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MUSICIAN NEEDED: The Dawn of Chaos (Warcraft: Orcs and Humans)

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I am a Huge fan of the OCRemix community and the beautiful fruits it bears. I come to you as a representative of the "Dawn of Chaos" team to formally request your talents. DOC is a remake of the original "Warcraft: Orcs and Humans" story on to the WC3 engine. Unfortunately We have been unable to find an independent musician to recreate for us the powerful and atmospheric music of the original.It is our Goal to have a complete sound track. Here's where you come in.

I ask that If there is any artist who can do this game justice with their talents Please come forward.

A zip file with midi's of the original tracks is download able at this link http://www.mediafire.com/?9mvijzgj99y

How ever if you decide to take this torch, I'd recommend Finding and listening to the wave or Mp3 tracks.

This is a really cool idea, but do you think Blizzard will C&D this?

Hopefully they don't prove to be as douchebaggy as square is.

Given how long Project Revolution has been going, I don't think Blizzard sucks quite that much. Besides, they've always encouraged the modding community.

On the other hand, Project Revolution specifically states that they don't use the name "StarCraft" in the title. A project with "WarCraft" in the name might very well attract some bannination.

While this is certainly true, the official mod name appear to be "The Dawn of Chaos"--"WarCraft" only appears in the logo Vess showed here (although admittedly, the fact that the logo is based on the trademark WarCraft logo just makes things worse).


Never you mind about this mod's longevity. What's important is that the Music of Warcraft gets the attention it deserves. Sil All liberties are yours, have fun, But for it to be used It has to be good and in keeping with the theme.

Is there none who will rise to the call?!


The Mod directer In all his majesty is making a Demo video today. I will post it when its done. Unfortunate we have no warcraft themed music to use. :(

A ban? No. A warning? Yes.

I didn't suggest it would be immediate, but an attitude like that isn't going to lead anywhere else.

Of course, now you won't ban him just to spite me. :darkesword:


You really should let this thread get by on account of actual interest, and not by deleting the last post and reposting. There's no reason to hyperactively bump anything. Don't do this any longer.

EDIT: I've gone ahead and edited your thread title to reflect your need for musicians. This is something you should have had in the thread title to begin with. Only bump this thread with meaningful developments pertaining to your project and keep it reasonable.

EDIT 2: I would also recommend you learn more about the ReMixers by downloading recent OC ReMixes or the torrents available here. Listening to the randomly played ReMixes at Ormgas.com or albums available at Last.fm are other options. You could also do the newb standby idea and make a thread asking for what remixers/remixes are available in the style(s) that you're looking for, as long as you're explicit with what genres you want. Like others have recommended, asking for the score to a game that's not essentially done likely won't get you any bites, only because loads of fan-made game projects don't finish, and good faith isn't a lot to go on. If and when you do have nearly everything in hand in terms of the game, then personally contact artists you're interested in. Most ReMixer profile pages have the artist's latest website and contact info available.


I would love to help you guys out, but I'm concerned about rumblings on your forum about project death.

I definitely feel comfortable with that Warcraft sound (Short cue) as I was pretty heavily influenced by it throughout my development as a gamer (Orc Sketch) as it was one of the first computer games I ever played and it was the first computer game I ever played over the modem (back then, you didn't connect to the internet, you called a friend's computer).

Check out my (currently austere) site, shoot me an email, whatever:




Sorry About that death stuff. You'll notice that it was started by me. Also I have Started It back up. I have Inspired meny of the Team back into action Including all key staff. We are just more keen to Instant messengers.I love your Orc Sketch And would love to see more like it. Now as sure as My name is Nathan Talmage Vess, This mod "Will" Be compleated. Nothing will Bar my Way, Even If I have to learn to wright Music my self! Doomhammer_vs_Lother.jpg

Dawn Of Chaos Will LIVE!

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