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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2015 in all areas

  1. Esperado

    What DAW should I use?

    i personally would say go for Logic Pro, it's 200 for the full version (last I checked) and since you've got a MacBook it will run like a dream. Also there's reaper which a few people around here swear by and its 50$ for the full version.
    1 point
  2. Tritto (that's a thing, right?) *EDIT* I take back my tritto; I've chosen my track
    1 point
  3. If you missed the first episode of Season 13 of the new podcast (which aired right before MAGClassic) converted from my similarly styled FM radio show, as part of my continued support of Video Game Music and OverClocked ReMix I will be sending Beatdrop to ‪MAGFest 2016‬!!
    1 point
  4. Thanks, all! THe drum mixing situation was kind of a mess for a myriad of reasons, one of which was that the overheads were off for the whole session and we had to use the camera audio (oh god) and it made all of the drums sounds a bit...unique. Do you hear the same stuff with other videos, because we may have used a different kick drum placement on that session and I'm curious if it was that or maybe just in the mixing. Also, I bet our sax player will get a kick out of the Windfish comment. That's totally his jam!
    1 point
  5. IPS 4.X is responsive, so the need for a separate mobile skin goes away. We'll be upgrading this year, and it will provide the foundation for many exciting new features that we've been promising for years, so I'm pretty psyched. You can preview how it looks, more or less, @ https://community.invisionpower.com/topic/217868-the-world-cup-2006-thread/ You'll notice that on phones, you still get first / prev / next / last, BUT you can also click on the "Page X of X" and go directly to a specific page. After we upgrade the forums, we'll also be upgrading the whole site to be responsive... that should also be this year, so it's going to be a very busy fourth quarter for yours truly!
    1 point
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