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You know, I'm starting to think someone doesn't want this stuff on OCR.

Anyway, welcome to the fifth incarnation of the Quirks thread. In here, you can find out about things from OCR's past that still resonate through the site, and ask questions about oddball things you've read about happening in OCR's history. You can read up on what's currently available on these things here.

And with this fifth thread, I have an invitation for those of you who've been around for a while. I've been thinking about adding a section to the Quirks site about the various sigs that have come to be very well known over the years. Not the "Hey I think that's cool" stuff, but rather the "This stuff is synonymous with that poster" type of sigs... the kind of sigs that it would seem unnatural to not have at the bottom of their posts (in one form or another). Some of the one's that come to mind are sigs like Wideruled's Vader helmet edit, Bishop112's "I am the Justice! Not you!" Voltage Fighter: Gowcaizer sig, Red Omen's red dot series, and even Merid's Rape Wagon from San Fransisco Rush.

So all you old timers (and semi-old timers) help me out here. I may not agree with them all, and some may not get on the final page, but help me amass a list that I can whittle down. Or, if you think the idea's not "Quirk"-ish enough to fit with the rest of what's on the site, feel free to speak up and say so. I'm looking for feedback as well, as I'm still on the fence with the idea.


To add to the sig list, there's your Jon Talbain and the smiley series, Mahaboo's lioness, TCK's African tribal warrior, watkinzez's Black Books characters, Liontamer's VG Frequency ad, djp's Mo Cuishle boxer, and Antonio Pizza's electrical transformation Mario running with a pizza.

Hosting these sigs for people to see would help, of course.

I want to know where the "June is End Boss month" and related sigs came from.

Also, Darkesword's eye-rolling smiley and "JACK THOMPSON LOL".

The whole "June is End Boss Month" came about last year (possibly from Bummerdude). It was simply something to bring everyone together, make some sigs, and have some fun. It's sequel, "June is Boss Month", was done this year by Bummerdude. Instead of only having end-of-game bosses, it was expanded to include any boss from any game ever made. The reason being, that with each year seeing many new games (and bosses as a result), there's no way to run out of subject matter.

DS's rolling-eyes smiley is a default smiley that comes with phpBB, and likely other forum software. It's not a special smiley that only he uses, or that was made just for him, as it's quite literally all over the Web. It just got attached to him because for a time, he used it when he was a mod... a lot. I'm talking damn near daily :lol:

"JACK THOMPSON LOL" was in a thread in Gen Dis/Community that was all about the "lawyer" gamers love to hate. I don't remember exactly what he'd done to cause the thread's creation (I think it had to do with a case of his being thrown out of court, and him being admonished by the judge for wasting the court's time), but it was quickly filled with commentary about him, and the phrase "JACK THOMPSON LOL" caught on. I question whether this phrase was born on OCR, or if that thread maker saw it elsewhere and then brought it here, but that's when the phrase started getting used around here a lot.


Ah, so Boss Month is a genuine OCR quirk. For some reason I thought it might have started somewhere else.

Maybe Darke should have his own, custom eye-roll smiley. I don't think I've ever used the default one; it feels like his property. It would be like wearing another man's pants.

I have a feeling he started the "Jack Thompson LOL" catchphrase, or at least the bold, all-caps, big-font version:


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

A slight nudge, and an update.

I decided to hold off on the sig stuff, as I really can't decide on whether to truly consider that stuff an OCR quirk. However, I do have a request... one that's coming way late...

Does anyone have a link to the Overclocked thread that gave birth to the infamous "Your opinions of late have been ridiculous" quote? I believe it was archived somewhere, but I'm having a tough time finding it.

  • 1 month later...
The whole "June is End Boss Month" came about last year (possibly from Bummerdude).

I didn't start it, I just played along. I think it can possibly maybe perhaps have been Amaterasu who started it, but I definitly cannot say for sure, especially since the old boss storage on photobucket is gone. Maybe I'll try searching for it.

Edit: Bingo.


June is (End) Boss Month shouldn't really be a quirk unless if it keeps on sticking...which will take more time to tell. At some point there was discussion on having a specific theme for each month other than the holidays and what the sig-makers like to do at each of those times, but that's not quite OCR specific.

June is (End) Boss Month shouldn't really be a quirk unless if it keeps on sticking...which will take more time to tell. At some point there was discussion on having a specific theme for each month other than the holidays and what the sig-makers like to do at each of those times, but that's not quite OCR specific.

