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Chrono Cross 'Time's New Scar'

That's right folks - A piano piece played live by an individual. A talented one for that matter ^^ There are only a few (most not even noticeable) problems due to the fact that it was played live. Definitely recommended to anyone a fan of piano pieces, and definitely those fans of the Chrono series in general.


Highly recommended. A more sedate take on a great theme, with plenty of expansion. This song makes an excellent counterpoint to FFmusic Dj's "TimeScars."

Seriously, this is one of my favorite songs out of the entire Chrono series, and I appreciate any coverage of it. Kudos to gutzalpus on an excellent initial submission.


If theres anything I love more than solo piano pieces..Then..Dang..Crap not a good line for that one....Its not enough that I already love this song..It being my favorite in the game..But this remix makes me like it even more.Good job!


This is good stuff. Is there somewhere I could get the piano music for this? Does gutzalpus give out his e-mail address? Someone let me know if there's someone I could ask.



YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THIS. If you like Time's Scar, get it. If you like piano, get it. What am I saying, get it anyway! This is one of the BEST remixes I have ever heard, from the sheer beauty of the arrangement and the emotive playing. Very well done to gutzapulus. Think Fantasy Reborn, only better.

This song brings tears to my eyes. It's that good.


Ahh....the piano player I wish I could be. :roll: This is the best piano arrangement I have heard from this site and any other source of vgmusic. I can hear those minor glitches, yes....but the emotional response the whole piece demands makes them so minute you cannot possibly gripe about them. :D I listened to the track 3 times in a row after I got it, and I'm working on the 4th now.

Anyway....it's been said several times and I'll say it again....GET IT!!!

That's all....



At first listen, I didn't think this was live. I thought it was an arrangement like most of the piano songs on this site. But well played, nonetheless. The song is not as complex as Spekkosaurus's miraculous romp through the trial song from Chrono Trigger, but it is still extremely well-executed. I love the Chrono Cross soundtrack. I love piano. Doesn't take a rocket scientist or djp to figure that one out. Great song, although the piano sounds a bit MIDI-ish. Just a bit. Recommended highly.


I was amazed by how well performed this was, even though the 'glitches' or so to speak, could've been avoided. But hey, there's no such thing as perfection after all. REALLY nice work though, it has me in awe.


I must applaud Gutzalpus on this amazing piece of Piano work....

He/she has taken a well known piece from a well known game, and done it justice, if he/she messed it up, I'm sure he/she would hear about it....:), but he hasn't, and I'm glad.....

The CC soundtrack is probably one of my favorites, and by doing Time Scars, he/she has established himself or herself, as a great pianist, and maybe we'll see more arrangements from him/her sometime soon....


There is but a single word for the piece: Beautiful.

Time's Scar was an amazing piece on its own, but I must say that this piano mix of is absolutely top notch. There isn't much else I can say as I am not musically inclined to describe the style and quality of play. However, it was a beautiful, smooth, and delightful.

Well played indeed.


i dont put up to many posts on this site, because i dont find to much worth posting about. but this is the BEST remix of any song i have ever heard. im already in love with both the piano, and times scar, so this is a double bonus for me. very well done ^_^


damn I adored the song itsself, this remix gives it an entirely different point of view, but it's still magnificent (especially the end is just perfect...)


Unfortunately, there is no score for this arrangement...I basically took the original score, set it down in front of me, and used it as the basis for an improvisation, which is this song. I'm horrible at actually sitting down and writing out sheet music (or putting it into the computer for that matter) so most of my stuff tends to be improvised.

Also, thanks to all for the wonderful comments regarding my arrangement. They're all greatly appreciated.


I am quite the big fan of pieces that maintain just enough of the original melody but still go on to be very unique. You are a very good piano player; knowing that you improvised this is damn incredible. Thanks for the great song--I look forward to your next release with a whole lot of eagerness :)

Great ending also, by the way.


I listened to this mix yesterday, and I was quite astonished to find that it had lulled me to sleep... 8O:D

That's just how well made and beautiful this piece is, and it goes to show you, improv IS an art... :o

So well done Gutz!!

Kajed Berd


Okay, so this is absolutely gorgeous. At first I was disappointed when it didn't go into the fast part of Time's Scar, but that didn't last long. In fact, considering the feel of the piece, I am far more pleased at the amazing improvisation that runs away with the melody than the original score could have hoped to make me. A fabulous remix, and one of my favorites on this site, easy.

Kick ass, gutzalpus.

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