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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2015 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. I see that, and raise you this beaut.
    2 points
  3. I think what you're hearing may be the melody jumping to and/or away from chord extensions, which makes them stand out more than if they were approached/left by step. The harmony for the section from 1:29 to 1:43 is: Eb M7(9, or arguably an anticipation of the next chord), Bb M7(9), D mi, A mi7/C(b13) [or C add13(11)] with the extended melody notes listed in parentheses. In particular, the F to C to F jump happens twice (1:31 and 1:39) and doesn't completely sit within the unextended harmony either time. EDIT: Not sure how familiar you are with theory regarding chord extensions and their notation, so if you have questions, certainly ask.
    1 point
  4. 2:30-2:31. You sneaky bros.
    1 point
  5. We can attempt to force download by specifying MIME type for MP3 as application/other, I believe... however, this does seem like an oversight in Edge that I have to think WILL be fixed, given the fundamental nature of the action in question. I need to get a Win 10 test machine together, clearly
    1 point
  6. Between a Nicolas Cage black metal track, an orchestra dubstep arrangement, and Eino's crazy rock remix, this album will be the weirdest OCR will ever release.
    1 point
  7. oh, you guys Without the megacollaboration (including mr. Zieja, the fastest clarinet slinger in the western hemisphere), it would be nothing but a miserable pile of musical ideas. I'm amazed how well it holds together now. :->
    1 point
  8. Having worked on this track a bit myself I can definitely agree, it's cool in all its quirkiness and has been stuck in my head for a few days now... also due to some very wacky solo'ing by one mr. McGee. Oh, and just to confirm that I made good progress on the mixing this week and that I feel this track will be finished this month if Eino gives his blessing
    1 point
  9. Eino's mix may or may not be the whackiest (and most amazing) track I've ever been a part of. I can't wait for you nerds to hear it. <3
    1 point
  10. If you're not blessed with perfect pitch or whatever that is called, then your only way of getting better is by practicing. Listen to songs and try to guess what notes are playing (preferably by playing along as timaeus suggests). If you practice lots you'll eventually get good at it!
    1 point
  11. I think i prefer "Eino Keskitalo" for the signature, if that's not too much trouble! I'm going first for Maverick Astley. Let's roll.
    1 point
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