honestly, from my perspective, I think MORE people would comment on my own blog posts if they were here as opposed to on www.djpretzel.com, and I think this might be the same for other artists as well.

Plus, well... we've got plans to add all sorts of stuff to OCR in the next four to five months. I won't get into specifics, but some of these additions are huge, and constitute what equates to "OCR 5", although the visual design won't be changing much, if any. As the site grows, it seems like integrated blogs would really be a huge advantage in particular for album/project coordinators, site staff, mixers, me, and any forum goers who are trying to collaborate on other group projects or initiatives.

I can see arguments for and against and honestly find it difficult to say which side is stronger; I think perhaps the only way to see if the pros outweigh the cons is to try it out...


Just to add, I can see the positive side of having OCR blogs as well, but I was specifically focused on pointing out the cons just so that we had some perspective and could consider this feature more reasonably. The first couple pages of this thread were people enthusiastically giving it the big GO AHEAD without evaluting the pros and cons thoroughly. We could get the blogs and they may work as we intend, which would be great, but if they flop over then I sure hope they don't hurt or have a negative effect on OCR or its members.


I like what Dave's going for here. I think one of the key things to push for with OCR is the actual community aspect of things. We have amazing music, we have a wonderful format and structure for review and posting of mixes, and an amazing group of people carrying that out. Kindly hold your peace if you don't agree with the last sentence. But the point is, the technical side of the OC Remix community is largely taken care of.

So the next thing to focus on is how to better interconnect the users with each other. Dave has pushed for this with the addition of all kinds of different contact tags for forum profiles, and I think the blogs would be an interesting next step. I can't say how personal any of the blogs would get with people from all over the world reading them, but as I said before, they would be a wonderful place for the mixers to sort of put in their two cents in a place that's directly grounded and connected with OC Remix. Then a user such as me doesn't have to resort to Google to find, for instance, Zircon's homepage (if he even has one.) All those things can be placed directly in his blog, much like a personalized and expanded profile page.

Another thing I would LOVE to address. I've noticed a lot of the judges literally begging for users to review both WIPs and posted mixes. It never occurred to me how vitally important that was until I started composing myself. I intend to remedy my lack of involvement there soon. But here's the thing... Is there a way to create a review template to facilitate the review of mixes?

Basically, the people listening to mixes are gonna fall into one of three categories.

1. People that just don't care to review mixes. There's nothing you're going to do about this group.

2. People who want to review mixes, but lack any knowledge of music theory, and therefore feel their input wouldn't be very helpful beyond saying it sounded good. (This would be me.)

3. People with a basic to firm grounding in music theory that are capable of offering valuable technical advice and critique to a mixer.

In all three of these categories, you'll find people who don't have a lot of time. So what if we had a review template where, for instance, group 2 could simply rate overall sound, production, replayability, personalization, and evidence of the original theme on a 5 star scale. Then they could leave whatever comments they feel they need to. This would also allow more experienced musicians (group 3) to nitpick different areas of the mix in separate ratings. Maybe production got a 5 of 5, but interpretation gets a 2. It clarifies what area of the mix people are having issues with, and what areas specifically a mixer needs to work on. Furthermore, aggregating the ratings then allows a mixer to get a very quick overview of what people think of his/her mix.

But the main objective is that having a review template allows a much more user friendly and less time consuming way for people to review a mix. They don’t have to figure out what to say, because it’s already broken up for them.

One last thing. I am NOT referring to a public ratings system. In fact, I think it might be a good idea to make the numbered score available only to the mixer, and post the comments somewhere else. Although I don’t have the first clue how to do this myself, I know enough to know it’s a farily implementable system. Good God this got long. But there it is.

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