Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 ...I still don't even know what people mean by frames in fighters. Quote
Flare4War Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 Yeah, Seth is ridiculously hard and cheap. What difficulty are you on though? I have no problems on the lowest two, just on "Easy" and higher. Medium. I finally managed to win him with Ken one time on easy. His grabs are nuts to get away from, lets not even talk about his ultra technique. Then he has that double sonic-boom that plagues because you can't entirely cancel it with a hydoken or the like, it's twice as wide so jumping it is 60% more difficult. Blocking it is an option but the computer will just spam the shit out of it if you do. Quote
DarkeSword Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 ...I still don't even know what people mean by frames in fighters. Frames of animation. Quote
Drack Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 ...I still don't even know what people mean by frames in fighters. These games run at 60 frames per second. One frame is 1/60th of a second. If something has a one-frame input window, it means that the button must be pressed on that 1/60th of a second, not before, not after. Quote
Geeky Stoner Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 About that two round thing with seth flare you can also set the rounds to 1(and also an easier setting capcom is a little better with their difficulty gauge than in the past with street fighter)he still goes crazy on the first round but hes easier to beat because its one round. This is something a friend of mine online told me while i was in a party with him while I was complaining about the same thing. It does take the challenge with the last boss down I even did it on hardest and got him(yea i feel kinda dirty about that achievement) this is also good if your trying to unlock all the characters and can't because your not too good with everyone in the game. up for a game online with anyone later(my E.Honda's beastly I've been told) Quote
DJ Mighty Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 I use Sakura almost exclusively on my ranked matches. I keep running into Akumas and Kens like crazy though. i always feel good when i beat a Akuma or Ken. Most people who use these characters just spam the same moves over and over again. I use Cammy in almost all my ranked matches, i am getting better with her each time. i actually won 5 out of 8 matches the other night. I have seen a fair amount of E.Honda players as well. Though they usually just spam "Flying headbut" And his 100 punch move. Quote
Geeky Stoner Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 I've been beat a couple times with online in ranked. i like to use his upward flying tackle move as an anti air,and ex up close is great. I've been running into ryu's like crazy couple gulie's and of course akuma. Quote
Brushfire Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 I finally got around to playing, and online matches are clearly for the birds. Lemme run down my first match for ya: I was playing Chun Li and I get a challenge. Doucebag picks Akuma, match starts. Buffering... I jump over to his position. Buffering... 10 Hit-Combo Buffering... 15 Hit Combo Buffering.... Super move Akuma wins Perfect. This game sucks when you live really far away from places. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 Did you try a quick match or a custom search? I've been noticing that in general, custom searches take a bit longer, but I usually get to see the other person's connection. Anything 3 bars or better is good enough. Although yeah, I'd imagine you'd have better pings with others in your area(or at least continent). Quote
SoloGamer Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 He said he got challenged, so I'm assuming he had the request thing on in arcade mode. This game sucks when you live really far away from places. What's your language search priority? If you set it to Japanese and set your search priority to stability, you'll get much better results. Quote
José the Bronx Rican Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 Sorry I haven't been on yet; still busy with other things, and I have to drag my modem and router out to my living room for the time being to get online. What I wanna say is that the Fight Pad is a 200% improvement over the original wireless on my 360, for SFIV and HD Remix. I am, however, disappointed with the response on Streets of Rage 2, which Andy can tell you I never get tired of: unfortunately (and this is the case with both the SOR2 Live download and with the "Sonic Ultimate" version; maybe it's Backbone's emulation causing the problem?), although every move comes the way I want it, it comes a split second too late, and suddenly I'm no longer an expert. It's just not the same as playing it on my original Genesis, or even emulated on my PC with the "Saturn"-style pad I got from Playasia. Maybe I'll get used to it. Anyway, I'll try to be on soon. Quote
Flare4War Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 I was playing a guy from New York (Brooklyn specifically) last night at it was awesome because our connection was perfect. It was like we were playing on the same console. We were good competition for each other too. It was great. Quote
DjSammyG Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 best dan match ever. Ended in a draw. All we did was taunt and roll around and super taunt. Quote
