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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2016 in all areas

  1. Super Audio Cart is now available! Audio demos and videos are in the original post, and you can read even more here: http://impactsoundworks.com/product/super-audio-cart/
    4 points
  2. I have a running bet that you won't last 3 days. (Not really)
    2 points
  3. @Norrin_Radd There was an issue with the codes but it SHOULD be addressed now... @zircon indicated it was fixed, at least. The SNES stuff is great, and yeah... the quad layer engine w/ X/Y is flexible, but the mod matrix is something I'm particularly proud of... @Neblix killed it on that one, stretching KSP to its limits - if you compare it to other mod matrices in Kontakt libs, it's best-of-breed. And we've got plans for extending it in SAC 1.1... Also planning on running some SAC-related compos, soliciting presets from the community, etc. and really growing this library over time... I mean, it already has 1000+ presets, so even 1.0 is a super-formidable beast of a release... but it's only gonna get better!
    2 points
  4. VERY excited to see what artists are going to do with this library - the mod matrix + 4-layer engine really allows for some amazing stuff! A few of the presets were designed by yours truly Others were designed by @timaeus222, @Flexstyle, @bLiNd, @Sir_NutS, @Neblix, and of course @zircon!
    2 points
  5. UPDATE: OK so I've finally finished the album art (I think). Let me know your opinions! I'll be updating the banner with similar stuff soon. just as soon as I've tied down suitable dimensions.
    2 points
  6. First gonna check out the other vids and demo tracks, but it looks pretty awesome so far! I wonder if I will last a week before I press the 'buy' button
    1 point
  7. So am I, and I'll reiterate: There should be a mixflood to showcase it. Maybe there aren't enough preview copies out there to merit it, but by all accounts it's flying off the shelves. Plus, if you do a mixflood callout, I bet there will be at least a person or two who will buy it just for the expedited judging.
    1 point
  8. Thanks guys for picking up and enjoying the album! <3 We are working on 2 albums right now - Sophomore Year and a second one, focused on just one game series. ETA unknown, but it will be less of a wait than it was for this one!
    1 point
  9. $100 is what Chipsounds costs. And this has WAY more to offer than Chipsounds. (I am a long-time Chipsounds user).
    1 point
  10. Oh man, I forgot to post back in this thread. I've been listening to the album on the drive to and from work, it's great stuff. The Bravely Default, Mario Kart, and Xenogears/Nights/Tales songs are probably my favorites, but basically the whole album is fantastic. Good stuff. Next album when?
    1 point
  11. AngelCityOutlaw


    They announced today that they're going to be balancing the PC and Console versions differently. I shouldn't be surprised by that at all, but I never really thought about it until I read that. That may very well mean I won't bother picking the game up on PS4 when and if the price drops to play with my friends who don't have a PC. Also, the internet is just killing it with these
    1 point
  12. Kat


    Try to flank it. It turns almost instantly and begins firing into your face. Try to dash past it via Genji or Tracer - Note how during the .2s travel time it locks on and fires several bullets(which all hit you - it has 100% accuracy even on fast moving targets). I'd like to point out your turret-destroying strategies are best-case scenarios. Remember that we also have an entire enemy team to deal with on top of this. On several maps, there is nowhere for the attacking team to snipe it without being within its 40m range. Hanzo and Widowmaker need to line up a shot/charge/etc, which is plenty of time for it to lock on and attack them. The obvious solution is to either shield them with Reinhard or have another team member take the aggro. Using your best-case-scenario logic, we have to assume the enemy team will also have a Reinhardt or other players actively guarding said turrets, or otherwise denying you easy shots at it. This means you're using at least two players to deal with an automatic mechanic created by one player. If they have multiple Torbs and a half decent team, forget about it. I'd also like to note that as someone who plays Genji religiously, I can tell you he can't simply "E" the turret. That works against a Lv.1 turret(though his basic attack is far more effective at that point, considering its slow attack rate and the likelihood of Torb being around to repair it), but the Lv.2 turret has too much health to burst down with Deflect, especially if Torb is attending to it. "Git gud" is never effective in an argument. In most cases it's the equivalent of saying "I can't git gud without that mechanic so you should git gud instead!". By the way, his rivet gun is very effective both in close range and long range. Firing rate is 2RPS and it does 70 damage. His molten core makes his turrets even more powerful while also making him a bigger threat. He is fully capable of defending himself without his turret in it's current state.
    1 point
  13. KaS

    MnP 55: Shinobi 3 - Idaten

    Fixed the link!
    1 point
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