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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/14/2015 in all areas

  1. Sorry about the continued radio silence here guys, but I promise this is coming soon. We got bumped back by other albums (FF9, hello there!), but this is still definitely in the works and coming very soon. I released a preview of one of my tracks on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/flexstyle/super-mario-world-2-yoshis-island-do-yoshi-what-i-see-preview And my Patreon backers can actually download the entire song right now! https://www.patreon.com/flexstyle?ty=h Thanks for your patience, and I assure you -- I'm as anxious as you are to get this thing released!
    2 points
  2. Like I said, every major DAW is pretty much great these days. Even Logic which I personally dislike working in. You can't go wrong. They all borrow so many features from each other that it really is a subtle flavor difference.
    1 point
  3. Well, now compo is almost over and I guess it's time to say something about my first MM Competition. Lot of creative and good musicians. Lot of great music and greatest ppl in the world. Too little time. Due to life's things I had no experience. Had lot ideas for "trio", probably i'll try to unite our team in future. Thanks! People who gave their thoughts about remixes. This mean a lot for any musician. Now.. The only thing i didn't like in this como. I had a strong feeling that i'm listening an album of ONE single artist. Since first round till the last. Some electronic dude or girl made most of the tracks for his/her album and put em to this compo. It's just sounds like this for me. Same drums sound, same synths and mixing structure. As I said, most of remixes can be united to one album. Cause sound is the same. Someone say that everybody use same tools.. Yes. All of us using same tools. Still, we have our own sound. No offence! Just my ears. Sorry if you got me wrong. Best of all for OC people! Thank you voters and critics! Oh! Sorry for my suck tracks.. I failed my first competition
    1 point
  4. Just chiming in to say: great album name!
    1 point
  5. I agree with Justin that the intro is too sudden. But wow, nice mood! I hear plenty of source. The bass is boomy, it could use some eq to tame the wild lows and then some compression could be added to smooth it all out. The lead guitar also has just a bit too much in the low mids. I love the distortion and the raw feel of this. Nice mix of sounds, I don't even mind the panning, it is working well here and creates a very cohesive soundstage. Drum kit sounds good and appropriate. Nice arrangement, nice performances. Works for me. YES
    1 point
  6. The sudden entrance of everything at the onset didn't quite strike me the right way as it didn't sound like a clean entrance, but it was quickly remedied with the section that followed. Liking the guitar & bass work. The track definitely has a loose (dare I say, indie rock?) style & feel to it. The track sounds somewhat lo-fi to me in general, which isn't necessarily detrimental given the style. This is perhaps part of what Palp was referring to and I do agree with him that the drums do sound a bit weak in context. Arrangement sounded solid in both source usage and personalization. Cool stuff here, nice work. YES
    1 point
  7. Yeah source usage sounded ok to me. There are parts where the melody is played with and the chords follow the original instead. It sounds pretty connected to the source, though a bit liberal at times. There was something about the production the rubbed me a little wrong. It sounded like there was an element missing or a frequency range that was not well-covered. The drums are a little weak and maybe that's what I'm hearing. However, the live playing and moody soundscape compensate for it. It's a great take on the source; inspired work. I wouldn't be surprised if this catches some NOs but I think it's above the bar. YES
    1 point
  8. Another cool, crunchy guitar/synth jam from Eino! I find your stuff growing on me with each successive listen. Although your tracks generally seem pretty texturally straightforward to me at first listen, there's a deceptive amount of craft and detail that goes into each arrangement that makes them enjoyable. This track is no different. Love the use of distortion effects and lead guitar tone. I feel like your guitar work is outshining the synths in terms of expressiveness, but they fit pretty nicely regardless. Overall, this is firing on all cylinders - the only reason I paneled it was because some of the source usage went off rails at times, and I wanted to make sure it jived with everybody else. Eino himself said it was more liberal than usual, but the breakdown seems to check out for me. Quality work! YES
    1 point
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