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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2017 in all areas

  1. Review time! El Polar Enker: This is kind of a textbook example of a static arrangement. There are only two leads, the guitar and the piano, and their thin and artificial character makes them sound very similar to each other. The percussion is a simple loop that's varied very little from beginning to end, and there's very little other accompaniment; the Enker section has some mid-range piano playing a simple loop, and that's about it aside from an extremely quiet bass. As for source usage, it's a straightforward A-B-A pattern, which works but isn't very striking. Arctic Robot Dance Party: A good effort at integrating two sources that don't lend themselves to integration in any obvious way. Some good ideas here, although vanilla synths and simple beats do bring it down somewhat. Some of the transitions are a little awkward, and the ending is a little abrupt. King of the Kuiper Belt: I had a very hard time identifying the source usage. On the second listen, I caught some suggestions of both themes, but they're really far afield. Nice approach with the style, although there was an awful lot of the organ lead that could have been switched up a little. Bass and highs were both a little light. Pridemoor Cat: Not bad at all! A little slow and repetitive, but it's trance. There's an odd effect in the first main section and again at the end where the lead is pushed back a little, which almost works, except that the mid-low arp is supposed to fill in the pauses in the Pluto theme, but isn't quite beefy enough to pull it off. I was worried about a simple A-B-A arrangement here, but then you started doing the layered thing, and it worked really well! It was kind of disappointing when that section ended, since it was easily the best part and there was a full minute left. Solid approach overall though. Fellow Knight: Odd how this gradually grows less melancholy and more trancey as it goes, until the end when it reverses. The lead is a little static, but it's a good arrangement. Nice, if brief, layering of the sources.
    4 points
  2. DarkeSword

    Robots vs. Knights

    Hey folks sorry for the delays but music and voting for the past three rounds are FINALLY up. Just want to note a couple of things though, regarding filenames: Team names are Team Knight and Team Robot, not Team Knights and Team Robots vs. should have a period Your source should come first in the (Source vs. Source) section. Make sure you’re submitting 16bit, 44.1KHz WAVs. I had to convert some WAV files last night. Please PM me your links on the forums, not on Discord. Thanks!
    3 points
  3. Finishing my bonus song up. I kinda of cheated because I used part of another song from the Mega Man Battle & Chase ost.
    2 points
  4. Glad you're participating, GCJ! I've got something a little more than just random samples thrown in a song this time. I've never done a DnB-style mix before, so I figured let's do it. I definitely had some beginner woes trying to pick out synths, but I'm glad I went through the experience. Now I at least have a smidgen of experience to build on the next time I try something like this! Entry: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8-q7hg2GtQPN0dNNUhRamQ0WWc
    2 points
  5. My remix is almost finished; I'm pretty proud of the mixing on this one. I might do some tweaking after the competition and actually submit it! Since I'll be doing tweaking after, I won't be putting it up on soundcloud like normal but since I submit directly through ThaSauce now that won't be a problem.
    2 points
  6. All, Just wanted to bring a quick update for anyone interested. I've been a bit inactive like a lot of you due to normal work/relationship things that get in the way. I've also recently upgraded my Studio One DAW which BROKE my Star Fox tracks. Well I finally got enough motivation & time to sit down and reinstall the old version and all my licenses FINALLY got it back to working condition! I'm doing some editing tonight and will hopefully have a new WIP for people to judge within a few days. Please get in my inbox if I don't, as the pressure will help me finish something in time. A little bit of effort ended with a lot of progress for me, so I urge anyone struggling with time or frustration - let me (or anyone else) know if we can help. Even if its just a reminder of what can be accomplished. Thanks everyone, I'm going to continue working now.
    2 points
  7. MindWanderer

    Robots vs. Knights

    I'm putting my round 4 reviews here since the voting thread for that one is just for votes. Armor Medley: Well, it's a piano medley. Does what it says on the box. Almost no integration of themes here, pretty much just three piano covers end-to-end. Lonely Cosmic Workshop: Nice integration of the sources. Severe overcompression, though, and the levels could definitely use some work. Could do without the fake orchestral instruments. Overall, though, this definitely hits the main design goal of the compo. Shovel Power: There's a certain deliciousness in using 80's synths to remix a game designed to emulate 80's game aesthetics. Other than some odd harmonies a little atypical for the genre, I don't have any substantial crits here. Fun stuff! Not So Deviant Ballade: Lots of clashing notes, and the various instrumental lines don't sound like they're integrated in any meaningful way. The vanilla saw lead and the overcompression aren't doing this any favors, either. Ghost in the Machine: As much as I hate cliche titles, you could hardly have chosen a different one here! Accompaniment is frequently off-key. More vanilla leads, but at least it's a couple of different ones. Tinkering on Pluto: A very static arrangement. Instrumentation and beats hardly vary at all after the melody kicks in. Heavily crowded in the mid-highs, making the instruments very hard to distinguish from one another. Seems like some lengthy sections are repeated wholesale.
    1 point
  8. Battle to the Grave: This is full of seriously clashing notes. Timing seems out of sync in a lot of places, too--part of this is due to a lead with a really slow attack, which is really obvious with some of the quick notes that never get the chance to fully form. I'm having a hard time picking out Mercury's theme, but that's not surprising given that what I can hear of Spectre Knight's theme is greatly distorted. The Siege of Venus: Pretty slick concept here to start off with. The jazz works better than after Wandering Travelers starts, though--it tries to be big band, but it's a small band. Panning is also unbalanced--it makes sense to have instruments have a "place" in the audio space, but that can become an issue when all the instruments playing at a particular time at a particular frequency range are on one side. The arrangement was just Venus->Wandering Travelers, no integration between them, and even the genre changed. Four Against One, Sounds like Fun: Interesting take on Wandering Travelers, focusing on the late part of the song. Arrangement is pretty good, mostly the usual production issues here--balance, overcompression--which are secondary concerns for this compo and can always be fixed given time.
    1 point
  9. I'll upload it ASAP. There's no extension, I only edited the deadline temporary to upload PlarianHugger's song.
    1 point
  10. El Polar Enker - Pretty nice Spanish flair to the track. Definitely a opposite of what comes to mind for me when thinking of Polar Knight, but you did a good job with a tough source. Song is a little static, and the ending is a little abrupt. Arctic Robot Dance Party - Blegh. This dude should have worked on his mix much more, and the intro is a little underwhelming/sounds off. He also took a lot of liberties with the Polar Knight source. King of the Kuiper Belt - Herbie Hancock's Chameleon says hello. Love what you did with this track. Everything comes together very cohesively, and that bassline is crunchy peanut butter goodness. Pridemoor Cat - Really nice, clubby track. Leads sound a little weak at times and could create better separation, but overall still a really nice track. Good job from a fellow Robot member!
    1 point
  11. https://www.dropbox.com/s/d7gufxvufkkwawm/Mega Man %26 All Stars Team Kart 64.mp3?dl=0 Just finished the bonus song so I can't upoad it to ThaSauce. I'll just put it here. This includes part of Escape from the same game and allowed me to look in to the weird world of mascot kart racers for inspiration of the song title.
    1 point
  12. Hey all! I know there are already a lot of covers of the main theme of Breath of the Wild, but I REALLY enjoy this song and i just had to cover it. So, I tried my hand at it. In terms of the harmony I didn't change much, it was mostly a stylistic change that inspired me for this tune. The energy of this song is unique for me! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. Feel free to comment or mention any thoughts on it, i'd love to hear what you think
    1 point
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