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Are you sure that was Bleach and not (insert hentai name that had a skeleton in it here)?

No, lol. It was clearly Bleach. Ichigo was in there, unless it was some ripoff anime that got sued for having Ichigo in there when he shouldn't have been.

Speaking of fan service has anyone ever watched najica? I have the first dvd somewhere and it's pretty decent i guess. Does it get any better? (first dvd is probably first 4 eps)

Najica Blitz Tactics, right? It does. They start to reveal the deeper part of the plot, particularly why Najica has such an aversion to her partner, and why they're capturing the people that they are. But yeah, tons and tons of fanservice, but it's from Nishijima Katsuhiko and Studio Fantasia (who directed/produced Agent Aika), so it's sorta expected if you've seen Aika. See if you can find the rest of it somewhere, I think it's worth it if you're 4 in already.

English dub completely turned me off from the series completely. I've stopped watching the three of them completely and only read Naruto and Bleach when the manga gets released. I've yet to start the One Piece manga, but I am interested.

Watching One Piece on American TV is a travesty. No opening and ending animation, none of the great Japanese voice work and the version is generally butchered.

The manga is really good once you get past some of the slower earlier chapters though. I think it's the best way to catch up.

As for Najica, I think it was pretty good for its type. I have the DVD version. I hear the Aika manga has panties packed in.. It's incredibly obsessive about the fan service.


Well, I haven't been following One Piece religiously at all, but the few times I do watch it, they have been using the FUNimation dub which does a better job of things...never, and I mean NEVER, watch anime on 4kids.

It's dumbed down, has all the violence, drug use, smoking, drinking, sexual humor, crass humor, cursing and references to death, dying, killing, murdering, etc., removed in order to make it "kid-friendly."

In short, taking the role and responsibility of the parent away from the equation, and opening the door for America's youth to learn everything from the streets instead of from their families and growing up with skewed ideas of how the world operates.

..wow that was really off topic.

I hear the Aika manga has panties packed in.. It's incredibly obsessive about the fan service.

LOL more than the show? That is both amazing and terrifying, as I don't see how you could add anymore than what I remember. But then again, these guys are the kings of panty shots; I shouldn't underestimate their skills.

Also speaking of Evangelion i hate that show, though i own all the original DVDs. While i was still watching and buying it I was enjoying it alot. Looking back I can't see what really compelled me to keep watching.

So, I'm not the only one. Good.

Also, everyone, stop bitching about dubs. Full Metal Panic is a masterful display of dubbing done RIGHT.

So, I'm not the only one. Good.

Also, everyone, stop bitching about dubs. Full Metal Panic is a masterful display of dubbing done RIGHT.


Select 'Drama'. Select 'Sister Princess'. Begin ear bleeding.

Though I think there are well done dubs out there, this is an example of what I find happens most of the time with dubs, and that's why people hate 'em. Dubs seem to always have these whiny, scratchy voices that don't fit the original characters at all, so shows are hardly ever done "right" (side note, I think the butler is the guy that did Myouga and Happosai in the Inuyasha and Ranma dubs actually). I watched Bastard! and Record of Lodoss War dubbed, and I thought they were pretty good; I think I enjoy them more in English actually, though probably more for sentimental reasons.

IMO, dubbing in general almost always fails to capture the intent, delivery and emotions of their original counterparts (and I don't mean translating lines or dialog). And not just with anime, or Japanese media either. I don't think something like "Run Lola Run" would have been as interesting to me in English.

LOL more than the show? That is both amazing and terrifying, as I don't see how you could add anymore than what I remember. But then again, these guys are the kings of panty shots; I shouldn't underestimate their skills.

The first volume of Najica Blitz tactics has some white cotton panties if you get the boxset. Think i gave em to an old girlfriend.

You want shitty dubs? I suggest anything by 4Kids *cough*OnePiece*cough*

I gotta say rap beats orchestral masterpieces anyday of the week.

By the way I was being sarcastic.

No, I don't want shitty dubs. Lol.

Shitty dubs? I'd say Angel Cop, and the Fatal Fury anime.

I actually prefer the dub over the original version of Battle Arena Toshinden. The anime itself doesn't get any better though, btw...

I rather enjoyed the dubs of Angel Cop and Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture >:|. To be honest, I really don't really judge dubs as harshly as some of you guys do. I enjoy pretty much everything >:3

I rather enjoyed the dubs of Angel Cop and Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture >:|. To be honest, I really don't really judge dubs as harshly as some of you guys do. I enjoy pretty much everything >:3

I enjoyed Angel Cop's dub too, but for different reasons:

the part this video doesn't mention though is at the end the JEWISH CONSPIRACY IS REVEALED


Out of curiosity, what anime music composers do you guys listening to or what anime OST(s) did you like? Strangely, I've been on the lookout for animes with a entertaining OST as of late: whether the anime is good or bad, I could care less (weird, I know). Since Shakugan no Shana II and Over Drive, I've been on a Ko Otani craze as of late; Unless my information is wrong, I'm quite surprised Hitoshi Sakimoto did the Romeo x Juliet OST; I haven't heard from Yoko Kanno since Sousei no Aquarion although I hear she's doing the Macross Frontier OST; I still haven't gotten around to listening to Yuki Kajiura's .hack OSTs enough; and some others I know I'm forgetting to mention but won't because my rant is long enough 8-O

And concerning English dubs, I really don't like companies making some anime characters stick too close to their Japanese counterparts in terms of tone and pitch and wish they simply Westernized them instead of butchering them. "Believe it"

Out of curiosity, what anime music composers do you guys listening to or what anime OST(s) did you like? Strangely, I've been on the lookout for animes with a entertaining OST as of late: whether the anime is good or bad, I could care less (weird, I know). Since Shakugan no Shana II and Over Drive, I've been on a Ko Otani craze as of late;

You've seen Haibane Renmei right? He did the music to Shadow of the Colossus too.

hmm, GOOD OSTS! I know all about this.

Some of my favourites:

ARIA [all of them]



Haibane Renmei

Mobile Suit Gundam [lol]


Read or Die OVA and movies

Sousei No Aquarion [and all the other Yoko Kanno soundtracks, but THIS IS HER BEST EVER]

Ghost in the Shell movies

Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou OVAs [1st OVA has music by Gontiti, the next has music by Choro Club]

original Bubblegum Crisis OVAs


Ergo Proxy [well, most of you would find it boring. I'm an ambient whore. It does have Radiohead on it though!]


Interestingly enough they're all good series as well. Usually if the producers actually put thought into having unique music for their series, chances are the whole anime will be good.

Out of curiosity, what anime music composers do you guys listening to or what anime OST(s) did you like?"

Shiro Sagisu all the way. He did the OSTs to Evangelion and Bleach and they were fantastic (save for the second Bleach OST, which kinda sucked.).

I also liked the OST to dot.Hack//Sign. The anime may have been soul-crushing boring, but at least the music was nice.

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