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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Guillaume SAUMANDE
  • Location
    France Paris
  • Occupation
    computer scientist


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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)

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  1. Great to see a cover in french! Lyrics are positive and make me smile :) Unexpected combinaison of these two sources. But the result is great and unique. Good job!
  2. Yes, what you've done with Directwave could be a good way to get a preview of what you need for the arrangement. When you will be OK with your structure, I really invite you to record this with a real playing. If it's not possible, you can maybe find some one with the forum. Maybe a major chord could be a good idea to conclude. But I almost thought about a ending to get a longer arrangement (2'35, it's short). Maybe continue the rythme with harmony before you conclude with these repeted notes. Drums are indeed a bit dry, notably snare.
  3. I like the spirit of the arrangement, the flute playing and rhythm progression. But it's short, it needs more development. Notably, you can add intro before the main melody. And also an outro. I find the ending too abrupt. The synthe between 1'30 and 1'50 is a little too loud for me. Guitar sounds good, but it will much better with a real player. As for flute, if it's possible for you to record this.
  4. Here is an acoustic arrangement of “Aurora” and “Down to a Dusty Plain” from the game “Child of Light” composed by Cœur de Pirate. https://soundcloud.com/bluelighter0085/child-of-light-to-the-sky-and-the-stars-aurora?si=6f2b9184213c451abea56addfcf01473&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing I’m grateful to all artists who have collaborated with me. Credits: Bluelighter: arrangement, mixing, piano @Bowlerhat : flute @Dewey Newt : trombone @MooglePower : acoustic Guitar, acoustic bass, hand drum (bendir) Original songs : Aurora : Down to a Dusty Plain :
  5. It’s sounds really promising! The first half is really good for me. With the voice variations, you make a good atmosphere. An electro rhythm starts at the 2nd half. Some good sonorities, but I think it lose in coherence. I like the idea of a rhythm in this 2nd part, but I feel it too powerful compared to the 1st half. It seems like we hear two different pieces. The rhyme can be lightened IMO. A 2nd point disturbs me. I well recognize accompany of the original, but not the main melody. You made good variations on this one. But I think it need to appears nearer than we hear it in the OST. You can for example place this melodic line when the rhythm starts. Anyway, I really like the direction you choose with this mix. Interesting atmosphere with the beginning, and a good potential on the following !
  6. Here is a piano arrangement of Underwater Ruins (composed by J. Nakano) and No Hopes, No Dreams (composed by N. Uematsu) Enjoy !
  7. Thanks for your feedback. I've yet contacted John Stacy ; he seems to be not available at the moment. But it's still open if he wants to collaborate.
  8. Hi, I'm looking for a French Horn player for my orchestral arrangement of ff7 - debut Original : Debut Remix : https://soundcloud.com/bluelighter0085/ff7-debut-orchestral-versionmp3/s-Ujqrux8Ip94?si=155ad00c71744149bfa207fdb9227a10 I've yet found a flutist and a trombonist. The horn will reinforce melody at some parts. I’ve yet well advance at the mixing. I want to post it at the end of November. Contact me by PM if you are interested.
  9. Hey, Here is a remastered version of Raid on Dollet (unreleased track) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBcpiGMTzcQ Enjoy!
  10. It sounds promising! I like the concept, notably at the intro with voice and cello. At 1'00, I find it's a little closed to the original. We have the same notes in guitar with the voice addition. You need to take more liberty with the source. You have yet good material to continue on this!
  11. Hey there, I've a suggestion of upgrade for the main page. Some zones indicates the last additions on the forum. I've noticed that date format indicated only houre and minute. We don't have information on the date, which that can be problematic if addition have been made add different dates. Especially as some people are not on the US Time Zone Topics are : community discussion remix comment workshop remixes competitions
  12. I've seen some sheet musics on this topic : Sheet I don't remember if for this piece the sheet music is available
  13. Link updated : https://soundcloud.com/bluelighter0085/muppets-racemania-free-ride-funfair-remix
  14. https://soundcloud.com/bluelighter0085/muppets-racemania-free-ride-funfair-remix
  15. Hi, Here is a piano arrangement of "If you open your heart" from ff7. This is not a major theme of the game. But I find this music interesting to work on. About the inspiration, there are a lot of Asian harmonies. I was also influenced by some pieces of Debussy, an author that I like a lot. Any feedback is welcome!
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