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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    David M. Hubbard
  • Location
    Bradenton, FL
  • Occupation
    Royal Knight Of The Order Of Remixer Huggers

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    1. Not Interested or Available
  • Composition & Production Skills
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Drums, Vox

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  1. The first time I played TF2 was in the dayroom of the 373rd Support Squadron at Misawa Air Base in Japan. It was April 1st, 2008, and I had been to the BX with some friends and we all bought a box copy of the Orange Box. Those were the Halcyon Days when I was a younger man, and had time and expendable income and an imaginary wife.
  2. So no Modship anymore, huh?
  3. Good
  4. Id imagine since you arent getting sub money, it'd be fine. I dunno though. VGDJ and OCAD were like 20 years ago, and times change.
  5. Who could forget you? You are the sexy percussionist from the future!
  6. @Level 99 started up a ranch community in Black Rock Cave, Texas. Ole @Vilecat moved out there too. People say on soft, breezy night, you can still hear his beard rustling on the wind, saying sweet words and slurping poutine. @Epicenter stopped visiting as soon as they made robot wives effective and affordable.
  7. Hey you guys should make me a TF2 Mod again.
  8. It isn't easy balancing school, work, fanfiction podcasting, and a lovelife, but I somehow manage to fit in eight hours of gaming in a day.
  9. 2 to 6 hours of battery. That is not great.
  10. Currently playing it for the Nerdyshow Network twitch stream. It is a lot of really cool moments, cheesy writing, great level design, and fun firefights. I am 50% in love.
  11. NB4 BAN Now Fanart:
  12. How long is it's battery life too. Also how hot does it run? ALSO:
  13. Daddy DS said no. They wouldve been clothed.
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