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  1. I know Im not the ONLY person who's excited to play the next Mirrors Edge game. We got less than a week left to wait! Solar Feilds is back on deck for what hopefully is another stellar soundtrack. The open world seems like it will be a good (if not obvious) addition, and the addition of multiplayer is hopefully going to spice things up. Time trials got a little old after a while last time. Who else is excited, or even just intrigued?
    1 point
  2. timaeus222

    Sunshine EP

    More often than not, making a buildup fuller increases the anticipation for the drop. So maybe, you might have some prolonged snare rolls, plus a riser, plus the melody during the buildup, and then perhaps a short fill right before the drop starts, if applicable. A recent example of mine is this: You can tell that 0:33 - 0:48 is a buildup, and that 2:36 - 2:52 is a bit of a larger buildup (due to the more intense sequencing at 2:48 - 2:52). Using the same Rollerball example above: Even though the sound palette is perceivable as consistent throughout the track, it's not so similar that you can't tell where you are in the track at a given timestamp. 0:33 - 0:48 is a buildup, due to the prolonged snare rolls, the riser, and the fuller soundscape at 0:40 - 0:48 adding more hype. 2:36 - 2:52 changes it up at 2:48 - 2:52 and adds more subdivided sequencing for even more hype than the first instance of the buildup. The repeat of 0:48 - 1:19 at 2:52 - 3:23 is noticeably different in the rhythm and melodic contour (if you have to listen back a few times to notice it, that's OK). Even though the sound palette is similar, the composition is varied. There's a low-energy chill solo section at 1:19 - 1:50, with softer half-time drums, greater focus on the e. piano than before, and a more ambient/atmospheric feel. There's a lower-energy breakdown section at 1:50 - 2:21, with no drums except cymbals, greater focus on slow-attack pads, and overall a "slower", even more atmospheric (and cosmic) feel. There's a low-energy lead-in (2:21 - 2:36), with very soft e. piano and bell arpeggios, as well as soft 4-on-the-floor high-passed drums; it leads back to the buildup variation at 2:36 - 2:52. In terms of energy, it kind of went Low (Intro), Medium (Buildup), High (Main), Low (chill solo), Lowest (Breakdown), Low (leading out of breakdown), Medium (Buildup), High (Main v2), Low (Outtro pt 1), Lowest (Outtro pt 2, without drums). If you draw it out, it's basically 1.5 sine waves. Take the time to process this. I think this demonstrates many of the things that I expect there to be in a dynamic EDM track (clear sense of intro, buildup, drop, breakdown section [optional], climax, and outtro; diverse-enough textures). Try to pick out the individual sounds that you can manage, and try to understand their role in the section. I think I mentioned this before, but writing something that you would like is probably more productive in your musical output. If you keep writing what your audience likes, then if you don't like what you're writing, I don't see why you'd be satisfied with that. Audience tastes can be very subjective, so if you keep catering to them (as selfish as this sounds), you might actually be less productive in your musical output. This is just one man's take on this, but that's what I think.
    1 point
  3. Yeah, they fit better than I originally thought. Good luck to you too. Well, I did not have that much time, I only have some basic stuff, but the weekend is coming, so I'll work a lot on my entry then.
    1 point
  4. I'm doing well and so is my entry. I'll be finished either Saturday or Sunday. With a little transposing, it wasn't very difficult to harmonize the main melodies of the two pieces. I'm not sure if it will get the majority vote but I'm putting my all into it (as usual). Good luck Yami. Also I don't want to be rude and this is just my opinion. However I really wanted to like "Ancient Bass of Hope" (Ayla's theme is rather nice) but it's not my cup of tea (so to speak). Also really like "No Time to Lose" (although 'Binding of Issac' has an amazing soundtrack on its own ...) and would like to congratulate Chernabogue on a job well done. I really hope "Terra" theme (KH BBS) will be included in the competition (it's such an amazing character theme).
    1 point
  5. Phantasy Star II 'Burnt Mota' A nice long epic remix from DJP here. Classic ear splitting synths up and down the board and an interesting bell-glassy pad pushing through and through the melodies all the way. Nice.
    1 point
  6. timaeus222

    Sunshine EP

    For "Sunshine", the same sidechained saws were repeated quite a bit, so it got tiring to listen to. The buildup at 0:40 didn't really connect with 0:44. I expected 0:44 to be more interesting, but it's the same textures as before plus a violin and some padding. It just doesn't feel as big as it suggests it should be. I think it was a good starting point, but it still sounds like a work in progress. Not really electro house, by the way. It sounds like house or trance. For "Daylight", 0:44 was a pretty good dropoff. It could have used a transition, though. 1:15 needed a clearer transition, one that started at around 1:12, because that was actually a good climax. This is closer to electro house, but it's mostly house. 1:45 needed another transition sound, like a snare roll or something. The ending cut off prematurely. For "Shade", immediately there's a trance-style sidechain. I like the dropoff around 0:40. This is effective. At 1:11, the saw waves confirm to me that it's trance. It's good, but it's not electro house like you had said. The climax is more like electro house, but it took a while to qualify as that. 2:36 - 2:39 gets a little cluttered in the bass. I don't think the vocal clips really added much, but they were OK.
    1 point
  7. I put out this album with ONLY PC remixes earlier this year. 8 of the games are from before 2000 https://wasdband.bandcamp.com/album/shift
    1 point
  8. OC ReMix presents Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors ~II. WATER~!! April 25, 2016 Contact: press@ocremix.org FAIRFAX, VA... OverClocked ReMix today released its 57th community arrangement album, Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors ~II. WATER~. The album consists of nine arrangements of composer Nobuo Uematsu's original score to the 1992 Super Nintendo game, Final Fantasy V, developed and published by Square. It is available for free download at http://ff5.ocremix.org, and is the second of a planned series of five albums honoring the game's soundtrack. The long-awaited second volume of The Fabled Warriors, WATER finally arrives after OC ReMix's initial 2010 entry, WIND. WATER features eight artists employing mariachi, chiptune, rock, experimental, EDM, Middle Eastern, acoustic guitar, and Celtic elements into their musical tributes. The Fabled Warriors was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Square Enix; all original compositions are copyright their respective owners. "It's filled with awesome music from a really talented bunch of guys. I'm grateful that they've been so patient with me, and I'm happy that you're all going to finally hear their awesome arrangements," said Shariq "DarkeSword" Ansari, director and creator of the album series. The first four albums will follow the four crystals in the game, with themes arranged for all of the corresponding jobs, and the last album will cover new jobs introduced in the 2006 Game Boy Advance release, as well as serve as an endcap to the project. The artwork of The Fabled Warriors: Volume II, featuring Lenna as a representation of water, was designed by Maya "rnn" Petersen, who also created the art of For Everlasting Peace: 25 Years of Mega Man, OC ReMix's commercial album in partnership with Capcom. rnn also fashioned the artwork for OCR's Mario map theme EDM album Super Cartography Bros., and has been featured in UDON's series of video game tribute art books, including Mega Man Tribute. "Now that WATER is finally out, we're going to move on to putting together Volume III: FIRE. I've got big plans, and while it would be irresponsible of me to promise a release date, I will say that after everything I've learned about running all these albums over the years, things are going to move along at a better pace," Ansari affirmed. "Keep an eye out, and in the meantime, enjoy The Fabled Warriors: Volume II: WATER." About OverClocked ReMix Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. ### Download it: http://ff5.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Final_Fantasy_V_-_The_Fabled_Warriors_~II.WATER~.torrent Comments/Reviews: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/43318-/ Preview it:
    1 point
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