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Fuck no. He's already got 55 to 65 percent of the video dedicated to ads now,...

I do not need less of what makes his reviews entertaining in the first place.

The ads don't take anything a way from his reviews. His spore review is only nine seconds shorter than his Psychonauts review.

If the ads at the end piss you off so much, just close the tab as soon as the ZP t-shirt lady comes on.


see, I didn't think that the NOOOOOOOOOO was that bad.

Understand, I'm not that the biggest fan of family, oh! I used to enjoy its random jokes and crazy pace but after living with a person completely obsessed with that show and anything ever mentioned goes back to family guy...

Family Guy got old, SUPER fast. but This joke worked cause you can tell that its actually him holding the NOoooooo as long as he could. slightly different from family guy but better.

nothing to get huffy about.

see, I didn't think that the NOOOOOOOOOO was that bad.

Understand, I'm not that the biggest fan of family, oh! I used to enjoy its random jokes and crazy pace but after living with a person completely obsessed with that show and anything ever mentioned goes back to family guy...

Family Guy got old, SUPER fast. but This joke worked cause you can tell that its actually him holding the NOoooooo as long as he could. slightly different from family guy but better.

nothing to get huffy about.

I thought it was funny in the same way the elevator scene in Spider-Man 2 was. First it's funny. Then after 7 seconds it's not so funny. Then after even more seconds it becomes funny again because it's so awkwardly long.

guys this thread isn't for your stupid opinions about the god damn reviews it's for everyone to sit back and laugh about how funny they are

Then why does this thread even exist at all?

If what you said was true, wouldn't we all be lol-ing to hard to type our stupid opinions?

also, If we can't discuss what was/is effective comedy (since that is totally not relevant to how funny something is), what are we suppose talk about?

OMG!! ThAT wUz SO FunNY whEN He sAId sH*t!!1! Lololololllol.

also, If we can't discuss what was/is effective comedy (since that is totally not relevant to how funny something is), what are we suppose talk about?




guys this thread isn't for your stupid opinions about the god damn reviews it's for everyone to sit back and laugh about how funny they are

THe Zero Punctuation thread: Love It or Leave It

God bless America.


I don't think he has much of a choice when it comes to the advertisements... Then again I could be wrong..?

My understanding is that a gigantic portion (like 85% or more) of The Escapists' traffic is people who want to see ZP. And then leave. Which, to be honest, most of their other stuff is complete shit. So they're trying to stuff ZP with as many ads as possible for either cash or they're kneeling to advertisers who are getting mad that people only watch one thing and don't stay to see the other ads.

Total shot in the dark, though.

Gotta pay for the bandwidth. And really, if you remove the big Warhammer Online advertisement, the ratio switches quite a bit

But the bandwidth is used for the advertisement--it was full video, as it is every week.

But the bandwidth is used for the advertisement--it was full video, as it is every week.

Airtime is used for commercials, but those commercials help pay the bills at the station because the time slots are sold to a given company (both on radio and TV). With the website, not only is Warhammer Online getting advertised (meaning they likely paid for their stuff to be added to the newest Zero Punctuations, as well as to the website layout itself), but they're also pimping the shirts and whatnot (which likely draw in cash as well).

As the old saying goes, you have to spend money to make money. And just as TV and Radio have commercials which cost money to make and air in hopes of drawing in new cash flow, so does the web these days.


Oh no, Ben made a long, drawn out joke instead of a quick one. I do believe the world is going to collapse upon itself. It's simply unheard of for comedy to take an unexpected turn in an effort to generate NEW humor...>_<

Come on...It was pretty funny, and who gives a frick if it was different from his usual quips?! People are really taking it too seriously...

But the ads in the beginning do genuinely tick me off. Having them at the end was one thing. Do they honestly think that because I saw their crappy game for 10 seconds before the review, now I'm going to go out and buy a copy?! That's crappy marketing if I ever say it!


The idea of the marketing is to just put name recognition out there in this case. You may not go out and *buy* the game because of a 10 second ad, but you'll remember the name of the game. And perhaps, sometime after that, you'll remember it when you want to go buy something and you'll pick it up on impulse. If that's the case, the ad did its job.

That's what marketers think about it, anyways.

...Though to be perfectly honest? That ad at the beginning DOES suck. I hate it too. And I also hate that more than half of the video is dedicated to advertisements. I understand the necessity of putting ads on there to keep the site afloat, but *come on*. That's just unreasonable. If they're having this much problem generating traffic for the rest of the site, maybe they need to *change the bloody content.* Just a thought.

The idea of the marketing is to just put name recognition out there in this case. You may not go out and *buy* the game because of a 10 second ad, but you'll remember the name of the game. And perhaps, sometime after that, you'll remember it when you want to go buy something and you'll pick it up on impulse. If that's the case, the ad did its job.

That's what marketers think about it, anyways.

Well, then they're fricking retarded, and dead wrong. That's never worked on me or anybody I know. But it's annoyed all of us!

...Though to be perfectly honest? That ad at the beginning DOES suck. I hate it too. And I also hate that more than half of the video is dedicated to advertisements. I understand the necessity of putting ads on there to keep the site afloat, but *come on*. That's just unreasonable. If they're having this much problem generating traffic for the rest of the site, maybe they need to *change the bloody content.* Just a thought.

Then the joke's on them. Who in their right mind is going to stick around and watch all that crap after the main and only attraction is finished? Only the "boredest" of the bored would do something like that...

Who in their right mind is going to stick around and watch all that crap after the main and only attraction is finished?

I did.

It was a pretty cool trailer.

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