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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2017 in all areas

  1. "Worthwhile", "Fulfilling", etc. That's really the common denominator among everyone here who has quit. When you're a kid with no job or anything like that, getting the new high score, finding secrets, beating bosses and getting "achievements" actually feel like achievements. It's utterly meaningless when compared against advancing your career, creating works of art, traveling, romantic life, etc. If, as an adult well into your 20s or beyond winning at games is still a proud achievement, you may want to take a step back and reflect on your life up to this point.
    2 points
  2. You're a god among men.
    1 point
  3. Aah, summer. Beautiful choices of sounds and really groovy.
    1 point
  4. I tried upping the kick around 80Hz and dropping the bass and piano around there but that didn't help much. Actually there's no oomph even with the kick track soloed , so I'm going to have to mess around with compression and the other tricks you suggest next. Thanks for your help!
    1 point
  5. Ohhh I thought when there were two tracks you'd have to incorporate both of them into your remix. I bet a mashup of these two would be really nice, actually!
    1 point
  6. Alright ladies imma get the next round off the ground shortly. Had a busy day today...shoulda done it last night, but #reasons. Anyways round 2 is on the way. Also, there is no such thing as over-compressing something APZX. Wall-of-sound compression and clipping is wholesome and good - especially for the ear drums. "Dun dun dun dn dn CLIP IT." "Dun dun dun dn dn CLIP IT GOOD." (done in the style of Whip It Good!) .....okay I'll see myself out the door. Again.
    1 point
  7. Hmmmmm. Kicks are sometimes a difficult one. So, you've got a few options that you can try. I guessed cutting the bass around 60-80Hz would help give the kick a bit more oomph in the mix. But if that doesn't work you can do some sidechain compression of the bass to the kick. That can help the kick stand out a bit more when it doesn't have to compete as much with the bass. Personally, I'd also mult out the kick, but that is just because it affords me more control if I decide to sidechain. Anywho, some other options to try. The kick has a pretty good transient so that kind of forces your hand a bit with what processing you can get away with to make the kick more "punchy". If you decide to go the compression route you've really got two main options to attempt. First, take your meanest and fastest compressor to the task and just grab the entire sound and compress the ever living snot out of it. I'm talking like 12dB GR starting. The idea here is that if the sample isn't "punchy" enough you're GOING to make it "PUNCHY" enough. You'll also need to do EQ after the compressor to rebalance the sound. You can also use targeted EQ before the compressor to make the compressor react more in the manner you want to the frequencies you want. Second, you can actually use paralleled distortion to add in what you feel is missing and blend that in with the original. I do it very often with basslines for more clarity in a busy mix with lots of guitars. You typically don't need a lot, but it does make a world of difference. Another option you can try is some saturation, personally I like Bootsie's TesslaSE for this kind of thing. Sometimes it just phattens up a sound without any real compromise. Past that I'd have to have to the multi to really offer much more advice or you'd have to be a bit descriptive on what you feel is missing.
    1 point
  8. JJT

    ReMixer JJT on SNL

    Hey ocremix pals. Just wanted to let you know I'll be playing SNL this week with my new gig, Father John Misty. Check it out. I'll be the guy on piano. http://jammcard.com/jon-titterington-books-father-john-misty-gig-playing-snl-and-coachella/
    1 point
  9. Patrick Burns

    ReMixer JJT on SNL

    The Big Stage!
    1 point
  10. Cool. I'm glad the rest of the mix sounded alright. I've been playing around with the mix a bit more today and I think I've got the drums sounding a little better now. I'm still having trouble getting the kicks to be punchy enough, but I suspect the problem there may be the samples themselves.
    1 point
  11. Dex, Your mix sounded pretty good on the whole. There are just little things that start separating out a good mix from an okay mix. There is a lot that you can do even with freebie samples. You just have to get a bit clever sometimes with how you treat them and use them. If it says anything I don't think the samples sound bad or anything. I mean you could do a lot just by giving the drums some extra space in the mix with some EQ, reverb, and compression. I've worked with worse.
    1 point
  12. Oh wow, that's lame. Nobody should profit from BadAss except we as directors ;P Have you contacted Polar Eclipse yet?
    1 point
  13. Patrick Burns

    ReMixer JJT on SNL

    nuff said. I was at a workshop put on by one of my favorite guitarists years ago. someone raised their hand and asked, "how do I get noticed?" His response: "get good."
    1 point
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