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Yep, Code Geass still aired as normal. A bunch of TVs at the Jusco where I live were showing it.

I was slightly surprised though, as I thought the show aired later in the day than 5:00.


Lelouch is having the old 'everyone watching my moves but I need to do all the craziest shit nobody can get away with' act like with Light in Death Note. That was great. Can't wait to see more.


There's alot of that stuff available for purchase Brushfire. In fact I'm miffed that I can't find that many models of the mecha compared to the figurines of Geass's female cast.

I'm hoping with Gundam 00 on hiatus Bandai will put out some more Geass models, and not figurines of Karen and CC.







There are the rest of them (save for the 14 new pokemon things that I haven't added to the shelf yet). I get new stuff every two weeks or so. I found a set of Yuna Gun controllers the other day for 45 bux and I think I will pick up in a week. Also I saw the Lulu 16 inch statue but it still sells for 160 bux wherever you are.


I got the red one in there somewhere too. At one piont I was trying to collect all of the Bome figures, but he releases them faster than I can find them. something funny though, after paying 90 bux for the Tora Musume (the winged catgirl one in the first picture link) I found two at a store in Towada for 30 bux a piece. I never felt so ripped off. Also I am still trying to get a nerd in a store down the road from my house to sell me a metal Megazord.


Bome's figures are pretty exceptional, though I only have that Kiddy Grade set because my friends knew that I have the boxset signed by the american VA for Eclair and got them for my last birthday. I would've bought em' anyway though so they just did me a favor.

On another note, i would really like this one but they're so goddamn expensive now.


If I remember correctly, i saw that thing going for 200~ on ebay and really haven't seen it elsewhere. Unless you know of a place to get it for 60 bucks and care to share?


Anybody here seen Kamen no Maid Guy yet? I thought it was going to be one of those pointless fan service shows (which is half is) but it is absolutely hilarious. I'm also enjoying xxxHolic Kei and Golgo 13 (I love the xxxHolic manga).

Oh, and of course Macross Frontier and Code Geass R2 rock as I just as I knew they would.

I've watched the 1 episodes of a few other series (and have a few more that I've downloaded and yet to watch). Nothing else has really given me that "I have to watch this" feeling.


Kaiba looks like it's the artistic one out of the whole group. Can't say it's a must watch because it's so abstract and weird, but I'm pretty impressed by it. It is trippy to say the least. Also, Daughter of Twenty Faces had one of the best first few episodes of the season. It's like the old Lupin and Sherlock Holmes thief adventures done with a style.

As for Golgo 13, I'm unexpectedly liking it a lot too. Not bad for one of the oldest manga of its type.


I'm having a hard time picking an anime to watch lately. I have all of Code Geass and have tried watching the first EP but nothing caught my eye. I watched the first 2 of Hatenkou Yugi and it seems ok. The first episode of Bus Gamer was really cool I thought. I've tried getting into Fate Stay Night too. The last couple anime I watched that really hooked me right off the bat were Monster and Gurren Lagann. I haven't started watching Gundam 00 yet either but the first season has finished.


As for Golgo 13, I'm unexpectedly liking it a lot too. Not bad for one of the oldest manga of its type.

How could you not? Duke Togo is one of the smoothest mutha fuckas around 8).

If I remember correctly, i saw that thing going for 200~ on ebay and really haven't seen it elsewhere. Unless you know of a place to get it for 60 bucks and care to share?

Game Souko in Towada City has a crapload of different things (including pr0n figures for some odd reason) and Phoenix in Misawa has a good selection of things as well. Like I said, I'll take a look this weekend when I head out and about.


Hey Brushfire, just curious, but do you know of Hobby JAPAN?


I can find it in most convenient stores here in Nagoya. It's how I know of the Code Geass figurines I mentioned earlier and such.

After seeing the extent of your collection, and your efforts I just figured I'd ask. It's how I find the existence of a lot of what's out there, even though I can barely read it.

Hey Brushfire' date=' just curious, but do you know of [i']Hobby JAPAN?


I can find it in most convenient stores here in Nagoya. It's how I know of the Code Geass figurines I mentioned earlier and such.

After seeing the extent of your collection, and your efforts I just figured I'd ask. It's how I find the existence of a lot of what's out there, even though I can barely read it.

I pick it up every now and then but I am not a fan of it. It may as well change it's name to the the "Gundam and Other Stuff" Magazine but every now and then there is something cool in it. For the most part of what I buy its usally whatever caught my eye in the store that I am looking through.

Also, decent Bleach figures are hard to come by.

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