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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/09/2017 in all areas

  1. This is a fantastic idea. For those not in the know, the Delphinus track can be a bit repetitive but as you travel through the six major continents flying around, subtle tones and beats get introduced that are representative of the culture of the continent you are flying past. I was thinking of having a main remixer handle the front and back ends of the main melody and six other remixers to vary up the middle according to the culture they choose to pick to modify the delphinus theme: Nasrad,Ixa'Taki, Yafutoma, Valua, Forgotten Ice Civilization, Lost Silver Civilization. That was my vision for the piece.
    1 point
  2. Depending on timeframe I think I’m game. One of the tracks that’s very familiar to me and it deserves a good remix. Style-wise I think I’m pretty flexible and I can definitely help out on the arrangement side of things. Anyone else game?
    1 point
  3. First and foremost, this arrangement is incredible. Holy smokes, I'm not sure I'm going to have words to give voice to how much I like the solo soprano part, and the Debussy-esque floating just before the three-minute mark at 2:56 or so. Tremendous work here that everyone needs to experience that reminds me of the vocal stylings of Eric Whitacre and Christopher Tin -- and I don't make comparisons to either of them very often. I agree with the judges that the production brings it down some, however. One of the problems of being compared to the great vocal arrangers of our time is that their work demands great vocal performers, and it's apparent that we don't have that in the choir here (save for the excellent soloists). For me, the bass clef choir voices -- especially the few moments they have to carry us forward -- really stand out as artificial, which brings me out of the experience. I'm a little surprised none of the judges had anything to say about 2:48 (the worst production moment for me after the initial vocal hold that's been discussed elsewhere), but will assume it's because the aforementioned pause is SO GOOD right after that. That being said, it's one of the great vocal arrangements on the site, and we have precious few that make full use of a choir (largely for logistical reasons). Absolutely incredible arranging skills here -- if you ever need voice parts recorded, I imagine that you'll have a number of volunteers (including me, fwiw) happy to step up and help your work shine as brightly as it might.
    1 point
  4. So we've sent the album off to OCR staff for evaluation last week. Now it's a matter of waiting for their feedback In the background we're hard at work finishing off the track order, the artwork and miscellaneous bits 'n bobs. so that we can make the release as smooth as can be. No final confirmed release date as of yet, just stay tuned for any updates on the regular OCR channels!
    1 point
  5. This one was great in the contest, and it's one of my favorites from the entire event, overall. Great arrangement, production passes the bar. I'm happy this is on the site. Yes
    1 point
  6. Excellent textures and drum work, I'm getting some heavy Gramatik vibes here. Arrangement is top-notch, and vocoders are a soft spot of mine, so it's no wonder I love this. I do have to say that when the vocoded lyrics first come up, they aren't clear and mesh too much with the background sustained synths. I also think that the overall mix could've been clearer, in some of the heavy sections the drums duck out a little, and the vocoded section obscures some of the leads at times. I think sections like 03:00 and on would've been served better if the vododed bits "feel the beat, that make your body move" worked in a more call-and-response way with the leads, but when they play together they get a little busy. Anyways none of that would hold this track back, but there's room to improve!. Nice Work. YES
    1 point
  7. Damn, this is awesome as shit. I can recognize the sources right off the bat, but they're all incorporated together seemlessly. The arrangement is amazing. The instrumentation is eclectic (I love eclectic), and those vocoded vocals are amazing. The only thing I can find that could be improved would be the clarity of the vocoded vocals' lyrics, but they're honestly pretty legible, as far as vocoded vocals go. Yeah, easiest pass in a while. Great work, Jorito! YES
    1 point
  8. This is pretty darn cool. I like the filtered intro. The vocoded lyrics are excellent. The lead synth timbre is a little bit dry. Lots of good backing arps and ear candy. I like the acoustic drum cameos. I like the arrangement although is suffers from a bit of samey-ness, but there are nice harmonies and backing elements thrown in to the repeated sections to mix it up. The arrangement could really use a drumless breakdown somewhere, to give the listener a break from the relentless beat. I love how you wove in Vampire Killer, it's subtle and fits perfectly. Overall, it works for me. YES
    1 point
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