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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/2015 in all areas

  1. Sounds like an 80s remix with less reverb on it. Very well done!
    1 point
  2. Guys, what is the holdup on getting me the WAVs? If someone's hard drive goes, the album is gone... So Rozo or Meteo, whoever has the WAVs, give me the WAVs. Hook me up!
    1 point
  3. Option 1 sounds good though I also like the idea of auto-complete/suggestions based on what other users have done. Maybe "Preferred" instead of favorite plugins/libraries?
    1 point
  4. With OCR around, I hardly ever feel the need to buy music. I pre-ordered History Repeating. Money damn well spent. Their lyrics are cheesy but often clever, their arrangements are a lot of fun, and their playing is fantastic (listen closely to the guitar solo in Annihilation of Monsteropolis--most guitarists just sort of smush their fingers all over the strings at that part, but they hit every note. I finally understood "hammer-on/pull-off" outside of Guitar Hero once I saw this live). If only they'd write faster.. I believe they all have full-time non-music jobs, so I get it, but man it's hard to wait years between each of their albums.
    1 point
  5. This sounds like fun. Maybe I should try to bribe Eino again, worked out pretty well in the Shovel Knight compo
    1 point
  6. It's finally here! Words cannot express
    1 point
  7. Boy, you can really tell when a piece is reaching for the stars, and this one is it. This is a big concept and a bigger vision, and I'm so happy that the piece's quality lives up to it. 2:10 on particularly soars in this arrangment, bringing the song up to the point where the Latin and subsequent musical changes really work - I feel like I just witnessed words by a few survivors being spoken over their fallen rebellion comrades (Josef?) as they contemplate what they have accomplished in standing up to the Imperial Army. Congratulations on making a signature piece of an album. Worthy and memorable.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
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