Eh, 2 years.

That's sticky enough for the internet.

  • 5 months later...


After loosing my Geocities Plus account, I've moved the Quirks thread to a new host. Click my sig to go there. I also went through and updated every link in the various Quirks pages, and every last one of them works now. No more dead links.

And I still haven't found that thread where "Your opinions of late have been ridiculous" came about.

Edit: Nevermind. I'm without a site again. The place that seemed so handy was basically useless to me, which I found out about only after I'd uploaded everything. Sorry folks, but the quirks and such are gone again.


After loosing my Geocities Plus account, I've moved the Quirks thread to a new host. Click my sig to go there. I also went through and updated every link in the various Quirks pages, and every last one of them works now. No more dead links.

And I still haven't found that thread where "Your opinions of late have been ridiculous" came about.

Edit: Nevermind. I'm without a site again. The place that seemed so handy was basically useless to me, which I found out about only after I'd uploaded everything. Sorry folks, but the quirks and such are gone again.

Coop, I currently have about...oh 1200GB a month going to waste at the moment, if theres a need for it, I can see about setting up a sub-domain and ftp account for you.


Radical Dreamer- Yeah, I remember that it was on the orange boards, and I can even picture that funky way the site had responses to posts lined up. But I can't for the life of me find that archive. It was around two or three years ago, but it may have been lost. I hope not.

phill- I've decided that I'm going to put all the Quirk stuff on the same site as the Nice Work Archive, since like the NWA, it's something for OCR as a whole, and not just my personal usage. As such, it needs to be taken care of first and foremost.

As for my personal website, I really don't want to be leeching off of other people's PCs or websites. Back in the days of old, it was really frowned upon to leech off of others. I was guilty of this to a degree for a while with Lightbunny's Comcast setup (he gave me a 30MB mini-site on his account there) until it vanished when LB quit Comcast. Since then, I've done everything I can to not leech off of others, as it always felt like having my fun on someone else's bill. So while I do appreciate the offer, I'm afraid I'll have to decline it. Thanks nonetheless :-)

everyone love the coop that's why most people went to give him space :P but he has honor.

Anyway i'll miss the smiley and John.

It's not honor, Doulifée, honestly. I just don't like burdening people with my personal setbacks or problems. Posting images is fun, and sigs are great and all, but clogging up someone else's personal site or PC with the stuff that I do for shits and giggles doesn't ring right with me. Even with a generous offers by kind folks like yourself, Maha, and phill, I'd still feel like I'm continually having my fun at the expense of what someone else paid for out of their own pocket, you know? It makes me feel like the friend who's invited over, but who always eats some of the food in the fridge every time they show up.

I'm always happy to lend a hand to anyone here when and if I can, but I don't like my needs getting dumped in the laps of others. That may seem prideful or stubborn to some, but that's the way I am... for better or for worse.

Edit: Some good news. I managed to find a site that allows image hotlinking. I can't put my site there because it has ads (big ones along the top), but at least I can have my sigs back in action.


I am paying almost nothing for a decent amount of bandwidth and a stupid amount of space. I have planned to put up a page for image hosting (and some file hosting cough*remixes perhaps*cough) but I'm a lazy tit right now....

Can this whole shebang be opened up to include memorable quotes? It would be nice to remember the best things people have said here through the ages.

I believe that's what the UnMod Awards were for ;-)

But, beyond things like "shitty judge fgt", "Homophoipce" and possibly "You're opinions of late have been ridiculous" (which I'm beginning to have second thoughts about), OCR Quirks is about things that became regularly used staples around OCR, or things that affected a lot of the site. A quote that struck you or me as funny or insightful isn't a quirk, much like a popular sig isn't (yes, I changed my mind on that). The last thing I need or want is for this thing to turn into a popularity contest, or some "I read this and it was funny"/"Why isn't __________ included?" ordeal.

If anyone wants to compile a list of things OCRians have said over the years, I see no reason to do it. I think it would be an entertaining read. But to me, the things in there wouldn't be quirks (unless you included the conversations that lead to my first two examples above).


To add stuff like quotes to the OCR Quirks site, which sadly I just learned about a short time ago... you would have to change the format to something wiki ish. At which point it could include events, notable users (like judges, coop and..me :P) and their notable quotes, faqs, howto, and other site related things.

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