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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2015 in all areas

  1. Uh-oh, I find myself agreeing with Meteo and nodding my head reading his post... getting worried Since I'm a word freak: there's a difference between something BEING responsible for something else, and something being HELD responsible for something else. Based on your "scientifically proven" comment (it's more that it hasn't been proven that causation exists, not that it's been proven that it doesn't exist, FYI), I'm thinking you meant BEING responsible, not being HELD responsible, right? Also, conservatives have had their share of demonizing art & asserting its causation with undesirable behaviors; it's a bipartisan hobby Here's my point: I'm interested in good art. If that art speaks to the human condition, explores new ideas, and asks me to face complexity and think about things differently, we're all good. Even if that art CAN be "scientifically proven" to increase violence in 5% of the population, over a short period of time after consumption, what then? Even if it IS responsible - to whatever extent - should it ever be HELD responsible? Also, what other effects are you studying? Maybe there's a compensating short or long-term benefit? Difficult to know... you don't really want to go down this road, as it doesn't lead to nice places w/ regard to artistic expression. Anita walks all the way down the road, stops at the big door at the end of the road, and ALMOST knocks... but then reminds everyone that she's NOT advocating for censorship OR saying that the games she criticizes shouldn't exist. Therein lies the problem: the "reasoning" all fits a certain pattern, but it's being excused because of a repeated disclaimer, which seems disingenuous given all the vitriol & certitude... He's... not wrong; NativeJovian seemed to give objectification an "out" as not inherently being sexist, but only if that objectification was for characters that weren't JUST window-dressing. Well, either you're okay with mindless sexual objectification or you're not... you need to decouple those issues. Is all pron sexist? Only some? In some ways, as Meteo points out, it's WORSE if a meaningful, well-written character is also inordinately voluptuous... it was a rather meaningless stipulation, in my mind...
    1 point
  2. Just saw this thread. One of the sound engineers at my company was the singing voice of Alvin from '82-'88.
    1 point
  3. Necrox

    FL Sfz support

    Thank you!
    1 point
  4. timaeus222

    FL Sfz support

    Okay, now that I'm home, I've opened up sfz and yeah, I also don't see .sfz files in the FL browser. However, once you get sfz working, you can get around it by left-clicking the rectangle next to "File" and browse for it in the window that pops up, and then you would see .sfz, .sf2, .wav, and .ogg files as you browse via sfz.
    1 point
  5. Hmm, it's an interesting approach. I didn't notice that you didn't use an actual baritone, but it is noticeable that the bari sounds less good, and more out of tune, then the other lines. So I wouldn't say it's a bad approach, but learning to play multiple saxes really has its advantages, and is a lot easier and better in the end. I'm not sure a clarinet would add much in this mix. You don't really need much more at the higher end, imo. But, a clarinet is a really useful instrument, so I'd still advice to get better at it. As for your bass problem, I think it wouldn't be nessecary to have a bass in it. If you arrange your bari sound better, then you already have a better overall sound. When I arrange, most of the time I give the Bari and bass the same lines. But, if you were to get a bass, then it'd be easier, arranging wise. I'd personally just ask a bassist to help me, as I don't know how VSTi's work, but that's just a matter of personal preference. I think what's important to remember is that when you choose your instrumentation, it doesn't really matter what's usually used, or is easier to do. In the end it all comes down to what sound you're trying to get. Two weeks ago, I had a workshop from John Clayton, who is a really well known bass player and arranger for big band, and he told me: "There is no good or bad music. In the end, as a composer or arranger, you're trying to mirror the music inside your heart. And you can't judge someone's heart.". So if you imagine your mix to be something with a bass line, or with clarinets or whatever, then you should try to capture that sound. If you do not, then you should do whatever you can to get the sound you do desire. As for voicing, it really is complicated. The feeling I get when I listen to your mix is that you don't really know what chords you're using and that you're just playing whatever sounds nice. Which isn't really how arranging works. I think that before jumping into voicing things, you first should get some information on music theory, and then especially seventh chords, tensions and all that stuff. And getting some experience with transcribing is nice as well. I don't know if you figured this song out by ear, or by midi/sheets/anything else, but you really should do everything by ear imo. You're a good musician, so I think you'd be able to do that with some practise. (If you didn't already). Good luck!!
    1 point
  6. Yupyup that can be done easily. I can put that in no problem. All these last minute edits are a regular thing and always to be expected, good thing I always keep my PSD's!
    1 point
  7. i am judging purely based off this iteration and this iteration alone i dig it and i dig it hard. lots and lots of energy and that's key for me given its stylistic makeup (EDM but not really... which is cool); it stays fresh and doesn't get repetitive. the bass does seem a smidge WHOAAAAA but it doesn't bother me, i'm good with it. plenty of source, good arrangement, sounds like you know what you're doin, makes me think i might know what i'm doin so thank you for that and all in all a YES
    1 point
  8. This track had my support in its original form and this revision only polishes the edges even further. Production sounds rock-solid now and the minor loose ends such as the ending are right where they should be now. The futuristic Deus Ex vibe works so well with the minimalist source tune, and I'm a big fan of the unconventional soloing throughout the track. To the front page with you! YES
    1 point
  9. This has basically got the sound of OCR circa 2006, but I think it works well enough here as well. The boxes are checked: production is passable, source is definitely used effectively throughout, can't really nitpick too much. I think it's a bit odd-sounding if taken as a traditional EDM song, but that's not really the point here. Not getting any opposition from me! YES
    1 point
  10. I think the mixing issues have been addressed. I still find the writing somewhat directionless, but it's not really bothering me as much this time around. The mix has the industrial/crazy feel of the game, the portals to everywhere and nowhere, and Cave Johnson with his insane rants about lemons. I'm actually going YES this time.
    1 point
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