DJ Mighty Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 I was playing a guy from New York (Brooklyn specifically) last night at it was awesome because our connection was perfect. It was like we were playing on the same console.We were good competition for each other too. It was great. i had the same situation the other night. We started with a epic Cammy vs Vega match and we had at least 8-10 more matches after. i dont think either of us used Ken, Ryu, Akuma or Sagat. Anyone else surprised how cool Rose is?! Quote
Flare4War Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 i had the same situation the other night. We started with a epic Cammy vs Vega match and we had at least 8-10 more matches after. i dont think either of us used Ken, Ryu, Akuma or Sagat.Anyone else surprised how cool Rose is?! I'm a Ken spammer. I wish I was better with Sakura, I know she has alot of potential but I never use her when I'm playing for battle points. Speaking of Rank points how many do you guys have? I can't seem to get over 1,350. If I get more than that someone comes along and defeats me. And, yeah Rose does have a cool style. Whoever invented Rufus should be fired from Capcom and banished from ever helping design video games again. Quote
DJ Mighty Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 I'm a Ken spammer. I wish I was better with Sakura, I know she has alot of potential but I never use her when I'm playing for battle points.Speaking of Rank points how many do you guys have? I can't seem to get over 1,350. If I get more than that someone comes along and defeats me. And, yeah Rose does have a cool style. Whoever invented Rufus should be fired from Capcom and banished from ever helping design video games again. ummm im not sure, maybe 400. Im not online as much as i would like and when i do its usually non-ranked. I like being able to find someone and fight more than once. I went on ranked the other night and gathered up most of my points. I only use Cammy in Ranked. I would prob win more if i used Ken or Ryu but i like being different and i like using her. Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 There's a very obvious exploit in this game so that you never disconnect on your opponents (they still get points if they beat you) and you never lose points. Dashboard button. lol I did that a few times out of anger at losing to another stupid Ken. But I'm sure you can do that forever until Capcom patches it. Quote
Flare4War Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 That's awful. Wonder if they'll fix it anytime soon. Is it the same way in HD Remix? Quote
I-n-j-i-n Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 That's awful.Wonder if they'll fix it anytime soon. Is it the same way in HD Remix? No. In HDRemix, it's outright theft of a win. In SF4, when your enemies win, don't press a single button. Just wait like 15 seconds (so that enemies will press button and get the EXP gain and save), and you just quit the game with dashboard button. Instead of stealing EXPs, you get away free without penalty and the enemy gets their EXPs. It's weird, but it's mutually beneficial. lol Quote
SoloGamer Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 Don't feel like bumping the HDR thread, so I'm posting it here. A patch is to be released soon for ST: HDR. The patch will address: After a number of games, the HUD will be corrupt. Yellow lifebars will freeze, the round counter flags will all be on, and the names will show more than one name. (Both) Frequent disconnects during VS transition screen. Often caused by selecting START color of character. (Both) Title crashes if user has a large friends list and tries to access the friends list (PS3) Rating being set to "0" and from then on, rating remains at "0". Once that patch goes live, we'll reset all leaderboards/scoreboards. (Both) Vega sometimes causing desyncing, especially when using the fake wall dive. (Both). Lobby list containing full rooms instead of only rooms that users can enter. (Both). Zangief Super Motion not working on both sides and in both directions. During the start of the match, there is slight slowdown. This has been minimized as much as possible. (PS3). If connecting to a ranked match through the quick match function, it is best out of 3 rather than best out of 5. It should always be best out of 5.(Both) Sending messages via XMB during a game causes a freeze. (PS3) Players not added to "Players Met" list. (PS3) Analog and D-pad can accept input at the same time. (Both) Player stats not reporting correctly. Quote
Raziellink Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 ummm im not sure, maybe 400. Im not online as much as i would like and when i do its usually non-ranked. I like being able to find someone and fight more than once. I went on ranked the other night and gathered up most of my points. I only use Cammy in Ranked. I would prob win more if i used Ken or Ryu but i like being different and i like using her. I'm up to 2400. Abel and Guile FTW! :3 Quote
anosou Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 Now that I've finally purchased my FightPad I should start playing seriously again. Just picked up Rose. However I really need to get used to the fightpad so now I suck back at square one Quote
DJ Mighty Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 I'm up to 2400. Abel and Guile FTW! :3 Fought a Abel last night. Epic battle, he won though. We were both on a mic. Nice guy. He was the first Abel i fought online and i was the first Cammy he fought. Good times. I just started doing ranked matches, lost a little more than i won last night but still ranked up over 600. Little by little. Quote
Flare4War Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 Anyone want to sign on and have a few matches? Quote
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