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Chrono Trigger 'Crying Mountain'

At first, I was like "WTF" simply because it was the EXACT same as the original just with different instruments. Though, it quickly changes at 0:17. Believe me. It's a dramatic change. At 0:34, the percussion is introduced. It's simple, yet cool for the style. New OC ReMixer Saiko does a great job making this ReMix sound really fantastic. I just dig the bass ^^ Enough said. Enjoy the mix :) It's worth the short download.

:D Yeah I have to agree, this is pretty good. Is this the only remix here on this track? It's a great song and the 'mix is even better. It's a relief to get a good non-Schala remix everyonce and while. I wouldn't mind seeing more remixes from this particular track Yay! :D

I love this track! The two best elements of this track for me are the AWESOME synth lead, and the great drums. It's all put together well on top of the orchestral part of the song. I think it should be a bit longer, however (what's with all these short tracks? Seems like I (and others) say this a lot in reviews). Otherwise, very cool stuff. Gimme more.


WoW, hadn't expect such reactions about this first RPG track I ever made. I'm already working on something new, also a Chrono Trigger remix. Hope you'll like that one aswell. If so you can expect a lot more from me in the future. Cuz I kinda like it :)

Thnx for your reactions for so far people. BTW, my brother played this game till the end and he said to me this tune is the one in a sun-cave or something and he also talked about a very good sword. (This info is mentioned to Spram)

Ah well, check ya later guys!


This is one of my favorite CT tracks, and it isn't even in the game. I'm really loving this, even though it does contain drums, and I've made it evident in other reviews that I'm not a drum fan, in general. Maybe I'm comming to like drums. Or maybe it just says something that the drums fit into this mix very well, if a drum-disliker likes them. Or can tolerate them, at least.

Problem: It's too short. I want more!

By the way, the beginning of this track is NOT the same as the original. There's a humming in the background that wasn't quite in the original, seeing as how the SNES didn't have the capability to produce that kind of sound. It sounds like some young girls humming, behind the other instruments, which were, admittably, quite close to the original. But all the same, quite lovely, really. A small change, but enough for me to enjoy.


Look, it's Singing Mountain, it's on OC, it's CT, it's techno. I don't even have to hear it to give it thumbs up.

Well, I heard it, so now I give it two thumbs up. Maybe if there were more Singing Mountain mixes (hint hint) I wouldn't like it so much, with better things to compare it to, but, oh well. Thank you Saiko!


Certaintly a good first mix, it has some n00bish innocence and just something cool about it. I'll give it a 4/5, far from perfect, yet it somehow just works well. Nice job


Spram: Yeah, it's one of the hidden tracks. Personally, this is one of my favorite CT tracks even though it wasn't even released.

Well, it seems "CT + Techno = teh kewl." In particular, I don't like the synth at 1:14; it seems it would have been better if it was more subtle or somehow different at that point, but otherwise it's not bad. I find it worth the download simply because I like the original track. So, anyway, I DO like the mix. I agree with snarfoogle -- more of this song wouldn't hurt, either.

BTW, I'm a n00b as well, so you'll want to take my criticism with a grain of salt.


That first synth is so sublime, it snuck up on me in a very good way. The drum beat has a sorta Paul Oakenfold-ish sound to it, and that's cool. Love the chorus in the background. Way too short! [Now I have to double-click on the song again, dammit! Okay, there, I just cropped it and set it on repeat.]

It's just so good sounding. These are what good samples sound like people! If more people [read: n00bs] could use samples as good in these when submitting, we'd have a whole lot more "YES" votes around here, as well as an increase in general accolade.

Anyway, excellent work! :D

  • 1 month later...

This is just jaw-dropping...if I were to see a live-action or animated CT movie, this is what I'd expect to start off the ending credits. It's that damn good...just short...short and sweet is better than long and tedious however

  • 1 month later...

i mean..damn! i first heard this song via an midi file.. i'm glad it's been remixed. it wasn't ever put in the real game, it was unreleased,right? well,anyway, the remix is really nice, it's very well put together..::nods in approval:: i like!

  • 3 weeks later...

Im wondering if maybe im hearing something that no one else is or if everyone else is hearing something im not, because i feel this remix is incredible.... im downloading my 99th song from this site as i write this and this is my favorite.... The fantasy-like feel given off in the beginning is incredible and when it fuses together with the synth.. 8O . it just gives me the chills. excellent Saiko.

Also, if you dont have this remix, get it. the one single thing i dislike about this mix is that its only about 2:00 so i have to play it about 3 times :D .


There is a second part of the song not included in the mix, which it seems everyone has missed. This cripples it. We are subjected to the same, beautiful loop of music repeatedly, and the tune never breaks through to that higher sound. Listen to the original CT track; you'll see what I'm talking about. It occurs around 0:33, and completes the amazing track.

Thus, I wish that the mix would be finished. Really, ,listening to the mix as it is can be a sort of slavery; we hear the same tune and expect to break free and ascend -- but it never happens.


This track IS in the Game BUT you need a cheat device to get to it! There is a hidden dungeon with nothing in it cept some music! Not really worth getting to it when you can just get the Chrono Trigger sound track!!!! :D


o_O This is freaky. The basic song to that remix has been stuck in the back of my head for montsh, yet I don't remember hearing it anywhere. Exelent job on the re-mix though, best I've heard yet on the Chrono Trigger ones.


:? At first I didn't really like this remix much, but because I wanted to give it a fair chance (and listen), I listened about 3 more times. Damn good song. me likey...


At around 1:14, there's a harmony that kicks in alongside the melody (duh) that sounds out of tune with the rest of the instruments- maybe it's me or the effect on the instrument, but I just can't stand it. The first 2 times I listened, I didn't notice, but everytime after that I did, and it really wrenched my ears.

Definately a green swedish fish in my 2lb. bag of gummy worms.

Basically, me am like the music be. :idea:

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

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