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Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma - History

Drawn by Dai

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  • 3 weeks later...

Helloooooooo everybody! A long overdue MINOR UPDATE inbound!

First of all, the management would like to apologise for the lengthy radio silence with regards to this project. Odai and I keep getting side-tracked by that pesky 'real life' stuff and it's been taking it's toll on the deadlines and whatnot. We're going to do our best to keep on top of stuff as much as humanly possible going forwards, so we'll be sending out deadline messages in the near future to ask how you're getting on.

We currently have sources available for pickup if anyone want's to grab an extra track, or if there's any new producers wanting to join the project. Drop me a PM if you're interested!

Call at a Port

As ever if you have any concerns or enquiries please don't hesitate to drop us a message.

Peace out mother-truckers!

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Hey everybody, here's a major update. Short term sad news, long term good. My time has been waning a lot recently, as you've probably noticed by my lack of posts. The majority of my input has been behind-the scenes, while my glamorous assistant @Trism has been dealing with the front of house, as it were. Unfortunately, as things stand, my handle on the little I've been able to do has loosened a lot now as well. Without going into too much detail, life just has a way of making things impossible sometimes and priorities are thrust upon you rather than letting you choose your own.

THEREFORE: Rather than let this project and all the fantastic work you've all done so far slip into obscurity, I've decided to hibernate it for the timebeing. I figure that voluntarily putting a pin in it while I clear my theoretical desk is  a far better option than let the ship run adrift without a captain at the helm.

Thanks for the support so far, folks, we WILL be back. This is just something that has to happen for now

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey folks. I think it's prudent of me to look in every now and again just to show @Trism and I haven't forgotten about this. So I'll be saying "hi" every month or so with a very basic status message.

So... We're still on hiatus, but looking to the future where we can open this back up again. I'm hesitant to give an ETA because I'd be picking numbers out of the air, but hopefully not too long. 

@David "Cookie", thanks for your positivity, it means a lot!

Same goes for you @Jorito, you've been awesome behind the scenes.

@Nathan Allen Pinard Lots of time-consuming and attention-requiring behind-the-scenes stuff lol. Things like collating, micromanagement, asset building, digital gophering, promotion, signing etc. It's an ongoing process and needs more time and attention than we can give it at the moment, And since everybody else on the project has been working so hard on it, it seems unfair to be anything less than impeccable on my end. Ergo the hiatus until Trism and I can once more fully bend our minds towards it. :) 

AAANYWAYS... Cheers folks and keep your ears to the ground. 


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  • 3 months later...


This project still isn't dead! OK, so it hasn't moved since last time I posted, but it's still ever-present in my mind. Good news is that my real-life work commitments are drawing to a close over the next few months (if my contractors keep their promises :P ), bad news is I'm dealing with some family issues, which may yet pose as a stumbling block. Either way, I'm very slowly planning on gearing up towards preparing a schedule to work at jumpstarting this project before the end of the year. @Trism! TRISM! Where is that good-for nothing... Ah there you are. Dust yourself off boyo, I'm looking at you! I'll be in touch in the coming weeks to see what we can do about this.

Anyway, cheers for your unyielding patience folks. Take care, Speak soon(ish). 

Peace Out

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  • DarkeSword changed the title to Paths Less Travelled: Terranigma **ON HIATUS**
  • 2 months later...
On 8/29/2017 at 11:04 AM, LongBoxofChocolate said:

Here's the final product by the way, in case anyone is interested:

Just let me know when we need to send the .wav over 8)

This is epic.  Certainly better jazz instrument samples than I've got.  Maybe add a tad bit more reverb on them with a tiny bit of delay?  The synthwork is amazing.  Love the bending.  Also really like the vibro-bells-things.  When it all comes together with the choir pads it is so awesome. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 3 months later...

**2019 UPDATE**

As of today I am officially taking over as director for this awesome project. Huzzah!

I've contacted everyone who was previously involved with the album to gauge their interest in returning to their tracks and continuing their excellent work. However if people are no longer interested in taking part then their source tracks will become available for claiming, so if you're not currently involved and are interested in signing up watch this space! 

On that note; we do still have 3 tracks that are unclaimed:

Dr. Beruga
Call at a Port

If you want to claim any of these tracks drop me a message and we'll go from there.


I've given everyone two weeks to reply to my messages, so I'll be creating a new 'state of play' post similar to Odai's original one once that time has elapsed. Watch this space, people!


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