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hey fellas,

I just got my old turntable fired up and I need some deadly tunes. I know there has to be some type of video game music on vinyl out there. I've heard on EGM's podcasts that there was Dragon Quest soundtracks published on vinyl and I was curiouse if anybody's heard of this and where to find it. I just need to own something as retarded as vg music on vinyl.


nothin retarded about that at all - i've been scratching a lot in the past year and i'd do anythin for a vg vinyl to rip up some beats with

like even one of game sounds.

i've thought extensively about the potential of grabbing one of those turntable units that play a blank vinyl that plays mp3s of your choice (not little dj console type things but an actual turntable with, i believe, a clear record).

i can't remember the model and i don't even remember the product all that clearly (my memory has a few... erm... pot holes...) but the upside of being able to scratch mp3s of your choice without having to resort to one of those fake little pad turntable mixers is fascinating!

ah yes!

  zyko said:
nothin retarded about that at all - i've been scratching a lot in the past year and i'd do anythin for a vg vinyl to rip up some beats with

like even one of game sounds.

i've thought extensively about the potential of grabbing one of those turntable units that play a blank vinyl that plays mp3s of your choice (not little dj console type things but an actual turntable with, i believe, a clear record).

i can't remember the model and i don't even remember the product all that clearly (my memory has a few... erm... pot holes...) but the upside of being able to scratch mp3s of your choice without having to resort to one of those fake little pad turntable mixers is fascinating!

ah yes!

I'm pretty sure you're talking about serato, here's a video of it being discussed, and used in action:

The guy starts using it around 5 minutes in.

Edit: Also, if anyone here does know of any place that sells video game soundtracks on vinyl, please let me know.


I had started a similar thread a few years ago about the same thing... sorta.

I can't think of too many examples off the top of my head of VG music on vinyl, though I am certain they DO exist.

As a DJ, I've had my run-ins with white-label bootleg tracks of retro games like Donkey Kong and such in the record store. I also can't help but be reminded of the official Parasite Eve remixes on vinyl. I'm sure you could easily EBay for those.

As for the "Death of Vinyl" video, I don't think vinyl will ever die out... though I myself have found myself leaning towards Serato and CDJs in live mixing. I can't afford to buy vinyl all the time.


yeah, I did a quick check on ebay but I didn't get anywhere really. the closest I could find was the Yellow Magic Orchestra, but not really the pure VGM I was looking for, although, they do kick some ass. Any more suggestions. I'm sure that somebody has that one piece of information that might lead to vinyl bliss.


Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory has a vinyl soundtrack, but only because Amon Tobin does all his work on Vinyl.

All the same I really do wish they had vinyl releases, as somebody who collects vinyl I would die in heaven. Also, I'm kind of curious as to what Yellow Magic Orchestra did??? As I only recently picked up their music but was never aware that they were videogame releated in any way.


Serato + your CD soundtracks FTW. I also hear Torque is almost as good as Serato to mix with, given its lower price.

As far as vinyls go, I can't help you much there, beyond the usual video game battle records that sample sound effects.


I got in my own DJ collection the Ambassador of Funk's 12" "Super Mario Land" single (as heard on the Super Mario Compact Disco CD) and also a record of videogame breaks that including songs and sounds from Sonic 1, Castlevania 3, Donkey Kong, Joust, NBA Jam, even GTA.

Technically, not videogame soundtracks, but cool nonetheless.

  zyko said:
i've thought extensively about the potential of grabbing one of those turntable units that play a blank vinyl that plays mp3s of your choice (not little dj console type things but an actual turntable with, i believe, a clear record).

i can't remember the model and i don't even remember the product all that clearly (my memory has a few... erm... pot holes...) but the upside of being able to scratch mp3s of your choice without having to resort to one of those fake little pad turntable mixers is fascinating!

ah yes!

Yeah, I hope to get me a set of those too--whenever I get some fundage...

There are several software/hardware bundles that let you do that: Native Instruments: Traktor Scratch and M-Audio's Torq in addition to Serato.


here's some from my collection

vgb21.jpg<br><br>only 4 images allowed, so here's a link to the other vg breaks album





in case the bandwidth craps out...

1+2 are vg "breaks" collections, but in actuality are collections of bgm and soundfx.

3 is the soundtrack/bgm for xevious, with a hardcore techno remix of it on the b-side along with sound/bgm for gaplus and the tower of druaga.

4 is pac-man fever. most remember that song, but not the album, which had songs like "frogger's lament, do the donkey kong, ode to a centipede, hyperspace

(asteroids), the defender, mousetrap, and goin' berzerk".

5 is space invaders, a loose disco-ish adaptation of the sound fx from the game, but surprisingly awesome in it's execution.

  q-pa said:

There are several software/hardware bundles that let you do that: Native Instruments: Traktor Scratch and M-Audio's Torq in addition to Serato.

the only thing is i want to have as little software and as much hardware as possible in this particular instance because i'm good with my hands on the turntables and need to rely on touch to accomplish what i want... i don't ever feel comfortable with software scratchers, etc.

i'll look into those... i think the one i had been thinkin of is the serato but i just need something that will be as close to the original artform as possible...

  statas said:
here's some from my collection


Yeah, that's the exact one I was mentioning earlier.

:nicework: for having the famous Pac-Man Fever! I know a place where you can get the MP3s if anyone's interested in hearing it.

zyko: I haven't used all the bundles, so I don't know which is best. Hmm...

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