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  • Real Name
    Will Gaugler
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  • Location
    Wyomissing, Pa
  • Occupation
    Laboratory Technician
  • Interests
    Gaming, music, photography, art, technology


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  • Collaboration Status
    1. Not Interested or Available
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio

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  1. Fourth'd. Go forth. And jingle. Go for and jingle. Edit: I just wanted to add a note here that I have updated the site just a little while ago. I moved the first ten albums to their own page to make the pages load more easily for anyone wanting to go and grab the currently available albums. Thankfully the site update lends itself to that sort of thing, though I'm sure I could do better with time and more skill. But hey, it's what I have time for. Really looking forward to this year's album. Can't wait! (Also, this is your reminder that it's currently October and you have about two months or so left to the deadline!) Edit #2: Right now, the links for the two pages are currently showing as being at the top of the page, I assure you that's not where I put them. They should be after the text paragraphs but before the albums. It works that way on the local site on my PC, but for some reason is not yet showing up on the live site. That said, all of the files associated with the site were updated, including the CSS pages as I had to do some CSS for this as well. So, it should show up soon, and if it doesn't, I'm not sure what to do about it.
  2. That sounds really cool. I will have to look into that. Thank you!
  3. In time, I will iron out all of the other issues. But for now, it's an improvement over the old site. I had intended on some other method of showing/hiding the albums. But until I learn the requisite JavaScript and associated libraries necessary to facilitate that, this will do. I can adjust the background a little bit, but it does make other elements on the page pop a bit, which is intended for readability. I actually messaged The Coop about the color scheme, and made a call on the colors. Originally, it was supposed to be a green color scheme. I have some other ideas that I'd like to explore thematically.
  4. So I wanted to take a moment to say a few things. First, I want to thank everyone, all of the fans, all of the artists who've contributed to the albums over the years; you have my heartfelt gratitude and it has been an honor to help keep this album series going all these years. Secondly, about the updated site; part of the reason for the update is that I'm learning frontend development, well trying to at any rate, that said a site update has been long overdue. Going forward all of the albums will be on the main page, and they will be chronologically newest to oldest. This means no more clicking around to each volume to grab the albums you want. You can do that from the home page. This also has made my life easier and increased the speed at which I can get everything done and posted. I think I just spent about 20 minutes adding all the information onto the site itself, testing it, and then uploading it all to the server. I used to have to go to each and every page to update navigation and that was a very time consuming task. So, there's that. I've also long wanted to change the color scheme. Initially, I was going to stick with green because I love the color, but also because it featured on the original version of the site. I decided to mix it up a bit and go with a blue color scheme, and I think it's a lot nicer. The Coop should be adding the link to the site to the top of this thread soon-ish. That said, for now, I'll post the link here: https://williammichael.info/aocc Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! Enjoy volume 17!
  5. I'd like to make an announcement that has been long overdue I recently decided to start a redesign of the AOCC site. My hope is to have the new design live for the release of Volume 17 of the album. I have a few more adjustments to make to the site, but I feel it's coming along nicely. That's all for now!
  6. You know, there's always room for an anime-centric remix album. There's some really delightful anime with Christmas episodes out there. I'd love to hear an album like that someday. Hopefully someday is sooner than later.
  7. I've been so busy I totally missed the thread in July. Here I am just checking in. Looking forward to this!
  8. I'll create a zip and upload it. It will take a little bit of time. Check back in about half an hour from the time of this post. Edit: I have uploaded a .zip file, and linked it on the page. If there are any further issues, please let us know and we'll try to solve it as quickly as possible.
  9. That's really odd. I went to the web address, and it seemed to work for me. I'm not sure why it would be down unless it was updating certificates. I know there's been some activity lately by DreamHost, the service I use for the site.
  10. My, how time flies. It is October now, almost time for Halloween, and then it won't be long before Thanksgiving when we're all stuffing our faces full of turkey and pumpkin pie. I hope you're all doing well. @Cyril the Wolf, don't forget about your track. Wouldn't want to disappoint someone.
  11. You know, when this got started I never imagined that this project would continue on for so long. I thought it would go for a year or two and then folks would lose interest. And that would've been okay, because I knew someone else would've picked up the torch and kept it going, or started a different project around the same themes. But sixteen years is a long time. I was 25-years-old when this project started. That it's still going now that I'm 41, and with so many folks still contributing year after year, it's really a special thing here. Even though I only build the page for each new volume, I'm still proud of the work being done by everyone, especially The Coop, who keeps it all going and manages to write his own songs each year. So, I want to thank each and every one of you. Seeing this continue, sixteen years and counting, speaks to the power of the music and to the community. Thank you for keeping this going, every single one of you.
  12. Excellent. *rubs hands together a la Mr. Burns*
  13. I'm okay. Just busy with real world shenanigans. A new design might not wait. I'm either going to shorten the list to simply thr numerical, or, I'll build a flexbox to make a list of clickable front album covers. We'll see. Edit: I've built the new album page and have updated all of the links for each of the pages. Since we're on the subject, it's become rather tedious to update so many pages each year. That said, I'm thinking about evolving to a one page design. Unfortunately, I lack the technical ability to pull this off. I've really been lax in learning development, but I suppose now would be as good a time as any to get back on that horse. Truthfully, the last two years have been hard on everyone, including myself. So, having said that, I'm not attempting to excuse myself from learning things that will clearly only help me, I'm, well, I've just been having trouble staying focused. Before this turns into some Tumblr or LiveJournal nonsense, yes, I'm working on it; no it's not easy for me. But I'll keep going anyway. @The Coop
  14. You know, I almost entirely forgot about this. It's...it's been a long year. That said, I'll be ready to build the new page and update the site. Though, to be honest, it's really time to update the design, too. I've been rather lax with it. Maybe I'll add a sidebar. Maybe not... Anyway, It'll be fun to post the project again this year. I'm looking forward to it.
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